The next day, Su Mian arrived at Renhe Hospital early in the morning. Dean Li first gave her a detailed report on the two months.

"Su Mian, can you call Wenwen back, it won't work if he is not there."

"Why not?"

"Now there is a hospital called Shengjing Hospital, which has been in competition with us. In the past two months, our hospital's performance has declined drastically." President Li passed the two-month report to Su Mian.

Su Mian took it over and looked, "What are the advantages of Shengjing Hospital?" Since defeating Lin's enterprise, Su Mian has arranged Wenwen at Renhe Hospital, and it has been a long time since he met a competitor with such strength.

She was very curious.

"The most important thing is that their medicines are advanced. Western medicines are all imported from country M. Chinese medicines are similar to ours, but they also have their own characteristics."

It turned out to be a drug problem.

Western medicine is easy to say, Wenwen can not develop new medicines, they can also be introduced from M country.

"Chinese medicine, why don't we have the advantage? I remember those old Chinese medicine doctors are very authoritative throughout China."

Speaking of this, Dean Li sighed, “Hey, it’s all texts. He used to have a lot of things in Renhe Hospital. Now he is not there and there is no new prescription. You know, medicines are updated very quickly. After the new drug is on the market for three months, the opponent will concoct the same drug, and it is better to sell it if you change the package price and then pull it down. We are now short of people who can configure prescriptions!"

Nonsense, there is a shortage of such people everywhere!

Su Mian understands, it seems that this Shengjing hospital has two problems.

"Who is their boss?"

"It's a woman named Ren Yanhong, I heard they call her Sister Hong."

"Prepare me a resume of her."


After Dean Li finished the report, Su Mian attended the department meeting again.

The chiefs of several departments are complaining that Shengjing Hospital has robbed them of their business, saying that there are now 30% fewer customers.

Su Mian nodded and took notes one by one.

"President Su, don't just nod your head, you have to find a solution!"

"It's President Su, if this continues, will our year-end awards disappear?"

"Yes, Mr. Su, you are the boss. Don't be hungry by yourself and don't solve the problem for us. We are still thinking about doubling our income this year!"

Su Mian introduced advanced management experience from later generations to Renhe, so now everyone is more motivated to work than her boss.

Su Mian smiled and said, "Why? I am as anxious as you are. As the general manager and person in charge of Renhe, I hope that my hospital can become the premier comprehensive hospital in Beijing. This is our aim, never It will change. This requires the joint efforts of everyone here. I promise to reverse the situation as soon as possible!"

Knowing her own and her enemy, Su Mian is not ready to make a move easily. If she wants to make a move, she will win with one blow.

Hearing Su Mian's assurance, several section chiefs were satisfied.

Su Mian is their backbone, and what they stayed and watched back then was her courage!

So now, they are willing to believe her.

Su Mian didn't understand this Ren Yanhong, she had to figure out the situation before making a decision.

The meeting ended earlier than scheduled, so Su Mian arrived in the private room earlier than Zhang Xifeng.

This is a time-honored hot pot in Beijing. It has a pure taste and is very suitable for this season.

Su Mian waited for five minutes, and heard the sound of high heels clattering all the way, and then the door was pushed open.

Zhang Xifeng looked gossip, "Su Mian, guess who I saw when I just came in?"

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