After entering the house, Shang Xue and Ding Jun sat across from each other, not even raising their heads.

During this period of time, I didn't feel much about working with him, but now the four of them are sitting here with such a clear purpose, Shang Xue is so awkward to death that he can't wait to rush out now.

What's this?

If Wei Zhenhui knew that she was dating someone else, he would not believe his feelings for him!

So this must never be known to acquaintances!

Shang Xue bit her lower lip, thinking about finding an excuse for her to leave first.

Ding Jun sat opposite her, seeing her expression in his eyes.

In his opinion, Shang Xue didn't look up because he was shy.

If you let him know what Shang Xue is thinking now, how would he feel?

"Sister Hong, thank you Ding Jun for taking care of our Xiaoxue. If it weren't for him to take in Xiaoxue, she might be assigned to which corner department!" The business mother chatted well with Ding's mother.

"Yes, they are all in the same unit, and it doesn't take much for Ding Jun to take care of them." Ding Mu said with a smile.

She had only heard about Shang Xue's hand injury. She didn't expect that her son would take the initiative to help others. She was a little surprised.

But seeing Shang Xue's looks and temperament, she understood everything.

It was really outstanding. My son was interesting to her. No wonder he told him about the blind date yesterday. At first, he still held his face, but when he heard the girl was called Shang Xue, he immediately changed his mind.

Ding Jun was sitting very upright. He wanted to talk to Shang Xue several times. He kept his head down and looked very cautious, so he didn't speak for fear that she would be even more shy.

Unexpectedly, a very cheerful girl in the institute would actually behave like this when sitting together on a blind date.

It was the first blind date when I wanted to come, and I was sure to be shy. Ding Jun was more satisfied with Shang Xue.

Shang Xue was stared uncomfortably by Ding Jun, and his head was about to plunge into the teacup.

"You talk first, I'll go to the bathroom." Shang Xue stood up and nodded embarrassedly to Ding Jun mother and son.

Ding Jun's gaze was not retracted until Shang Xue went out, and the business mother secretly looked in her eyes and began to look at Ding Jun.

Staying with Dr. M, he is now the main young man in the institute, and his future is bound to be limitless. The most important thing is to care about his family, Xiaoxue.

This is enough.

A man is capable and responsible, and he is kind to you. What else do you want?

The business mother is here, and she knows how to choose a man.

If Ding Jun's character and character are good enough, there really is nothing to say.

If Shang Xue didn't hate it, it would be better for the two to get to know each other everywhere.

After Shang Xue left, Ding Jun's expression was somewhat decayed, and the business mother was very good at his words and expressions, "Xiaoxue has been spoiled by me and the business chief, so don't be surprised!"

She said so, but she felt that her Xiaoxue was the best girl in the world and worthy of the best man in the world.

"Girls are used to spoil them. Unlike Ding Jun, we teach him independence when he is young, otherwise, he would not be able to achieve what he is today!" Ding Mu said proudly.

The two mothers flattered each other, Ding Jun looked at his watch boredly, Shang Xue could go out for a while, would he go out and have a look.


Su Mian also went out to go to the bathroom, just in time to meet Shang Xue who was walking hurriedly over.

"Yeah, what a coincidence." Su Mian greeted her deliberately.

Shang Xue was thinking about how to get away, but she ran into Su Mian head-on, her eyes panicked, "You... why are you here?"

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