Rebirth Space: The Chief’s Military Doctor-in-law

Chapter 2746: What did Shang Xue drink?

The colleague next to him is not clear, so, "What's wrong with Shang Xue? Isn't it just a drink, and it's not poison? As for being so flustered?"

"Who said no? Seeing her panic look, people who don't know thought she had taken aphrodisiac medicine?"

"Let's go and take a look, don't really have anything wrong!" A group of people huffed out.

Su Mian and Wei Min also followed, after all, they had to see what medicine Shang Xue gave himself.

According to Shang Xue's reaction, the medicine must have been taken, but I don't know what it is.

They are quite curious.

After all, there are not many such things as medicine prepared for others, if you drink it yourself, or throw a stone in your own foot!

In the toilet, Shang Xue lay on top of the toilet and kept picking her throat.

Wei Min, a small waver, has her everywhere. She was just one step away from prescribing Su Mian, but when Wei Min got it, she took the medicine instead.

This is how to do?

She deliberately increased the weight. She wanted Su Mian to be tossed to death by a man, but now she is her.

Shang Xue didn't stop until she vomited her heart, liver, spleen and lungs. This medicine was very domineering. Even if she vomited like this, she was not sure how much remained in her body.

And this medicine has no antidote, the only antidote is men.

Shang Xue gritted her teeth secretly. She is dead today, and she wants to keep her for the first time. After all, her first time is for Wei Zhenhui.

Shang Xue hurried out of the bathroom and wanted to go home directly.

As soon as the result came out, I saw that the outside was surrounded by colleagues.

"Shang Xue, how are you? Are you okay, can't you drink a drink?"

"Yeah, my face is so red, why do I have such a big reaction to drinking a drink?"

"If you don't feel well, go to the hospital? Don't have anything wrong?" someone asked with concern.

"I'm not going!"

Shang Xue refused directly. After finishing speaking, she felt that she had too much reaction. She reluctantly laughed and cheered up, "I mean I'm fine. Just go home and take a rest. Thank you for your concern!"

She didn't want to go to the hospital. She revealed her stuff as soon as she went to the hospital. She was tortured to death at home and could not go to the hospital.

Now that everyone said so, everyone broke up.

Wei Min walked up to her observingly, "Are you really okay? It doesn't look like it!"

At this time, the efficacy of the medicine had already taken effect, and Shang Xue's cheeks had already stained an abnormal red color.

Wei Min and Su Mian looked at each other, and the two of them looked at each other and smiled. It seemed that they were right. Shang Xue really put aphrodisiac in the drink!

Shang Xue pressed it down~the heat wave was constantly set off in her body. Now she couldn't wait to bite Wei Min to death. If it weren't for her, could she suffer the crime?

"What do you mean?" There was something in Wei Min's words, and Shang Xue was very sensitive, and she heard it right away.

Wei Min stretched out his hand and patted her blushing little face, "It's fine if it's okay, don't let us go with the front foot, you can find a man to solve it with the back foot!"

"You... Wei Min, what are you talking nonsense? You just asked a man to solve it!"

What does Wei Min mean by this, can she see it?

Even if she could see it, she wouldn't admit it to her life and death, what can they do to themselves?

"How is it? It doesn't feel good to take spring medicine, right?" Su Mian also walked over. She wanted to do it herself, but she didn't expect Wei Min to take the lead.

Anyway, the result is the same, whoever takes the medicine will drink it!

Shang Xue stared at the two angrily, "Did you come here on purpose? Did you let me drink it if you knew there was medicine in the drink?"

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