Shang Xue knelt on the ground, tremblingly begging for mercy, "Ding Jun, I was wrong, I changed it, I won't dare anymore, you let me go this time, okay?"

"You change? I just said that we want a baby yesterday, and today you go to get people to buy medicine. How do you make me believe you?" Ding Jun directly pushed Shang Xue against the wall, making her immobile.

Shang Xue was so nervous that he pushed his chest with both arms, but his IQ was online, "What did you say? Did you know that I asked me to buy medicine?"

Xia Lili told her that she saw an acquaintance, but it was definitely not Ding Jun!

Ding Jun freed a hand to pinch her chin, "What? She told me that it feels good to be betrayed!"

Shang Xue's head let out a cry, before Ding Jun had time to think about it, Ding Jun was about to tear her pants.

"Ding Jun, I have menstruation!" Just now, under a warm current, Shang Xue knew it was menstruation, and this month was nearly ten days earlier.

"Bitch, if you dare to lie to me, I will kill you today! I want to check!"

Ding Jun grabbed a hand and let go of Shang Xue.

Shang Xue loosened her body, lost support, and slid directly from the wall to the ground, still thinking what Ding Jun said just now.

Xia Lili actually lied to her. It was obviously the contraceptives she bought by herself, but she was fine, and actually ran to Ding Jun to inform her.

What does she picture?

She is not familiar with Ding Jun?

They are friends who have known each other for more than ten years!

Shang Xue was stunned, Ding Jun washed his hands and came back again, standing in front of her.

Shang Xue's eyes were tight, "What are you doing?"

"Fuck you!"

" are really a beast, a beast!" Shang Xue did not expect that she would have menstruation, and Ding Jun would not let her go.

Ding Jun pinched Shang Xue's chin with one hand, and then his body pressed it over.

Shang Xue closed her eyes and a line of tears fell.

She swears that if there is a chance, she will kill the beast Ding Jun by herself!

Jiang family.

Today is the eighth day of the second lunar month, Jiang Xiangqian's birthday, and Su Mian called Wei Min to Jiang's house.

Jiang Yi and Bai Xue were both there. When they saw Wei Min, Jiang Yi waved directly, "Little Chili, come, sit in front of you!"

"Little white face, you are not so stinky!"

"Oh, don't be big or small, I'm your brother, do you talk to your brother like this? Do you dare to talk to Wei Zhenhui like this?"

Wei Min gave him a blank look, "You are not a little bit behind my brother, how can you compare with him!"

"Oh, Xiaoya film, I won't teach you today!"

Jiang Yi said that he really wanted to get up, but Bai Xue held him back, "You look like a elder brother. When Wei Min saw the big devil, he called elder brother, and when he saw you, he called Xiao Bai Lian. Haven't you got a B number in your heart? "

Wei Min pushed her buttocks to Bai Xue and put her arms around her neck, "Sister-in-law, you are definitely my sister-in-law, hurry up and take care of him, he will be a dad soon, and there is no right way!"

When Jiang Yi heard this, he stood up and said, "Ah, I thought someone would support you, but you are still energized. I have to..."


Bai Xue covered her mouth and ran to the bathroom, Jiang Yi immediately stopped, "Daughter-in-law, daughter-in-law, why did you throw up again?" It was all right!

Wei Min made a face at Jiang Yi, Jiang Yi glared at her, and hurriedly followed Bai Xue into the bathroom.

Liu Wenqing and He Qin brought the dishes out, feeling distressed for a while.

Liu Wenqing couldn't help saying, "Bai Xue started morning sickness since she was pregnant, and the child in her belly was designated to be squeamish!"

"The boy is better, if the girl is appointed to be a hypocritical ghost!" He Qin said with a smile.

Wei Min's eyes widened, "Why didn't I see Su Mian vomiting, she was pregnant with two, and she never vomited!"

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