After eating, Baixue didn't vomit again.

She really convinced herself, "I've been vomiting for three months, so what kind of time is this? Su Mian, you are so good, you can't tell at all, you don't say it, and you don't vomit."

Su Mian really didn't respond, it may be because of her good physical fitness.

"I can't see it now, it will be obvious in two months. I don't want people to know it!" Su Mian is quite awkward now when it comes to pregnancy. I don't want people to know that she is pregnant.

I always feel that I have a baby without graduating from university.

Wei Min nibbled at the Apple and dismantled it directly, "If you want to be beautiful, maybe you will start to vomit next month, and then all the colleagues in the institute will know!"


After seeing Su Mian staring at her, he hurriedly closed a smile, and touched Su Mian's stomach to comfort him, "Sister-in-law, I was talking about it. Haha, my eldest nephews don't listen to my sister-in-law talking nonsense, don't toss your mother!"

Jiang Xiangqian watched from the side, wishing that Su Mian's belly would show up early, so that he would not have to hold back every day.

Afraid of missing a word, I hide at home and play chess all day.

The grandson's daughter-in-law is pregnant with twins, so foreign!

"Wei Min, you and Wu Feng have to have children too!" He Qin muttered. She did not treat Wei Min as an outsider. She grew up with Su Mian since she was a child. Now that she has no mother, He Qin is also worried about her, "Wu Feng is not young anymore, you two should have children!"

"How old is Wu Feng?" Liu Wenqing asked gossiping.

"The same age as Zhenhui!"

"Oh, it's time to take it! Wei Min, the woman recovered early, so don't delay."


The two mothers directly recite the pregnancy sutra to Wei Min.

Wei Min couldn't eat this apple either, his head drooping, his face flushed red!

If she provokes someone, she will eat an apple!

The problem is not that they don’t want it, but that they don’t even have the chance to meet...

Go to work the next day.

Shang Xue was half an hour late than usual. Ding Jun did not wait for her. She walked 3 kilometers before reaching the bus station.

Xia Lili saw that her face was not good, so she hurried over to greet her.

"Xiaoxue, why is your complexion so bad? Didn't you sleep last night? Did you take the contraceptive pill? Didn't Ding Jun find out?"

Xia Lili tentatively probed, Shang Xue's expression was very bad, but her expression hadn't been better since she got married, so she was not sure whether Ding Jun found out.

Shang Xue stared at Xia Lili's not outstanding face.

You will always encounter ghosts after walking through the night!

This is probably retribution!

In the past, Shang Xue used various methods to insult others, but now it is her turn to be shadowed, and she is still her friend!

"Xia Lili!" Shang Xue called her name very formally, with a serious tone.

Xia Lili was taken aback. Shang Xue rarely called her by first and last name like this. She smiled with a guilty conscience, "What's the matter, Xiaoxue, is there something on my face? Are you staring at me?"

In order to cooperate, Xia Lili deliberately touched her face.

As soon as she lowered her hand, Shang Xue slapped it over, "Bitch! You told Ding Jun, right? I trusted you so much and treated you like a friend. You betrayed me? You know he almost got it last night. Die me?"

Xia Lili didn't expect Ding Jun to sell her. She still wanted to continue to be his eyeliner and report Shang Xue's information for him!

"I..." Xia Lili still wanted to explain, Shang Xue had already grabbed her by the hair and hit her face.

Xia Lili is also wronged!

Why do people like Shang Xue marry Ding Jun?

So the two of them fought together in an instant.

It is quite scary for women to fight, pulling their hair, scratching their face and neck and scratching their hands.

So when the other colleagues rushed over, the place where the two of them exposed was not good in the end!

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