Rebirth Space: The Chief’s Military Doctor-in-law

Chapter 2758: Daughter-in-law, I'm fine

Xia Lili lingered in front of Ding Jun's office for a long time, and finally summoned the courage to knock on the door.

"Come in!"

Ding Jun's cold voice came out, and Xia Lili's heart trembled and she pushed the door in.

She has gone to the bathroom to clean up, not as embarrassed as she was just now, but there are still two big gaps in the corners of her mouth.

When Xia Lili came to Ding Jun, she actually wanted to ask Ding Jun why she was telling her, but when she saw Ding Jun's cold eyes, she swallowed the manuscript several times.

When the question came to her lips, it became, "She knows that I told you, and I fell out with her!"

He didn't mean to blame Ding Jun at all, but rather complained to him a bit.

Ding Jun pulled his lips unexpectedly.

He looked up at her. Every time the girl saw him, her eyes were dodging. It's rare that she had the courage to come to his office today.

He stood up and walked to her, leaned over and raised her chin with one hand, and asked in a low voice, "Do you like me?"

Ding Jun is blank in terms of feelings, but he has a high IQ and EQ, and he is transparent about some things when he thinks about it.

There is no such thing as a pie in the sky, and no one will treat you well for no reason!


Xia Lili's mind was frozen instantly, she couldn't think!

He...he found it!

Xia Lili didn't plan to let him know so soon!

She wanted to explain, but Ding Jun spoke again, "It's okay to like others, but I'm already married. I only have her in my heart. You can't compare with her. This time I'll teach you a lesson!"

Ding Jun got up and turned to go out after speaking, leaving Xia Lili with a blank mind.

My mind was playing the words he just said in a loop.

Xia Lili is also a woman, even if she looks ordinary, she is also a woman.

Can't stand to compare with other women!

Especially Shang Xue, since she was a child, she had no sense of existence in front of her.


Why can a woman like Shang Xue get Ding Jun's heart, she is kinder than Shang Xue, why no one can see it!

Ding Jun said to teach her a lesson!

It turned out that he had told Shang Xue on purpose.

Fortunately, she made excuses for him, thinking that Shang Xue forced him to say it, or he didn't mean to say it.

It turned out to be neither.

Xia Lili pinched her arm fiercely, forcing her to calm down.

If she doesn't look good, is everything inferior to Shang Xue?

Who has a special rule that he can't get love if he doesn't grow well?

Su Mian was about to go to lunch, and she answered a phone call, and she was stunned!

She held the table slowly.

Wei Zhenhui called, and Xu Haowen was seriously injured!

Su Mian asked for leave with the leader.

The leader directly agreed.

He also just received a direct call from the military department, naming Su Mian to rush to the General Hospital of the Military Region now!

The jeep was already waiting under the institute building. When Su Mian hurried out, he saw Wei Zhenhui standing in front of the jeep, covered in blood.

Su Mian shook for a few moments and almost couldn't stand firmly, and his heartbeat missed half a beat.

In the previous life, the first time they saw him, he was also covered with blood.

In this life, because of her avoidance in advance, she has changed a little. She is so afraid, so afraid that Wei Zhenhui will be injured again!

Wei Zhenhui rushed over to hug her, and said with a sharp heart, "Daughter-in-law, I'm fine!"

Su Mian raised his head, his eyes were filled with tears in an instant, and he threw himself into a firm and warm embrace before he found his own voice, "Brother Hui, are you injured, don't lie to me!"

Xu Haowen is his observer. Su Mian has worked with him and knows that his technical level is among the best in China.

He was all injured, which shows how dangerous the situation is!

Wei Zhenhui couldn't bear Su Mian's tears the most, and took the person into his arms as soon as he took a deep breath, his tone was firm and deep, "Daughter-in-law, I'm fine."

(Disclaimer: He Qin is barren. Su Mian and Su Jinlong were both born to the youngest daughters of the Jing family. Niaoye was so excited that he made a mistake yesterday, which caused trouble to the babies. I am very sorry! It has been changed. Thank you for your timely help. Lord Bird asked, did you steal Su Mian's golden eyes one by one? Huh?

Fairies, Lord Bird asks for a monthly pass! ! )

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