Rebirth: Start By Conquering Internet Cafes Across The Country

Chapter 207 People Across The Country Support The Abolition Of Public Pool Area [Please Subscribe]

"That's awesome. Classmate Lin Hao is indeed the most conscientious businessman in the world. It's really awesome to put an end to unfinished buildings and cancel the shared area. Classmate Lin Hao, you are the best. I support you unconditionally." Decide."

"Classmate Lin Hao, you must cancel the shared area. As long as you cancel the shared area, I am willing to sell the house even if it is slightly more expensive."

"The unfinished building is really harmful to people. I have saved up all my life for a down payment to buy a house, but then I buy an unfinished building. Not only do I have no house to live in, but I have to work hard to repay the loan every month. It's really a scam."

"Those who buy unfinished buildings are really unlucky for life, but we have no way to avoid unfinished buildings. Even the top ten real estate companies in the country may have unfinished buildings. Buying a house feels like gambling on luck. If you are not lucky, you can buy it. An unfinished building will be unlucky for life."

"Classmate Lin Hao's decision is really great. Build the house and then start selling it. This decision completely eliminates the possibility of unfinished buildings. Classmate Lin Hao, you are the best. I support your decision unconditionally."

"Classmate Lin Hao, as long as you do what you say, I will definitely buy the house from Xingchen Real Estate Company. I will buy it as long as it is not too expensive.

"I would rather Xingchen Real Estate Company really cancel the shared area."

"The common area is really harmful to people. I don't know who invented the common area. It's really harmful."

"Not only does it harm a lot of people, but the size of the public pool is simply a disaster for the people of the Dragon Kingdom."

"We are the only ones in the world who have a common pool area in the Dragon Kingdom. Other countries have no such thing as a shared area. It's so weird. I get so angry just thinking about it, but it's a pity that I can't do anything about it."

"That's right, in the world we are the only ones in the Dragon Kingdom whose real estate has a shared area. It's really a scam. A house of 100 square meters has 20 square meters of shared area, but the actual usable area is only 80 square meters. It's really a scam."

"I don't know which scum invented the pool area. I curse his whole family to die. Damn it, I strongly recommend that the pool area be cancelled."

"People across the country have long suggested canceling it, but it's a pity that it's useless. No one is taking care of it. No one is paying attention to the appeals of the general public."

"The common area has become so ingrained that it is really difficult to cancel it."

"I hope that Lin Hao will really cancel the shared area. If Xingchen Real Estate Company really cancels the shared area, it will definitely do a lot of good."

"The impact of canceling the shared area will be too big, so Lin Hao is also considering it. For example, after building a house and then selling it, Lin Hao doesn't need to consider this because it won't have much impact."

"You can build a house and sell it as you like. Other real estate companies should pre-sell or pre-sell, but the shared area is different. Canceling the shared area will definitely seriously affect other real estate companies."

"The impact will be the impact. What does it matter? Xingchen Real Estate Company is Xingchen Real Estate Company, and other real estate companies are other real estate companies. I firmly support Xingchen Real Estate Company to cancel the shared area."

"As long as Xingchen Real Estate really cancels the shared area and the house price is more expensive than other real estate companies, I will buy a house with Xingchen Real Estate."

"If the shared area is really cancelled, the house price will definitely be slightly more expensive than other real estate companies, otherwise Xingchen Real Estate Company will lose money."

"That's right, canceling the shared area means that a house of 100 square meters will be sold for 80 square meters. The house price will definitely be a little more expensive. As long as the total price is not more expensive than the total house price of other real estate companies, I will buy a house from Xingchen Real Estate Company without hesitation. "

"Canceling the shared area is related to future property fees. The shared area of ​​100 square meters is reduced by 20 square meters. You only pay 80 square meters of property fees, which can save a lot of money.

“It’s not a big savings, but the most important thing is that the actual usable area of ​​the house I bought is only 80 square meters, but I was asked to pay 100 square meters. I’m really unhappy, super unhappy.

"So what if you don't like it? All real estate companies are like that. If you want to buy a house, you can only accept the shared area."

"So I very much hope that Xingchen Real Estate Company will really cancel the shared area. As long as Xingchen Real Estate really cancels the shared area, I will buy it if the price is more expensive."|| "

"I hope that Lin Hao will not let us down. I also hope that Lin Hao will bravely stand up and benefit the people of the country."

"Putting an end to unfinished buildings and canceling shared areas. As long as Xingchen Real Estate Company can do these two things, it will be a great success."

"Classmate Lin Hao also said that his personal power is very small. Even if Xingchen Real Estate Company really cancels the shared area and other real estate companies do not cancel it, most people will still be cheated.

"We can only hope that Xingchen Real Estate Company will develop and grow. It would be best if Xingchen Real Estate Company dominates half of the country's real estate market. In that case, the entire real estate market will definitely be changed.

"Half the market? Are you talking in your sleep? Do you know how big the national real estate market is? Xingchen Real Estate Company refuses to pre-sell. If it wants to occupy more than half of the domestic market, trillions of funds are not enough."

"That's right, no pre-sale means that the funds cannot be withdrawn. Xingchen Real Estate Company has to invest all the initial investment out of its own pocket. Classmate Lin Hao also understands this, so he said that the purpose of opening a car company and a cosmetics company is to make money."

"I hope a miracle will happen. The cancellation of shared areas will start with Xingchen Real Estate Company.

People across the country are paying great attention to the elimination of public pool areas and the elimination of unfinished buildings.

Media outlets across the country, large and small, are frantically reporting on this matter.

After major real estate companies saw the news, they were first angry, and then felt that Lin Hao was overestimating his capabilities.

It is so naive to think that one person can change the national market.

Are you a genius? But the pre-sale model and shared area are the lifeblood of all real estate companies. If Xingchen Real Estate Company really cancels the shared area, it will definitely be targeted by all real estate companies, and the consequences will be difficult to move forward.

You want to take land, dream about it.

All the real estate companies will band together to stop you from getting the land.

Without land, it depends on how you build a house and how you develop.

The CEOs of the top ten real estate companies all laugh at you for overestimating your capabilities.

In their eyes, Lin Hao can make all the difference on the Internet, but in the real estate industry, Lin Hao is just a newbie.

The real estate industry is dominated by their top ten real estate companies. When others come, you have to be there for me if they are dragons and you have to lie down for me if they are tigers.

The top ten real estate companies simply do not believe that Lin Hao can change the entire real estate market with his personal power. However, in view of Lin Hao's various miracles, the top ten real estate companies still revealed the news.

In a word, let Xingchen Real Estate Company stay calm and stop causing trouble.

After Lin Hao received the threat, he ignored it.

What a shame, you threaten me even before you make a decision. Do you think I'm easy to bully? It was originally because of system tasks, but now Lin Hao wants to really disrupt the real estate market. He must make all real estate companies cancel the shared area and cancel pre-sales. model.

If the CEOs of the top ten real estate companies knew that their threats aroused Lin Hao's anger, they would definitely regret it.

They could have enjoyed a few more years, but now, their foolish and threatening behavior will accelerate their downfall.

In the next few days, Xingchen Group became completely popular, and Xingchen Real Estate Company also made people across the country look forward to it.

Xingchen Automobile Company also makes car lovers look forward to it.

Xingchen Beauty Cosmetics Company makes girls happy, especially Lin Hao’s female fans.

Lin Hao's female fans are extremely happy because they all believe that Lin Hao will develop beauty cosmetics with super high quality.

Xingchen Research Laboratory's research on lithography machines and 4G networks has not attracted much attention abroad. On the contrary, foreign people are paying more attention to these two points.

People in other countries were a little depressed when they learned that Xingchen Research Laboratory had begun researching 4G networks.

"Our country's 3G network is gone. It's really depressing that Long Guo has started researching 4G network."

"Dragon has already reached the forefront of the world in terms of network technology. I don't know when our country will successfully develop a 3G network."

"It's probably difficult. 3G network technology is not that easy to break through. We have been researching it for several years but there is no good news. It is probably impossible to successfully develop it in a short time. Maybe when Longguo uses 4G network, our country will not have it yet." Let’s use the 3G network.”

"If that's true, it would be so sad. The 3G network speed is so good, but we can't use it. It's really sad."

"What can we do? The handsome boss of Xingchen Research Laboratory does not agree to sell 3G network technology. What can we do?"

"The handsome boss said that he would not choose to cooperate with other countries until the 3G network is popularized in Longguo. I hope the handsome boss changes his mind midway. I can't wait to use the 3G network."

"Playing games with such a fast 3G network speed will be super fun. I really want to use the 3G network as soon as possible."

"I hope that senior officials will have more exchanges with Longguo and cooperate with Longguo to build 3G networks as soon as possible."

The people of Lan State understand that Xingchen Research Laboratory's delusional research on lithography machines is endless ridicule.

Lithography machines are the pride of the people of Lanzhou, and it is impossible for other countries to surpass them.

"Longguo is completely blank in the field of lithography machine technology. It is really unreasonable to want to independently research lithography machines. y

"The successful development of 3G networks does not mean the successful development of lithography machines. Only our country, Dalian, can possess the lithography machine technology. Other countries should not have any illusions."

"If you want to use advanced photolithography machines, come to our Dalan Kingdom. As long as the Dragon Kingdom comes to our Dalan Kingdom, we will be especially gracious and sell you a few obsolete products, haha."

"If Long Guo can successfully develop an advanced photolithography machine, I will stand on my head and eat shit."

"Longguo is really whimsical. It has been impossible for Longguo to successfully develop a photolithography machine for ten or twenty years."

Bangziguo still refuses to give up on the 3G network, and is bent on purchasing 3G network technology from Xingchen Research Laboratory.

Sakura Country and Beautiful Country are also extremely enthusiastic about 3G networks.

Because all countries know that once they can use 3G networks, the country will definitely develop faster.

One step at a time, one step at a time. If we fall too far behind the Dragon Kingdom, perhaps the Dragon Kingdom's technology will truly rise.

The beautiful country gave a death order to scientific researchers, asking them to successfully develop a 3G network within a year.

The scientific researchers in the beautiful country are extremely depressed. What a joke on the world. If they could really successfully develop a 3G network within one year, the beautiful country would have successfully developed a 3G network long ago. It would not be the turn of the dragon country to show off its power.

The same goes for Sakura Country and Beautiful Country, both of which gave death orders to scientific researchers.

After being unable to successfully develop a 3G network for a year, they all committed suicide.

Bangziguo has been trying to communicate with Longguo and wants to purchase 3G network technology.

The leaders of the XX department have always given the same reply. The 3G network is the private technology of Xingchen Research Laboratory. It is not Long Guo’s turn to make the decision. Bangzi State can go directly to Xingchen Research Laboratory if it wants to purchase 3G network technology.

Bangziguo came to Xingchen Research Laboratory, and they couldn't even see Lin Hao, let alone purchase 3G network technology.

Because Lin Hao has already ordered that any country that comes to purchase 3G network technology will be rejected directly without any negotiation.

The Dragon Kingdom has not yet popularized the use of 3G networks. Other countries will wait.

Lin Hao gave full authority to Leng Ruyan to handle the procedures for Xingchen Group and its various subsidiaries.

Lin Hao is devoted to cosmetics research.

Cars will not be mass-produced for a while, but cosmetics will not be difficult to produce.

Lin Hao spent 20 billion wealth points to redeem a set of beauty and cosmetics product technology from the system mall.

There are various products for beauty, whitening, moisturizing, etc.

The next step is to test the product.

As long as the test is successful, you can immediately apply for production procedures and start production.

Lin Hao and fifty employees conducted experiments day and night, completely following the systematic technical tests. After a week, they finally successfully tested three products.

One is for whitening, one is for hydrating, and one is for emollient.

The trial effect is very good, and all employees who tried it praised the product highly.

This week, Xingchen Beauty Cosmetics Company was officially established, and several production lines were installed.

All this is due to the money-saving style of doing things. Lin Hao just wants to be able to produce quickly and does not care how much money he spends.

Because no matter how much money you spend now, you will earn it back later.

Trademarks, procedures, etc. were all completed very quickly with the green light from the XX department.

May 26th.

Taobao has an additional Xingchen Beauty and Cosmetics store.

There was no publicity, just a homepage promotion from

When netizens saw the Xingchen Beauty Cosmetics store, their first reaction was a bit confused.

"...`What is going on? Xingchen Beauty Cosmetics Store? Products are available so soon?"

"It has only been less than ten days, but Xingchen Beauty Cosmetics actually sells products? Oh my god, can this product be used?"

“Haha, there are only three products, whitening, hydrating, and moisturizing, and there are three prices, one is ordinary effect, one is medium effect, and one is advanced effect.

"The price for ordinary effects is about the same as ordinary beauty products, 99 yuan, which is not expensive."

“The price for medium effect is 299, which is not expensive.

"The price of advanced effects has skyrocketed to 999. However, if it really has the effects described in the description, it is definitely worth the price of 999. I just don't know if it is really effective."

"No matter, I believe classmate Lin Hao, I will buy a bottle of ordinary moisturizing products and implement it."

It’s only 199 yuan. I’ll also buy a moisturizer to try. "

"I believe in classmate Lin Hao. It's 999 yuan. I hope it can really make me whiter."

Lin Hao’s female fans all choose to believe in Lin Hao and choose to buy.

Other female netizens choose to wait for feedback from female fans before deciding whether to buy it. After all, a product launched within a week is really uneasy.

In addition to Lin Hao's female fans, there is another group of buyers. .

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