Rebirth: Start By Conquering Internet Cafes Across The Country

Chapter 31: Work Hard, Young Man (3 More Updates, Please Vote For Flowers)

Regarding the first tax-free reward mentioned by Chen Xiangnan, Lin Hao was very happy, and at the same time he felt deeply about the country's emphasis on the development of the Internet.

If the country does not exempt taxes, Lin Hao will have to pay a lot of taxes on these 420 million yuan, and his income will shrink a lot. Now the country is tax-free, which is a great thing for Lin Hao.

But Lin Hao doesn't want to waste the rewards of national publicity on Xingchen Internet Cafe Management System Software. The market for Xingchen Internet Cafe Management System Software is already saturated, and it is simply a waste to use national publicity on Xingchen Internet Cafe Management System Software.

Waste is shameful, so Lin Hao bit the bullet and made demands from the state.

Chen Xiangnan did not keep Lin Hao waiting and gave the answer directly, "Yes, but national promotion must be used for nationally recognized products."

Lin Hao said happily: "Well, it will definitely be used in nationally recognized products. Thank you. Thank you very much."

Chen Xiangnan: "What you have to thank is the country. Work hard, young man. If you want to use national propaganda, call me on this number."

call ended.

Lin Hao is extremely happy. Retaining national publicity is equivalent to retaining a supreme weapon. No matter which product is used in the future, that product will quickly become popular.

There is no doubt that this is the power of national propaganda. With the help of the country to endorse the propaganda, it is difficult to think whether it will be popular or not.

For example, Penguin Software ranked third and received national publicity awards. Bubble and UC, ranked fourth and fifth, have no national publicity awards.

Now Penguin, Paopao, and UC are on the same level. After Penguin software passes national-level publicity, it will definitely be on the same level as Paopao and UC.

If Penguin Software seizes this national publicity opportunity, it may defeat Bubble and UC and become the dominant player in the instant messaging and chat market.

The network software competition has come to an end, and the Internet game competition has officially begun.

All major Internet companies that are ready to launch launch games developed by their own companies on August 1st.

According to statistics, a total of 300 new games were launched on August 1st, all of which came for the game competition.

Lin Hao briefly read such news and stopped paying attention.

Before the launch of "Legend", Lin Hao was too lazy to pay attention to game competitions.

In the afternoon it was time for the celebration banquet.

At the celebration banquet, it was a great time to get together.

At the celebration banquet, Lin Hao also promised that if there is an opportunity in the future, he will reunite the army and make the student army famous throughout the country again.

Important members of the student corps have great faith in Lin Hao.

Lin Hao's glorious future can be foreseen, and as long as Lin Hao is willing to take them, their future will be infinitely bright.

The two girls Su Yiyi and Zhang Jiaqi looked at Lin Hao's handsome appearance with unbridled style, ambition and bold words, and their eyes shone with a strange light.

Serious men are the most attractive. At this moment, Lin Hao seems to be exuding divine light, shining on everyone around him, making everyone feel like a god.

After the banquet, Lin Hao specially stayed with Zhang Jiaqi and Su Yiyi.

"Yiyi, Zhang Jiaqi, this is the big red envelope I promised. Don't refuse it, or I will be unhappy."

Lin Hao directly took out two bundles of prepared banknotes, one bundle worth one hundred thousand.

Compared to 420 million, one hundred thousand is very small, but for the two women, one hundred thousand is a suitable reward for them.

In more than a month, many legion members have earned tens of thousands, and important members have earned even more. The two girls, Su Yiyi and Zhang Jiaqi, have always been by their side to help. Naturally, Lin Hao cannot treat them badly.

He was afraid of scaring the two women if he gave too much, so Lin Hao compromised by giving each of them 100,000 yuan.

"How many are in here?" Zhang Jiaqi looked at the thick bundle of money and asked.

Lin Hao said directly: "Not many, only one hundred thousand."

When Su Yiyi heard that it was one hundred thousand, she quickly put the money back into Lin Hao's hand and said, "No, it's too much. Lin Hao, one hundred thousand is too much. I don't need so much."

Su Yiyi knew that most installers only earned 20,000 to 30,000 yuan, and no installer earned as much as 100,000 yuan. So Su Yiyi subconsciously rejected the 100,000 yuan.

"Yiyi, one hundred thousand is really not much." Lin Hao said: "Without your help, I would have so many headaches every day. For me, one hundred thousand is really not much."

Su Yiyi still wanted to refuse.

Zhang Jiaqi saw Lin Hao's sincerity and said, "Yiyi, just accept it with confidence. Don't forget that this guy has earned 420 million. Giving us a reward of 100,000 is really not much."

"We have been working so late every day during this period, which is worth a hundred thousand rewards."

Lin Hao took advantage of the situation and said: "Yes, Yiyi, Zhang Jiaqi is right. Don't have any psychological burden. A reward of 100,000 yuan is really not much for your work. If I weren't afraid of scaring you, I would give more." Woolen cloth."

"No need, one hundred thousand is already a lot, enough." Su Yiyi heard this, fearing that Lin Hao would suddenly change his mind and give more rewards, so she quickly said one hundred thousand is enough.

"That's right, accept it with peace of mind. This is the money you earned through hard work." Lin Hao breathed a sigh of relief when he saw Su Yiyi accepting it.

Zhang Jiaqi smiled at Lin Hao and said: "Billionaire, I won't be polite to you anymore, thank you."

Lin Hao smiled and said: "Why are you so polite? This is what you deserve."

Even though Zhang Jiaqi was the statistician sent by the Internet Software Competition, Zhang Jiaqi has been helping with statistics during this period, doing the same job as Su Yiyi, so there is nothing wrong with giving the other party a reward of 100,000 yuan.

Then Lin Hao first sent Zhang Jiaqi home safely, and then sent Su Yiyi home.

On the way, Lin Hao said to Su Yiyi: "Yiyi, I'm going to Shanghai to open a company in Shanghai in two days. I want you and I to go to Shanghai and help me. Are you willing?"

A few flowers are short of two thousand. I would like to ask weakly, are there any flowers?

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