Rebirth: Start By Conquering Internet Cafes Across The Country

Chapter 38 National Propaganda (5 More Updates, Please Vote For Flower Evaluation)

Brother Ma of Penguin Company immediately held a high-level meeting of the company after learning that Xingchen Network Technology Company had developed instant messaging software.

"I believe everyone here has heard of Xingchen Network Technology Company, so I won't introduce it much. I just want to tell you that Xingchen Network Technology Company and Xingchen Internet Cafe Management System Software have the same owner."

"Even though the other party is only 18 years old, whether he was able to find the right market and develop Internet cafe management system software or earn 420 million in less than two months, every aspect is enough to prove the excellence of the other party. "

"Now Xingchen Network Technology Company is developing instant messaging software, which will definitely compete with our Penguin in the market, so we have to treat it carefully."

Although Brother Ma has a serious face and describes the enemy as very powerful, some senior officials still think that Brother Ma is exaggerating the enemy and is being alarmist.

"Mr. Ma, I admit that earning 420 million at the age of 18 is very impressive, but he has no competition. Now we at Penguin have nearly 20 million users. He is a newbie entering the market. Why should we be afraid of him?"

As soon as this was said, two senior executives also agreed.

"Yes, chat software is not that easy to make. We have all experienced the difficulties. If a new company wants to make a difference in chat software, there is still a long way to go."

Brother Ma frowned slightly.

He speaks so seriously and praises his enemies so highly, but there are still people who look down on Xingchen Network Technology Company. This kind of thinking is outrageous.

If you underestimate any enemy, you may ruin yourself at any time.

Brother Ma feels it is necessary to severely beat the three senior executives who underestimated the enemy, so that the three senior executives will always remember one truth, that is, never underestimate any enemy.

Thinking of this, Brother Ma lightly knocked on the table three times.

As Brother Ma knocked on the table one after another, the atmosphere in the conference room dropped to freezing point. All the senior executives present knew that Brother Ma was angry.

Because every time when Xiao Ma is angry, he doesn't get angry, but calmly bangs on the table.

Brother Ma knocked on the table three times, and then said word by word: "Be prepared for danger in times of peace, have you ever heard of this word?"

"This is the truth that our ancestors learned through many practices."

"Now there are people who don't take the enemy seriously. Can anyone tell me what this means?"

"I can tell you that those who underestimate the enemy will push us penguins into the abyss of death."

The three senior executives of Xingchen Network Technology Company who looked down upon them all lowered their heads and did not dare to look at Brother Ma.

Brother Xiao Ma continued: "You think it's great that our Penguin won third place in the network software competition and occupied the largest market share, right?"

"I can tell you clearly that if we don't make progress, we will fall soon. We will fall under the attack of Bubble and UC without even having to take action from Xingchen Network Technology Company."

“It’s true that Penguin is the chat software that currently holds the largest market share, but are Bubble and UC worse than us?”

"Not bad at all."

"I wonder if you have heard that both Paopao and UC are negotiating with capital companies for financing. After they complete the financing, they will enter a period of rapid development."

"Where are we penguins?"

"We are not negotiating financing at all now. This step is already behind UC and Bubble. As the saying goes, one step is slow and the other is slow. Maybe we don't need to wait for Xingchen Network Technology Company to enter the market. We Penguin have already fallen."

"This is definitely not alarmist. I can tell you clearly that the future chat software market of Longguo Internet will either be dominated by one company, or two companies will advance together. It is absolutely impossible for the three countries to compete for hegemony."

"I hope that everyone here will be prepared for danger in times of peace and remain vigilant at all times. We cannot relax any more until Penguin dominates the Dragon Kingdom Internet for a day."

As soon as the words fell, senior officials immediately echoed. "Yes, Mr. Ma, we will definitely remember your reminder."

"Mr. Ma's remarks made me enlightened. From now on, I will definitely be prepared for danger in times of peace and stay vigilant at all times. I want to dominate the Dragon Kingdom with Penguin." The three senior executives of Xiaoqian Xingchen Network Technology Company also expressed their opinions.

Brother Ma is very satisfied with the ideological consciousness of the senior executives.

"Very good. I believe that as long as everyone remains vigilant and our team does not lose to anyone, we penguins will definitely dominate the Dragon Kingdom."

"In order to prevent bubbles and UC from growing, and to stifle the danger of enemies that are about to appear, I decided to use national-level publicity for this reward."

“National-level publicity is the highest level of publicity, and it is the biggest opportunity for us Penguins. We must win more markets through this national-level publicity, and even defeat Bubble and UC in one fell swoop, becoming the overlord of the Dragon Kingdom chat software. "

All the senior executives were excited and full of energy.

On August 16th, the national television news broadcast a news about penguins, followed by national newspapers and so on.

All national publicity resources are used to promote Penguin Software in all aspects.

The Internet in Longguo is completely boiling.

"Oh my god, what did I see? The national TV station is promoting Penguin in the publicity room, the national newspaper is promoting Penguin, many platforms are promoting Penguin, what is going on?"

"I feel that Penguin is being promoted everywhere. Penguin propaganda is everywhere on the Internet. Can anyone tell me what's going on?"

"If I'm not mistaken, this should be the national publicity award received by the third place in the Penguin Network Software Competition. Only national publicity can have such a huge momentum."

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