Rebirth: Start By Conquering Internet Cafes Across The Country

Chapter 43 Fans Spontaneous Promotion [3 More Updates Asking For Flower Evaluation Votes]

Fans who saw the announcement clicked on the link behind the announcement to enter the official website of the Panda Chat software, download the Panda Chat software, then register, and finally log in.

"Oh my god, it's true. The idol's Panda chat software is really online. I have downloaded it, registered and logged in."

"If I hadn't already downloaded, registered and logged in, I really wouldn't have believed that the idol's Panda chat software has been officially launched. It's really incredible."

"The moment I saw the announcement on the official website of Xingchen Network Technology Company, I didn't believe that Panda was already online. Other companies release new products with great fanfare and hold press conferences. It would be better for you, an idol, to just let Panda chat software quietly. On the line."

"Oh my God, at this moment, I really don't understand what the idol is doing? After all, the Panda chat software is also the first product of Xingchen Technology Network Company. Why did it go online quietly and without any news? ?”

"I can't figure it out either. Idol, why don't you hold a press conference? Why would netizens know about the launch of the Panda chat software so quietly?"

"It's okay if you can't figure it out. This is the gap between us and geniuses. If we can fully understand what our idols do, wouldn't everyone be a genius, haha."

"Idols are geniuses. Idols arrange for Panda to go online without publicity. Naturally, they have their reasons. We support idols. Just download Panda to register and log in."

"Yes, as fans of idols, we just support them. Brothers and sisters, please download, register and log in."

"Haha, that's a must. If you don't support idols, who can you support? The first product of an idol company must be used."

"Yes, you must use chat software. Wouldn't it be nice to use chat software developed by idols?"

Lin Hao's fans are shouting to support the Panda chat software.

When fans download, register and log in to Panda, they all feel that Panda gives them a very comfortable feeling.

"I don't know if it's an illusion, but I think pandas look more comfortable than penguins?"

"It shouldn't be an illusion. I originally used Bubble. After downloading, registering and logging into Panda, I felt that Panda looked more comfortable."

"That's definitely not an illusion. I originally used UC, and I also think the panda looks more comfortable than the UC."

"I specially compared the interfaces of panda and penguin. There is no difference. Why does panda look more comfortable?"

"I also compared the panda and the bubble. No matter what, the panda is more comfortable."

"I compared the panda and the UC, and the panda looks more comfortable."

"Idols deserve to be idols, and geniuses deserve to be geniuses. Chat software with the same functions makes us more comfortable. It's awesome."

"It's amazing. It's really amazing. At this moment, I admire the genius of the idol very much. This should be because some unique designs make people more comfortable. This is the great thing about our genius idol, haha."

"Idol is awesome, I declare that from now on I will switch to Panda chat software."

"Haha, that's necessary. The functions of the four chat software are similar. The Panda chat software looks more comfortable. It is also a chat software developed by an idol company. Why not use it?"

"This is so true. Whether it is for a more comfortable user experience or to support idols, you must use Panda chat software."

"We not only want to use the Panda Chat software, but we also want to help idols promote the Panda Chat software spontaneously." Some fans plan to promote the Panda Chat software spontaneously.

"I'm afraid there is a reason why idols choose to launch Panda Chat software without publicity, but we can help idols promote it spontaneously. Panda Chat software is more comfortable to use. Why don't we let our friends use Panda together?"

"There is nothing wrong with that. I will immediately ask my friends to download and register to use Panda together."

“I also asked my friends to download and register to use Panda.”

Someone took the lead, and Lin Hao's fans all joined the spontaneous publicity army and took the initiative to recommend the Panda chat software to their friends.

After Lin Hao's fans made such a fuss, the news that Xingchen Network Technology Company launched Panda Chat software quickly spread throughout the Internet.

After Penguin, Bubble, and UC received the news, they immediately summoned their senior executives to download, register, and log in to Panda to experience it.

After Ponyboy from Penguin Company downloaded, registered and logged into Panda, his expression changed slightly.

As netizens said, pandas look more comfortable than penguins.

Brother Ma began to look for the reason. After comparison, the functions are almost the same and the interface is no different, but why does it look more comfortable?

A senior executive expressed his thoughts, "It should be due to the art design. The panda's art design should follow certain rules or patterns, so it looks more comfortable."

Xiao Ma immediately smelled it: "Can we learn this?"

"If you don't know the principles of panda design, you can't learn." The senior management gave the answer directly.

Brother Xiao Ma gave up the idea of ​​imitating the interface design of Panda and said: "Although the interface of Panda Chat Software looks more comfortable, it does not have outstanding new features and cannot threaten us for the time being."

"I'm afraid this is also the reason why the genius chose to launch Panda without publicity. But we cannot relax. From today on, we must keep an eye on Panda."

"Because once Panda develops outstanding new features, it will definitely threaten us or even declare war on us."

"Yes, Mr. Ma." All Penguin executives did not dare to underestimate Panda.

With the same functions and undifferentiated interface, Panda makes it more comfortable. This alone is enough to prove the excellence of Panda.

UC and Bubble have also added Panda to their rivals.

At the same time, the entry of pandas, especially netizens' spontaneous help in promoting pandas, made Paopao aware of the crisis.

We can't wait any longer, we must act now, otherwise we will be dead ends if we wait any longer.

Thank you [Papaya] brother for the 100-coin reward. I am very grateful. Thank you!

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