Rebirth: Start By Conquering Internet Cafes Across The Country

Chapter 77 Secret Weapon, Subverting The Game Industry [Please Order In Full]

"Oh my god, today is the 15th, the last day as promised, and "Legend" still hasn't revealed the secret weapon to make big money. I'm completely desperate.

"It seems that my expectations for classmate Lin Hao are too high. How can free games make money? Alas. w

"It's such a pity. The myth of classmate Lin Hao will be shattered today. It's such a pity."

"Whether it is the Xingchen Internet cafe management system software or the 985211 tutoring website, they all make a lot of money. Only the Panda chat software and "Legend" of Xingchen Network Company do not make money. Could it be that Xingchen Network Technology Company defeated classmate Lin Hao."

"What the hell, isn't the 985211 tutoring website owned by Xingchen Network Technology Company?"

"No, 985211 Tutoring Website is a separate company. Lin Hao probably thought long ago that he would not take any profits, so he specially established a new company. 985211 Tutoring Website belongs to ten companies.

"Well, I really don't know if I don't tell you. In this way, Xingchen Network Technology Company's products are really not profitable."

"It's scary. Is it true that Xingchen Network Technology Company is in conflict with classmate Lin Hao?"

"Don't talk nonsense. Panda's current registration volume is very good. Since the tutoring website became famous across the country, many people have switched to the Panda chat software."

"But this cannot change the fact that Xingchen Network Technology Company does not make money. If this continues, Lin Hao's 420 million will soon bottom out."

"Fourty-two million may seem like a lot, but it will eventually be spent."

"Classmate Lin Hao, let's change "Legend" to a paid model. "Legend" charges the same as for us to play."

"That's right, classmate Lin Hao, we won't blame you if you switch to the paid model, we will still play "Legend".

Originally, the voice on the Internet was still very positive. After the alliance of game companies joined in, the trend changed to support the charging model and persuaded "Legend" to change to the charging model.

This is all the result of Ding Sanshi.

Ding Sanshi stayed at the company last night and didn't sleep very well. He woke up early and stared at "Legend".

Seeing that there has been no movement in "Legend", netizens became even more violent. Naturally, Ding Sanshi took the opportunity to continue promoting the charging model.

Under the strong guidance of the game company alliance, netizens naturally shouted for Lin Hao to change "Legend" to a paid model.

The charging model can make money. As long as "Legend" makes money, Xingchen Network Technology Company will not go bankrupt.

Netizens are also worried about Xingchen Network Technology Company not going bankrupt.

Ding Sanshi felt envious when he saw that netizens were thinking about Lin Hao and Xingchen Network Technology Company.

If NetEase can get such support from netizens, why not worry.

It's a pity that Ding Sanshi didn't give up hundreds of millions of profits every year. There is only one person like Lin Hao in the world.

Penguin Ponyboy is also very concerned about the news of "Legend".

The success or failure of "Legend" is related to the rise and fall of Xingchen Network Technology Company.

At this moment, Brother Ma's thoughts were complicated.

I don’t want “Legend” to make a lot of money, but I also want “Legend” to make money.

They don’t want “Legend” to make a lot of money because they are worried that after “Legend” makes a lot of money, Xingchen Network Technology Company will have sufficient funds to develop the Panda chat software, and Penguin may be overthrown by Panda.

I hope "Legend" will make money, but I don't want to see Xingchen Network Technology Company collapse, and I don't want to lose a talented opponent like Lin Hao.

genius. . .

This time flashed through his mind, and Xiao Ma suddenly felt that he had fallen into a misunderstanding.

How could a genius dare to make such a domineering announcement without being fully prepared?

Therefore, Lin Hao is waiting for the popularity to reach its peak before using his secret weapon to maximize benefits.

Thinking of this, Xiao Ma's mind suddenly became enlightened.

I was almost misled by netizens. How could a genius fall down so easily? The good show will take place today.

NetEase Ding Sanshi, you are destined to lose to classmate Lin Hao.

Brother Penguin believes that Lin Hao is fully prepared and believes that Lin Hao can defeat Ding Sanshi.

Lin Hao came to the legendary group.

"What are the statistics of Legend now?" Lin Hao asked Zhang Hengming, the leader of the Legend team.

Zhang Hengming replied: "The highest number of online players in "Legend" has exceeded eight million. The number of simultaneous online players every day remains above one million, and the peak number remains above three million. Currently, there are 1.2 million online players at the same time."

Lin Hao nodded slightly.

It's morning now, and one million and two hundred thousand people are online at the same time. That's good.

"Then we will update the new version at nine o'clock, and first make an announcement in the game to warm it up.

"Yes, Mr. Lin."

Zhang Hengming was extremely excited.

During this period, Zhang Hengming also hoped that "Legend" would be updated as soon as possible and make money as soon as possible, so that he would not have to bear so much pressure.

Soon, a new announcement appeared on the "Legend" game interface.

"Legend" will be updated to a new version at 9 a.m. on October 15th. We apologize for any inconvenience caused to players.

Gamers who were playing "Legend" were stunned when they saw this announcement.

"This, this, this... Oh my god, "Legend" is finally going to be updated."

"I'm not dazzled, right? "Legend" will be updated with a new version at nine o'clock. Is this true?"

"The update announcement is right there. How could it not be true? Haha, when "Legend" is finally updated to a new version, I know that Lin Hao will not let us down. I am so looking forward to the new version."

In less than a minute, the news that the new version of "Legend" was updated at nine o'clock spread throughout the Internet, and the trend on the Internet changed instantly.

"Haha, who said that "Legend" can't be helped? Isn't it going to be updated now? It's 8:20, there are still forty minutes, just wait, "Legend" will make money soon, haha." Support Legend and support Lin Good fans are extremely happy.

"Haha, I'm really happy. I almost despaired just now, but luckily I finally got hope, haha."

"I believe that classmate Lin Hao is absolutely right. Since classmate Lin Hao said that he will make money by the 15th at the latest, he will definitely do it. y

"That's right, we can always trust Lin Hao, haha."

"Seeing the announcement of the update of "Legend" made me want to cry. I knew that Lin Hao would not let us down. Lin Hao is the best."

Netizens also began to support the free release of "Legend".

"Awesome, I just said that "Legend" is free and does not make money, and now "Legend" has released an update announcement, which is a slap in the face, but this is good, haha, I can continue to play free online games."

"That's right, I originally thought that "Legend" would be changed to a paid game after tomorrow, but I didn't expect that today I still waited for the update of "Legend". We can continue to play "Legend" for free in the future. I am really happy, haha."

"To be honest, although I say I support charging fees for "Legend" and continue to play "Legend" even though "Legend" charges fees, I have to tell the truth. If "Legend" charges fees, I won't have the pocket money to buy some cards. Those who play "Legend" are fine now. "Legend" continues to be free, which is great. I can keep playing Legend."

"Haha, me too. Although I shouted for "Legend" to be paid and continued to support it, my pocket money was only enough for the Internet fee. I didn't have any extra pocket money to buy some cards to play "Legend" for a fee. Fortunately, "Legend" I’m so happy that it continues to be free, haha.”

"I'm really looking forward to seeing how "Legend" makes money soon."

"Everything is in the new version, haha. At this moment, I no longer doubt whether "Legend" can make money.

"There's still half an hour left. It's really torturous. I really hope this half hour will pass quickly."

"Yes, I really hope this half hour will pass quickly. I can't wait."

"My wallet is already thirsty, "Legend", hurry up and let me spend money, haha.

"That's right, "Legend" hurry up and let me spend money, haha."

"To tell you the truth, I am going to spend a hundred yuan to support "Legend", hehe.

"It's only 100, but I'm embarrassed to say it. I'm going to spend 200 to support "Legend".

"Is two hundred a lot? I have prepared five hundred yuan, and I hope "Legend" will let me spend it.

"Haha, I also prepared five hundred yuan, and I hope "Legend" will allow me to spend the five hundred yuan.

"Without further ado, I have already prepared a thousand yuan."

"To be honest, I am not short of money. My family has a mine. I have ten thousand yuan, one hundred thousand yuan, or even hundreds of thousands and one million yuan. It depends on whether "Legend" has the ability to let me spend it.

"One hundred thousand, one million, oh my god, what did I hear, awesome, because he is rich. 17

"There are really all kinds of werewolves. They spend hundreds of thousands and millions playing games. The boss is really rich."

"In order to support classmate Lin Hao and to make "Legend" profitable, I decided to support Two Hundred. This is my heart.

"Yes, classmate Lin Hao selflessly contributed all the profits of the tutoring website. I decided to spend one or two hundred to support "Legend", which can be regarded as a token of my gratitude."

Many players are clamoring to spend money to support "Legend".

NetEase Ding Sanshi almost fainted when he learned about the nine o'clock update of "Legend".

"No, this is impossible, since...

Ding Sanshi could no longer say anything else.

Even if he no longer wants to believe it, the facts are right in front of him, and Ding Sanshi cannot tolerate disbelief.

"If heaven perishes me, heaven perishes NetEase."

Ding Sanshi sighed sadly.

The bosses of game companies were extremely disappointed when they learned about the nine o'clock update of "Legend".

One moment they were happy, but this moment they were in despair.

Defeated, ultimately defeated, free is unstoppable.

When Xiao Ma heard the news about the nine o'clock update of "Legend", he showed a real expression.

"Haha, I guessed it would be like this. Classmate Lin Hao, let me see your genius idea."

Xiao Ma is also very curious about how "Legend" will make money. Even Xiao Ma wants to learn from the money-making methods of "Legend" to develop Penguin's profit points.

In just half an hour, more gamers came to the Internet cafe just to see the new version of "Legend".

Coupled with the fact that it was the weekend, the number of simultaneous online players of "Legend" surged rapidly.

At a moment before nine o'clock, the number of simultaneous online players of "Legend" exceeded four million, and it was still increasing rapidly.

Nine o'clock arrived on time, and "Legend" prompted a new version update.

Players will update the new version as soon as possible.

After the update, gamers can’t wait to enter the game.

“With new maps, there must be new maps in game updates, and that’s true.

"Haha, with the new map, it will definitely be more fun, haha."

"Don't you see anything else that can make "Legend" profitable?"

"Everyone, please look at the game store. Oh my god, I'm shocked."

Some players discovered a new continent.

"Oh my God, is this game mall real? Oh my god, I feel like I'm going to lose my 100 yuan."

I never dreamed that games could actually make money like this. Such beautiful clothes and gorgeous gaming equipment are so awesome. I couldn't help it. I bought it first as a token of my respect.

"When I saw the dazzling array of products in the game mall, I was shocked. It turns out that "Legend" can really make money.

"The new version of "Legend" has an additional RMB product interface in the game mall. Yes, you read that right, it is the RMB product interface, not the game gold coin product interface.

There are not many RMB products, probably only two to three hundred kinds, but the products above look so good that you can’t go without them. They are much better looking than the products with game gold coins. I believe many people will be tempted to buy them when they see them.

I guess this is how Legend makes money. "

"Before the new version of "Legend" was updated, there was no online game in the world that had real-money products in its game mall. "Legend" was definitely the first one. This idea simply opens up a new world of online games. I dare say that it will be the next one. In the future, online games around the world will imitate "Legend" and launch real-money products in game malls."

"Yes, this is a genius's whimsical idea, a secret weapon, awesome, really awesome."

"A genius is indeed a genius. Just when everyone couldn't think of how to make money from free games, the genius thought of the game mall's RMB products. This secret weapon is simply awesome. w

"This fantastic idea of ​​real currency products in the game mall will definitely completely subvert the charging model. This is the most correct way to operate online games."

"That's right, the game lets you play for free. It's up to you to decide whether to buy the RMB products in the game mall. No one forces you to buy them."

"There is no force, but RMB products are so much better than game gold coin products. As long as I have spare money, I will choose to buy RMB products."

"What are you talking about? Haven't you seen the one-cent gift package? Buy it quickly, otherwise you will definitely regret it if you don't have it later.

"What a one-cent gift package, why didn't I see it?"

"Are you blind? You didn't even see the first product."

"Haha, while you are talking freely, I have already purchased a one-cent gift package, haha."

"how to buy?"

"Just click to buy. Don't you want to spend a penny? If you don't want to spend even a minute, then you should go play other games, haha." That's right)

"Isn't there the word "Purchase" under the one-cent gift package? Just click to buy and then pay through Alipay."

"That's right, but there are conditions for the one-cent gift package. You must log in with a Panda account and use Alipay to purchase it."

"It is not necessary to log in with Alipay with a Panda account to purchase the one-cent gift package. As long as Alipay is bound to the Panda account, it is fine."

"Aren't you talking nonsense? Alipay has bound a panda account, which means you can log in to Alipay directly with a panda account. Do you understand?"

"Haha, it's the same every day."

"Fortunately, I use Panda to log in to both Alipay and Legend. I click to buy directly and then pay. The purchase is successful immediately. It's super fast, haha."

“If you don’t use a Panda account to log in to Legends and make payments, you may have to take one more step and just bind your Panda account.

"Haha, it's actually not troublesome at all, and the binding operation is also very simple."

"Now I finally understand why I launched the Alipay platform first. I was waiting here."

"Haha, it's true. If there was no Alipay platform, we wouldn't know how to pay if we wanted to buy RMB equipment. Now with Alipay, payment is super convenient, which is really cool.

“Before, some people said they couldn’t use Alipay and didn’t want to bind their cards, but now they can use it, haha, just take your time and bind your cards.”

"I'm afraid someone forgot to bring their bank card. Hey, go back and get your bank card, buddy, haha.'

After Penguin figured out the RMB products and the one-cent gift package, he admired Lin Hao even more.

Genius's whimsical ideas are indeed geniuses.

RMB products will definitely subvert the charging model and allow other online games to follow suit.

The one-cent gift package can not only stimulate the consumer desire of game players, but also increase the number of users of Alipay and Panda software. It is simply killing three birds with one stone. It is really amazing.

"The game mall has launched RMB products, the game mall has launched RMB products...

Brother Penguin kept saying this, trying to figure out Penguin's profit points. .

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