Rebirth: Start By Conquering Internet Cafes Across The Country

Chapter 88 Glory, The God Of The Internet [Please Order In Full]

While the entire network was celebrating, Xingchen Network Technology Company quietly released a new announcement.

The announcement is as follows.

Thank you to all netizens for their attention and support for pandas. At the request of netizens, we will publish the latest data on pandas.

Panda has 60 million registered users, and the highest number of people online at the same time has exceeded 40 million.

As soon as the announcement came out, the whole network was shocked.

"Haha, Xingchen Network Technology Company finally released the panda data, haha.

"It's finally announced, I've been waiting for it, haha."

"Oh my god, am I not dazzled? Panda has 60 million registered users, which is the same as Penguin, and more than Bubble and UC. It's awesome."

"It doesn't matter if there are as many registered users as Penguin. Look at the number of people online at the same time for Panda. It's as high as 40 million. Forty million is a whole 12 million higher than Penguin's 28 million. This number of people online at the same time It’s terrible, really terrible.”

"Oh my god, is this data true? Panda has as many registered users as Penguin, but there are 12 million more people online at the same time than Penguin. Is this true?"

"There are 60 million registered users, but the maximum number of online users is as high as 40 million, which is fully two-thirds of the registered users. You can imagine how sticky Panda users are. It's really amazing."

"I guessed that Legend, Alipay, and the online game trading platform were bound to Panda. The stickiness of Panda users must be very high, but I didn't expect it to be so high. Of the 60 million registered users, 40 million were online at the same time. It's really It’s so scary.”

"Looking at the 25 million people online at the same time on Paopao and UC, why do I suddenly feel that Panda is one level higher than Paopao and UC."

"Panda is not only one level higher than Bubble and UC, but also one level higher than Penguin, okay? The difference in the number of people online at the same time is 12 million, doesn't it count as one level higher?"

"Panda is really awesome, no, I should say Lin Hao is too awesome. Paopao and UC worked hard to promote it and spent crazy money to promote it. Only 50 million users were online at the same time, and 25 million were online at the same time. Penguin enabled national level It is also advertised that there are only 60 million users and 28 million people online at the same time.

Panda has no publicity at all. It has more users than Bubble and UC, as many as Penguin. The maximum number of simultaneous online users is much higher than the three chat software of Penguin, Bubble and UC. Panda is really awesome, 433"

"Awesome, classmate Lin Hao is awesome. At this moment, I just want to call classmate Lin Hao a god, the god of the Internet."

"Haha, no publicity, just a simple binding method. Panda has topped the list of chat software. It's really awesome. Classmate Lin Hao, the God of the Internet."

"It's not surprising that Panda has achieved this result. If there were not 30 to 40 million people online at the same time, how could Tieba have exceeded 10 million users in just five minutes and 20 million users in half an hour.

"Yes, in one word, it's really awesome and awesome."

""Legend" made 100 million in half a day and 140 million in one day. 985211 tutoring website became famous all over the country. Alipay created a new era of online payment. In three days, Tieba was developed to eradicate the Internet cancer of Summit Forum. Panda reached the top chat software without publicity. At the top of the list, all these performances show how awesome Lin Hao is, please allow me to call Lin Ji the God of the Internet."

"It's awesome. You won't know until you summarize it. It turns out that Lin Hao's deeds are so awesome and legendary. He is worthy of being the God of the Internet."

"The Xingchen Internet cafe management system software has made 420 million in 50 days. Lin Hao's fortune history is even more legendary, isn't it?"

"Haha, yes, there is also Xingchen Internet Cafe Management System Software. This is the history of Lin Hao's fortune. From the college entrance examination to the present, in just four months, Lin Hao has done so many things that shocked the entire Internet and shocked the country. , it’s really awesome, and he deserves to be called the God of the Internet.”

"Classmate Lin Hao, the God of the Internet."

"Idol, God of the Internet."

"Husband, the God of the Internet."

So far, the glory of the God of the Internet has been bestowed upon Lin Hao by netizens.

Industry peers were shocked when they saw netizens calling Lin Hao the God of the Internet.

Are you so crazy, God of the Internet? Oh my God, with this honor, Lin Hao will get twice the result with half the effort no matter what he does on the Internet.

My peers are extremely envious and jealous.

Even if he no longer wants to admit it, Lin Hao's various performances, one legend after another, are indeed enough to become a god.

Brother Penguin was shocked when he saw the panda data released by Xingchen Network Technology Company.

The number of registered users is the same as Penguin, but there are as many as 40 million online at the same time, which is 12 million higher than Penguin. This, this. . .

Brother Penguin was completely shocked, and it took him a long time to come back to his senses.

A genius is indeed a genius, but a cat is destined to be the goose's lifelong enemy.

The moment he saw the panda's incredible achievements, Xiao Ma completely understood that from now on, the panda will be the penguin's biggest enemy.

If Penguin wants to become the overlord of Internet chat software in Dragon Kingdom, it must kill Panda.

As long as the panda survives, the penguin will not be able to secure its position as the dominant Internet chat software in the Dragon Kingdom.

When he saw netizens calling Lin Hao the God of the Internet, Ma Ma's face became extremely solemn.

The God of the Internet, Lin Hao, has this honor and blessing, and the panda will also benefit. It will be extremely difficult for the penguin to defeat the panda.

Thinking of the raging war in the future, Xiao Ma is full of fighting spirit.

Isn't this exactly what you want?

Lin Hao, hurry up and take action, I can't wait to fight you.

Little Ma is looking forward to the battle between penguin and panda. Because Xiao Ma deeply understands that once the panda starts the war, the way to make money on behalf of the chat software will also appear with the war.

At that time, Penguin can imitate and follow up. As long as Penguin can make money, Xiao Ma is confident to defeat Panda.

A man who is attentive will surely defeat a man who is half-hearted.

NetEase Ding Sanshi sighed deeply when he saw Panda's incredible data.

Launched without publicity, without any promotion, just a simple binding operation, Panda has quietly surpassed Bubble. This method is really amazing.

Paopao burned money like crazy and promoted like crazy to achieve today's good results. But compared with Panda, all the efforts made by Paopao seem so worthless.

He fights Lin Hao, NetEase fights Xingchen Network Technology Company, Paopao fights Panda, can he really win?

At this moment, Ding Sanshi's fighting spirit to regain his place in a fight with Lin Hao dissipated a lot.

Why must we fight?

Learn from Xingchen Network Technology Company, learn from Lin Hao, wouldn’t it be great to make money along the way?

We had a fight before and lost so completely. Are we going to let Paopao follow in the footsteps of paid online games?

Ding Sanshi's thoughts were extremely complicated and he didn't know what to do for a while.

The UC boss also has very complicated thoughts.

Originally, UC already had two powerful enemies: Penguin and Bubble, but now there is a more powerful enemy called Panda. Where should UC go from here?

It is impossible for four chat software to coexist in the Internet market of Longguo. Either one will dominate the world, or two will dominate the world.

Panda, Penguin, Bubble, and their own UC are destined to be eliminated in the future competition.

Originally, there were three companies competing, and UC had great hopes of taking over the world. Now that a powerful enemy like Panda has entered the field, can UC really survive in the fierce battlefield?

With UC's current strength, once the panda starts fighting, can UC catch it?

The answer is obvious, the current UC is no match for Panda.

Do you just admit defeat like this?

No, we must not admit defeat like this. We have put so much effort into developing UC to this point. We must not admit defeat.

In the next time, we must develop UC crazily and make UC more powerful. Only when UC is more powerful than pandas, penguins, and bubbles, will UC become the ultimate winner and become the overlord of Internet chat software in Xilong Country.

Cace and Cat’s extraordinary achievements have made the entire Internet realize that the Internet does not necessarily require crazy publicity to gain users. There is another method called joint binding.

That night, Pinnacle Forum collapsed, two new stars, Tieba and Panda, emerged, and the miracle of the Internet continued to unfold.

October 20th.

Mr. Liu woke up from a coma and learned that there were less than a thousand online users left on the Summit Forum, and he vomited blood and fell into coma again.

He vomited blood three times and fell into coma. Mr. Liu was sent to intensive care.

The trees fell and the hozens scattered.

Summit Forum lost, and the entire network celebrated.

When Mr. Liu was discharged from the hospital, none of his friends came to help, and they were mostly ridiculed.

Waiting for Mr. Liu’s lawsuit against Xingchen Network Technology Company.

Xingchen Network Technology Company naturally won.

The amount of compensation Mr. Liu needs to pay is not much, only a few hundred thousand. Unfortunately, Summit Forum has collapsed, and Mr. Liu can only sell his property to compensate.

In the end, Summit Forum declared bankruptcy, Mr. Liu became an ordinary person, and his once glory was finally in vain.

On the afternoon of the 20th.

Lin Hao was in class when his cell phone rang suddenly.

Lin Hao was slightly startled when he saw the call was from Leng Ruyan.

What can happen at this time?

Lin Hao spoke to the teacher in class and then walked out of the classroom to answer the phone.

"Manager Leng, I'm in class, tell me if you have anything to say."

Leng Ruyan: "A game company from Bangzi Kingdom came to buy the agency rights of "Legend". I can't make the decision on this matter. Do you want to come over?"

Lin Hao was slightly startled. A foreign game company came so quickly to buy the agency rights of "Legend"?

"Is it a big game company?"

Leng Ruyan: "I don't know much about Bangzi Country's market, and I don't know if the other party is a big game company."

Lin Hao: "Okay, let me go over there. You ask the other party to wait for a while, and by the way, let someone check what level the other party's company is in Bangzi Country."

Leng Ruyan: "Okay."

Leng Ruyan never thought that a foreign game company would come to buy the agency rights of "Legend", so she didn't know how to deal with it for a while.

Besides, she couldn't make the decision, so she could only call Lin Hao.

Half an hour later, Lin Hao came to Xingchen Network Technology Company.

During this period, Leng Ruyan also asked people to find the company that purchased the agency rights of "Legend". It is not a large game company in Bangzi Country, but it is also a medium-level game company.

Soon, Lin Hao met the representative of Bangziguo Game Company.

To Lin Hao's surprise, Mr. Park's Chinese is actually very good and he can communicate normally. It seems that this company has put a lot of effort into the agency rights of "Legend".

"Hello, Mr. Lin, nice to meet you."

Lin Hao smiled and said: "Hello, Mr. Park."

Both sides quickly got to the point.

Mr. Park: "Mr. Lin, I agree to pay five million to purchase the agency rights of "Legend" Bangzi Country?"

Lin Hao was slightly stunned and asked: "Five million US dollars?"

Mr. Park: "It's five million yuan."

Lin Hao immediately turned his back and said: "Manager Leng, see you off."

Mr. Park didn't expect that Lin Hao would fall out, and said quickly: "Mr. Lin, if the price is not suitable, we can discuss it. I am sincerely buying the agency rights of "Legend"."

Lin Hao said angrily: "Five million is your sincerity? Do you know how much money "Legend" makes in one day? 140 million. "Legend" makes 140 million in one day, and you use five million to buy "Legend" legend"

Bangzi Country’s agency right, is this called sincerity?”

Mr. Park looked embarrassed and apologized: "Mr. Lin, I was presumptuous."

"I am willing to increase the price to 10 million yuan, which is the highest price my company can offer."

Mr. Park saw that Lin Hao kicked him out whenever he disagreed with her, so he decided not to talk nonsense. Continuing to offer low prices would only offend Lin Hao more. It would be better to directly offer the highest price that the company could offer, whether it would succeed or not.

, it all depends on luck.

Lin Hao said calmly: "If you want to buy the agency rights of "Legend" in Bangzi Country for 10 million, I tell you, it is impossible.

"If you are willing to pay 500 million, I will agree."

"Let's do this, 10 million agency fees per year, 40% share, if you agree, sign the contract immediately.

After hearing this, Mr. Park was full of disbelief.

"No, this is impossible, this is absolutely impossible."

Lin Hao said directly: "Then please.

After saying that, Lin Hao turned and left.

In the current Internet environment, "Legend" will become popular no matter which country it is in. If other countries want to buy out the agency rights, Lin Hao will never agree unless they give enough money.

When Mr. Park saw Lin Hao about to leave, he quickly stopped Lin Hao and said, "Mr. Lin, your conditions are too harsh. Can we discuss it again?"

Lin Hao said directly: "You should inform your boss of my conditions and let your boss make the decision. Don't forget that Bangzi Country is not just your game company."

After saying that, Lin Hao turned around and left.

Mr. Park left Xingchen Network Technology Company with a depressed look.

I was full of confidence before coming here, but I didn't expect it would be like this.

Ten million is just an annual agency fee, or only a 40% share. Who would accept such a harsh condition?

If you tell your boss this, he will definitely scold you.

Just as Mr. Park thought.

When Mr. Park informed the boss of Lin Hao's conditions, the boss immediately scolded Lin Hao angrily, saying that Lin Hao was wishful thinking and asked Mr. Park to return to Bangzi Country immediately instead of wasting time in Long Country.

The boss of the game company was still very angry after scolding him and directly posted the matter on

Soon, it was widely spread on the Internet of Bangzi Kingdom that Long Kingdom’s "Legend" was a wishful thinking and a daydream, and offered sky-high agency conditions. No game company in any country in the world would agree to "Legend".

"Qi" high-priced agency conditions.

"Legend"'s sky-high agency conditions set off a firestorm on Bangzi Country's Internet. News spread back to Dragon Country, instantly detonating the entire Internet. .

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