Rebirth: Start By Conquering Internet Cafes Across The Country

Chapter 94 Crazy Bidding, The Real Sky-High Price [Please Order In Full]

"Which company wants to buy out the rights to "Legend"?"

As Lin Hao finished speaking, the faces of representatives from foreign game companies on the scene became excited.

One of the game companies said loudly: "Mr. Lin, I am the representative of the first game company in Eagle Kingdom. Our company wants to buy out the agency rights of "Legend" in Eagle Kingdom. I don't know the price?"

Someone spoke up, and other game company representatives also spoke up.

"Mr. Lin, I am the representative of Bangziguo Sanshi Game Company. I want to buy out the agency rights of "Legend" Bangziguo. You set a price." This is the voice of the representative of Bangziguo Game Company.

"Mr. Lin, I am from the Sakura Kingdom Benxia Game Company. My boss wants to buy out the agency rights of "Legend" Sakura Kingdom. You can just make an offer." A representative from a game company in Sakura Kingdom said.

Subsequently, representatives from the beautiful country and several other countries also had representatives from game companies speaking.

Seeing so many people clamoring to buy out the agency rights of "Legend", Lin Hao had a smile on his lips.

Just when Lin Hao was about to speak, a voice suddenly sounded.

"Mr. Lin, I am the representative of Bangziguo Xinghui Game Company. Our company wants to buy out the agency rights of "Legend" throughout Asia except Dragon.

Following the words of the representative of Bangzi Guoxinghui Game Company - fell.

The representatives of other game companies all focused on the representative of Bangzi Guoxinghui Game Company.

This Bangzi Guoxinghui Game Company actually wants to buy out the agency rights for all of Asia except Longwai?

Damn it, if Bangzi Country Game Company buys the agency rights for other Asian countries, wouldn’t our Sakura Country have nothing to play with? . . The game company representative from Sakura Country immediately refuted loudly.

In addition to the representatives of Sakura Country Game Company, there are also representatives of five other Bangzi Country Game Companies, and representatives of game companies from three other Asian countries also spoke out in rebuttal.

"How can Bangzi Country buy the agency rights for the entire Asia? This is absolutely not possible. I, Sakura Country, will not agree."

"Bangzi Country, you can't even dream of winning the agency rights for "Legend" throughout Asia. With our country here, you can't even dream of winning the agency rights for "Legend" throughout Asia."

"Xinghui, don't be arrogant. This is not Bangzi Country, it's Dragon Country. This is not a place where you can be arrogant." Other game companies in Bangzi Country were even more dissatisfied with the arrogance of the representative of Xinghui Game Company.

What’s so weird, representatives from six game companies from Bangzi Country were present, and Xinghui actually wanted to win the agency rights for “Legend” throughout Asia. He simply ignored them at all.

Bangzi Guoxinghui Game Company completely ignored the condemnation of the game company representatives and kept looking at Lin Hao.

"Calm down, everyone."

Lin Hao shouted and said to the representative of Bangzi Guoxinghui Game Company: "Say your price.

The representative of Bangziguo Xinghui Game Company fell into deep thought.

Lin Hao said again: "Don't waste time, tell me the price your company can offer."

The representative of Bangziguo Xinghui Game Company said: "One billion, Xinghui Company is willing to pay one billion to buy out the agency rights of "Legend" in other Asian countries except Dragon Boat Festival.

Lin Hao said expressionlessly: "That's it?"

"It is simply wishful thinking to buy out the agency rights of "Legend" in all Asian countries for one billion. I will give you another chance and tell me your highest price."

Bangziguo Xinghui Game Company did not expect Lin Hao to have such an attitude, and felt very unhappy. However, thinking of the news that the boss of Xingchen Network Technology Company had a strong attitude that had spread online before, he still suppressed his unhappiness and quoted a price again. .

"Five billion, this is the highest price our Xinghui company has ever paid."

Lin Hao no longer looked at the game representative of Bangzi Guoxinghui Company, and said coldly: "Let me declare once again, don't think about getting the agency rights of "Legend" cheaply, after all, you are not the only smart ones.

"The Asian agency rights of "Legend" can be sold, and even European agency schools can be packaged and sold."

"Eight billion in Asia and 10 billion in Europe."

“As long as any company agrees to the price I mentioned, we will sign the contract immediately.

As Lin Hao finished speaking, the game company representatives were shocked.

8 billion in Asia and 10 billion in Europe. Oh my god, this is the real sky-high price.

The game company representatives also noticed Lin Hao's strength and did not dare to talk too much.

Lin Hao said calmly: "Don't think that the price I offered is very high. I can tell you that the sales of "Legend" as of today have exceeded 600 million."

"It has exceeded 600 million in half a month. You can think about it carefully."

"To be honest, the price I offer is definitely not high. If you run a good business, you can get your capital back in one year, make a lot of money in two years, and make more wealth than you can spend in a lifetime in three years."

The game company representatives secretly murmured in their hearts, no matter what you say, I won't believe it.

However, game company representatives did not dare to express their dissatisfaction.

Lin Hao's strength suppressed them.

In addition, they are seeking help from Xingchen Network Technology Company, so the representatives of the game companies do not dare to act recklessly again.

The representative of Bangzi Guoxinghui Game Company looked extremely ugly.

Eight billion is more than five times higher than the 1.5 billion set by his company. This is not only a sky-high price, it is simply a sky-high price that even a fool would not agree to.

Leng Ruyan and other senior executives of Xingchen Network Company were very surprised when they saw Lin Hao's strength for the first time.

It turns out that Mr. Lin has such a strong side, and his aura is really too strong.

Leng Ruyan looked at Lin Hao quietly and muttered secretly, "Lin Hao is simply omnipotent." . .

In her place, Leng Ruyan felt that she did not have Lin Hao's strong aura that could suppress the representatives of thirty-eight game companies.

Lin Hao saw that the game company representatives were silent and asked: "Is there any company that wants to buy out the agency rights of a state?"

No gaming company representatives spoke out.

It’s strange that someone would buy it at such a high price. . .

Even if you want to buy it, you can't afford it.

Seeing that no one was speaking, Lin Hao said: "Since no company wants to buy state agency rights, then let's do it one by one."

"Let me first talk about the conditions of Xingchen Network Company."

"Ten million agency fees per year, 40% share."

As soon as these words came out, the whole place became excited again.

"Mr. Lin, your condition is too high. Can it be lowered?" A representative from a game company in Sakura Country was the first to speak.

The representative of Bangziguo Game Company also said, "Mr. Lin, this condition is too high, can it be lowered?"

Representatives of game companies from several small countries were even more excited.

"This condition is too high and inappropriate.

Lin Hao smiled and said: "The agency fee is negotiable for some countries, but the 40% share remains unchanged. If you can't accept it, you can leave."

Lin Hao didn't want to talk nonsense with everyone, so he directly set a condition of up to 40% share.

Half a minute passed and no one left.

"Very good, let's go to Sakura Country first." Lin Hao said to the representatives of the four Sakura Country game companies: "Sakura Country's market is very good, and the conditions I offer will definitely make you a lot of money."

"All four of you want to purchase the agency rights for "Legend" Sakura Country?"

Representatives from the four Sakura Kingdom game companies all nodded.

The smile on Lin Hao's face became even brighter, and he said: "I am also in a dilemma because four companies want to purchase the agency rights of "Legend". Let's do this. You bid, and whoever offers the best price, I will sign a contract with that company."

"As a reminder, the price is not limited to the annual agency fee, but also the share."

The expressions of representatives from the four game companies in Sakura Country changed drastically.

This is what they fear most. On-site bidding is too unfavorable for them.

But right now they have no way to change this fact.

Four companies rush to buy a product, and the one with the highest price will get it.

Other game company representatives also had solemn expressions.

Lin Hao said: “Each company only has three opportunities to bid, let’s get started.

In order to make the representatives of the four game companies lose their position, Lin Hao only gave each company three opportunities to bid.

Company No. 1 spoke first: "I will pay an annual agency fee of 10.5 million, and the 40% share will remain unchanged."

Company No. 2: "I will pay an annual agency fee of 11 million, and the 40% share will remain unchanged.

Company No. 3 and Company 4 also made bids one after another, both of which increased the annual agency fee and kept the share share unchanged.

Lin Hao reminded: "Each of your companies still has two opportunities to bid, think carefully."

The four Sakura Kingdom game companies all fell silent.

Seeing the silence of the four representatives, Lin Hao shouted directly: "Is there any bid? If no one bids, then it is company No. 4."

Before Lin Hao could finish speaking, the representative of Company No. 2 said: "I will pay an agency fee of 13 million per year, and the share will remain unchanged."

The other three companies also took action, and the agency fee reached 15 million, but the share remained unchanged.

Lin Hao smiled and said: "This is your last chance to bid, think about it carefully."

The four Sakura Country Game Company representatives had serious expressions on their faces.

All four representatives knew that they might not be able to win the agency rights of "Legend" by increasing the annual agency fees.

"I'll make a call." The representative of Company No. 1 said.

Lin Hao nodded slightly.

The representative of Company No. 1 went to the side to make a call, and the representatives of the other three companies also left their seats and made a call.

Lin Hao said to the representatives of game companies from other countries: "Representatives, you should also take this time to call and discuss the final price with the boss, so as not to waste time waiting.

After hearing this, representatives from all the game companies all walked aside to make phone calls.

Soon, the four representatives of Sakura Country returned to their seats. Half a minute passed and no one spoke.

Lin Hao said: "In the last ten seconds, no one spoke, Company No. 3 won the agency rights for "Legend" in Sakura Country.

The representative of Company No. 2 told the price set by the boss: "The annual agency fee is 10 million, with a 35% share. Our company only needs a 35% share."

When Lin Hao heard this, he laughed secretly in his heart, and Cheng finally changed.

The expressions of the representatives of the other three companies changed drastically when they heard this.

The representative of Company No. 3 thought for a while and looked like he was willing to give it all, "The annual agency fee is 10 million, with a 30% share.

0Flowers requested‥

This is the highest condition offered by the boss of Company No. 3.

The faces of company representatives No. 1 and No. 4 changed drastically.

The conditions given by the representative of Company No. 3 made them desperate.

Lin Hao directly said to the representatives of companies No. 1 and No. 4: "Do you still bid?"

Companies No. 1 and No. 4 shook their heads in despair.

Lin Hao said to the representative of Sakura Country Company No. 3: "Congratulations, your company has successfully won the agency rights of "Legend" in Sakura Country."

"With an agency fee of 10 million per year and a 30% share, the company will definitely make a lot of money."

Company Representative No. 3: “Mr. Lin, it’s a pleasure to work with you.”

Lin Hao smiled and said: "It's a pleasure to cooperate."

Representatives from other game companies looked even more solemn when they saw that Sakura Country No. 3 Company had won the agency rights for "Legend" Sakura Country with a 30% share of the agency fee of 10 million per year.

The conditions in the first country were so harsh. With this example, the next competition will probably be even more intense.

Lin Hao announced: "The next step is to take over the agency rights of Bangziguo."

"Like Sakura Country, representatives of the six companies in Bangzi Country have three opportunities to bid. The market in Bangzi Country is very good, and the conditions remain unchanged. Let's start.


Representatives from the six national game companies raised no objections.

The representative of Xinghui Game Company said directly: "Xinghui Company will definitely win the agency rights of "Legend" in Bangzi Country. You can't compete with me."

"Xinghui Company offers an annual agency fee of 10 million, with a 30% share."

When Lin Hao heard this, he called out in his heart, "Good guy," and it was the final transaction price of Sakura Country.

Go ahead and bid like crazy, haha.

When the representatives of the other five Bangziguo game companies heard the price offered by the Xinghui Company representative, their expressions changed drastically.

Ten seconds later, the representative of the No. 1 gaming company in Bangzi Country said: "Eleven million agency points, 30% share."

Representatives from the other four game companies looked desperate and quickly went to the side to make calls.

The representative of Xinghui Game Company said: "Fifteen million agency fees, 30% share."

The face of the representative of Company No. 1 also changed, but he was not deterred at all. He looked at the representative of Xinghui Game Company provocatively and said: "The annual agency fee of 10 million [25%]


The representative of Xinghui Company changed his face and said, "Are you crazy? You actually paid 25%."

The representative of Game Company No. 1 said: "What price I pay is my freedom and has nothing to do with you."

When Lin Hao saw the hostile attitude of the two companies, he felt even more proud, "Fight, fight to your heart's content, the more you fight, the more I will make."

At this time, representatives from the other four Bangziguo game companies also returned to their seats.

Lin Hao reminded: "Now the representative of Company No. 1 is bidding for the second time, with an agency fee of 10 million per year, divided into 25%.

"You four haven't made a bid yet, will you make a bid?"

Representatives from the four companies looked desperate.

"I give up."

"I give up too."

Representatives of the four companies immediately announced their abandonment.

The annual agency fee of 10 million yuan, divided into 25%, is too high, and has exceeded the highest price given by their boss.

Lin Hao looked at the representative of Xinghui Company and said: "You have one last chance to bid, do you still bid?"

The representative of Xinghui Game Company pondered for a few seconds, then gritted his teeth and said: "The annual agency fee is 10 million, with a 20% share.

"Pu Sheng, I don't believe you can offer a higher price than me."

The expression of the representative of Bangzi Country No. 1 Company changed drastically.

Representatives of game companies from other countries also changed their expressions.

Damn, the share has been reduced to 20%, why don't you be so cruel?

Is it really possible to make money with an annual agency fee of 10 million yuan and a 20% share?

The representative of Bangzi Country No. 1 Company thought for half a minute and finally spoke.

"Xinghui, the final winner is me. I pay 11 million in agency fees every year, and I get a 20% share.

The Xinghui Company representative was completely desperate.

The agency rights of Bangzi Country were finally won by the No. 1 Big Game Company with an annual agency fee of 11 million and a 20% share.

Lin Hao was very satisfied with the price and smiled and said to the No. 1 Game Company representative: "It's a pleasure to cooperate.

The representative of Game Company No. 1 smiled bitterly and said: "It's a pleasure to cooperate."

With the example of Sakura Country and Bangzi Country, competition among game companies in other countries will also be fierce.

In the end, a big game company from the beautiful country won the agency rights of the beautiful country with an annual agency fee of 15 million and a 25% share.

The conditions in other countries are similar, ranging from 25% to 30%.

The agency fees in several small countries are less, only 5 million a year.

In total, the annual agency fees in thirteen countries total more than 100 million.

At five o'clock in the afternoon, the day ended perfectly.

Xingchen Network Technology Company also immediately announced the results of the "Legend" agency rights sale.

Netizens have been waiting for this moment and were extremely shocked after seeing the announcement. .

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