Rebirth: Start By Hiding In Evil

Chapter 15: The wrath of the workers!

The gun-shaped "silver arrowhead" is roaring!

The tip of the gun emerges.

A-level magic [Blast], the signature bodily fluid magic of "One Family".

Although Hui's own reduced psions were input, the power has dropped from A-level to B-level.

But it is only to the extent that he will not die. If a person has evaporated a few percent of his body fluids, he will instantly faint.

Gojo Satoru did not hide, but gathered a phantom group with one hand and shot it out as a bullet, directly extinguishing the scarlet activation.

Simple and crude, but effective.

Just like the old saying in the magic world: as long as my phantoms shoot fast enough, you can't even complete the start-up.

"Disintegration of the technique?"

There were exclamations from the crowd who had long given way.

"Not really."

Squinting, Kushima Retsu explained, "Gojo-kun just used the phantom to break up the [Explosion] activation."

Amid the exclamations of the crowd, Ichikage Hui had already ended the temptation.

With a pursed mouth and a chuckle, CAD pointed to the air.

Go all out!

A large number of startups are densely emerging in the sky.

...saturated strikes.

With just one glance, Gojo Satoru already understood a plan of Jiang Hui.

In this case, even a master of manipulators like him would be difficult to break up one by one.

This is the crushing of "power" on "technique".


The girl in front of the floor-to-ceiling window [Shizuku] whispered to herself, without saying much, just staring at the battlefield where Gojo Satoru was, thoughtfully.

Outside the window, a magic group of Hui Hui quickly formed, and the scarlet particle beam bombed down like no money, setting off a cloud of dust.


Dust quickly enveloped the right half of the courtyard.

But there was no successful smile on his face, some were just solemn.

Because he didn't hear the familiar scream.

No matter how tough a man is, he will cry out under the pain that touches his soul.

It's not shameful, it's just the body's self-protection.

So, missed?


"May I ask, what is the essence of magic?"

"The answer is—[lie]!"

In the smoke, Wutiaowu's unique magnetic voice sounded after each question and answer.

【Xianshu·Mirror Flower Water Moon】.

The flying sand and stone blown up by magic actually melted at an unscientific speed.

In the blink of an eye, the hidden truth was revealed.

The invisible tent was holding back the [burst] beam group. To be precise, the light was still advancing slowly, but it was getting slower and slower until it disappeared.

A beautiful picture.

But it didn't work.

At this moment, no attack can touch the creature in front of him.

Even the concept of arrival does not exist in this field.

This short distance is like eternity.

"Ichi-kun, do you know?"

"As a person, I hate working overtime the most, so... can I ask you to admit defeat right away?"

A bright smile appeared on Gojo Satoru's face.

He raised his finger and lightly touched the void, just like a dragonfly touching water.

It can be seen to the naked eye, the fingertips seem to be stabbed into a layer of transparent plastic film, the space is compressed in an instant, and then it erupts like a flood that bursts a dike!


An unimaginable shock wave burst out from Gojo Satoru's fingertips, with the destructive power of destroying all things, and spread around.

When Ichijo Huizai Wujo Satoru made a human gesture, he had already jumped to the side.

The cold feeling of death welled up in my heart, which is the feeling that I only have when fighting for my life on the battlefield.

will die!

Hit it head on and you'll die!

Cold sweat dripped down his forehead, the sound of sonic booms swept across his eardrums, and the wind pressure attached to the shock wave sent him flying backwards, hitting the flower beds in the courtyard heavily, creating an impressive gully.

A mouthful of blood spurted out, and the "Jianghui" was broken!

"So strong!"

Such admiration came from the group of visiting guests.

A gleam of light also flashed in the eyes of Mr. Jiushima Lie. He already knew what the shock wave was just now.

"If the old man has no clumsiness, then it is the secret magic of the Gojo family [He]!"

"Lun Jun, thank you for bringing back an excellent heir to the Shishi clan."

The straightforward and affirmative words made Gojo Rin nodded with a wry smile.

This catapult power called [He] is a secret technique that belongs to the Gojo family.

After reversing the [Unlimited Spell], the power of the ants, which was a little light, was blessed by the concept of infinity into a positive infinity power.

The ultra-long-distance shock wave it generates is theoretically enough to destroy anything in front of it.

And at the moment when Gojo Satoru released [He], the gorgeous Japanese-style building behind the original "Ichijo Shoki" was also completely destroyed.

The rubble was cut with sawdust and filled with dust.

This scene is like a parking lot destroyed by a tornado, which is terrible.

But this is only the product of Wujogo's control. *

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