Among the few QQ messages Yan Xin received, there was a message about Chen Li, and he sent him the data he was currently subscribing to.

There was news from Feng Chen that he was on his way home—to be exact, the way back to Master Ruan's house.

He also said that the van of Master Ruan's family is big and comfortable, and it is no problem to pack two more people. If the time is right after the Chinese New Year, Yan Xin can also be pulled there.

Yan Xin replied: "I'm leaving on the eighth day of the lunar new year, and I will definitely not have the same time with you."

There is also a message from Ai Lili, asking him what he is doing now and whether he is happy to return to his hometown.

Yan Xin was also embarrassed to ask an old classmate to act as his partner today, but only said that he went shopping in the town today and bought some clothes for his father.

Then I mentioned one thing, it snowed today.

Within two minutes, Ai Lili sent a message: "Is it snowing? Then you have to take a few more photos and let me have a look when you come back. I haven't seen snow in a few years!"

Seeing such a reply, Yan Xin couldn't help laughing after imagining Ai Lili's excitement, and replied:

"Okay, I'll take a lot of photos, and then I'll make a video to show you what it looks like when it snows in the countryside."

After chatting with Ai Lili for a few words, I finally received a reply from Xiao Shiyu: "Do me a favor for my old classmate, what money do you charge?"

Yan Xin was a little embarrassed: "Didn't you agree? I'm so sorry that you backed out."

Xiao Shiyu: "Seeing how anxious you are, I don't promise you, I'm afraid you won't feel at ease, and it's not really for your money, and I'm not short of that money."

This made Yan Xin not know what to say.

I feel guilty for the fact that I proposed to pay five hundred yuan at the beginning, or I think people are too low.

Xiao Shiyu seemed to be very interested in the conversation, and chatted with him for about half an hour, and it didn't end until it was time to prepare dinner.

After chatting on QQ, Yan Xin lay in bed for a while, seeing that it was getting late, then got up from the bed, changed into an old coat, and walked out of the room.

His father has already sawed all the miscellaneous wood in the main room, and now he is in the kitchen, preparing dinner.

Outside the snow is falling more and more, the roof is white, and the ground is already white.

Thinking of what Ai Lili said, Yan Xin went outside, took dozens of photos from multiple angles, and recorded a video, and then returned home, charged his phone, and went to the kitchen to help his father light the fire.

He came here in exchange for an old coat, mainly for the purpose of lighting the fire, in case the sparks in the stove would fly onto his clothes and burn holes in them.

He didn't change his clothes at noon, it was because Xiao Shiyu was there, it would be too embarrassing to do that.

Now that there are no outsiders around, what should be paid attention to should still be paid attention to.

That down jacket costs more than 1,000 yuan.

Money is a trivial matter, the most important thing is that the dress was given to him by Ai Lili, and I am so sorry for Ai Lili if it is broken.

The father and son lit the fire and the other held the spoon, and they worked together to make a meal.

Although the taste and appearance are not good, but the taste of home is strong.

It can be regarded as the family happiness that is difficult to enjoy these years.

After dinner, the father and son worked together to wash the dishes.

Seeing his son scrambling to work, Yan's father was filled with happiness.

This is sensible!

In the past few years, I was on the verge of despair. I never thought that there would be such a day when I could see my son's future and see his son being sensible.

——According to Dad Yan's standards, Yan Xin, who can send hundreds of dollars home a month, is already very promising. I heard that he will have the opportunity to be the supervisor in the future, so he will be even more promising.

After washing the dishes, I boiled a pot of hot water on the stove at the residual temperature, washed my feet, and went to bed.

It was not yet seven in the evening.

At this time, the snow outside had accumulated ten or twenty centimeters deep, and it creaked when stepped on it.

The snow is still falling, and it is getting bigger and bigger.

If it weren't for the memories of his previous life, seeing the momentum of the snow, Yan Xin was really worried that the dilapidated house he lived in would be crushed by the heavy snow.

The snow disaster occurred at the beginning of 2008. According to the custom here, it is the end of 2007 according to the lunar calendar.

At the end of that year, there was a lot of snow, and their house was also crushed. Yan's father was also injured, one leg was limped, and the root cause of the disease fell.

When he was reborn, Yan Xin didn't have much confidence in the future, all he wanted was to demolish the old house and build a new one in the autumn of 2007.

"Fights Break the Sphere", which he collaborated with Chen Li, has achieved unprecedented success in the online literary world, and he can be considered a rich man. Now he has changed his mind, hoping to build a house after the autumn of 2006 up.

Build a house one year earlier and enjoy happiness one year earlier.

At this time, I really couldn't sleep. I lay on the bed and thought about the plot of the novel for more than an hour. Then I picked up my phone, opened QQ, sorted out what I thought of, and sent it to Chen Li one by one.

Chen Li didn't chat with him, he coded his own words, and only after he finished sending them did he start discussing with him.

After confirming that there was no mistake in understanding, Chen Li sent his newly written content to Yan Xin for review.

Two people discussed through QQ for an hour or two.

The trouble is that there are some troubles, but there is no way around them. If you want to build a big house and earn money, you have to accept such troubles.

Chen Li said depressedly: "It's still a little inconvenient, the discussion at night is too time-consuming, you have to come back earlier."

Yan Xin: "Don't worry, I'll be back in ten days or so."

Go to bed at seven o'clock, or go to bed after ten o'clock.

At this time, Yan Xin still misses life in the city.

It's a waste of time to stay in bed so early.

When I woke up the next day, it was almost eight o'clock.

It was quite cold outside the bed, so cold that Yan Xin didn't want to get up at all.

If he hadn't been so suffocated by urine, he wouldn't have gotten up so early.

In the countryside, there is not much work to do in winter, and the weather is very cold. Many people only eat two meals a day, get up at nine o'clock in the morning, and eat one extra meal at ten o'clock.

Start the fire at three or four o'clock in the afternoon, and have another meal at four or five o'clock. After the meal, it gets dark, and the day is over.

Yan Xin's family always eats three meals in winter, because the family is poor and has to work in winter, so they can't afford to eat only two meals.

When Yan Xin walked out the door, he saw that it was no longer snowing outside, but the ground was covered with thick snow, and the world became a vast expanse of whiteness.

There was steam coming out of the kitchen, it was Yan's father who was making breakfast.

After checking that it wasn't time for dinner, Yan Xin put on his rain boots, ran out with his mobile phone, and ran to the embankment more than a mile away. Kaka took photos and recorded videos frantically along the way. The memory is full and then come back.

After breakfast, I climbed into bed again, lay in bed and began to check the photos and videos I took, and deleted some repetitive content, and deleted some that were not very good.

While he was busy, he suddenly heard someone calling him outside the window:

"Yan Xin, Yan Xin, are you there?"

It was Feng Xi's voice.

He became depressed all of a sudden.

After being reborn, I thought that I would never have any interaction with this ex-wife in my previous life in this life. I didn't expect to meet yesterday, and even quarreled once. Today she found her again.

Lying on the bed, he said, "I'm here, what's the matter?"

"I'm here to get the gloves." Feng Xi said outside.

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