Rebirth, Starting from 2005

Chapter 113 Return to Xiaorong Town

Feng Chen came home on the fifth day of the first lunar month, and Yan Xin went to his place for dinner.

On the sixth day of the sixth day, Feng Chen took Ruan Mengyao to visit those workers.

I have the contact information of those workers, and I also found a classmate who drives a motorcycle. I hired him to be a private driver for a salary of 100 yuan a day, and he also ate along with me. In this way, it was much more convenient to visit those workers.

He and Yan Xin will still keep in touch on QQ, but they haven't met each other.

Yan Xin stayed at home for another two days, and left on February 5th, which is the eighth day of the first lunar month.

He asked for leave until February 6th, which means he will go to work on the 7th.

At that time, I was on the night shift again, that is to say, on February 6th. At eleven o'clock in the evening, he had to go to Fengxiang City Community to go to work, otherwise he would be considered absent from work.

The train ticket for him to go back is after 7:00 in the evening. On February 6th, he will arrive at Yangcheng Railway Station at 5:00 in the morning, and then transfer to a long-distance bus to Xiaorong Bus Station. Chen Li had a lunch.

If you are a bit extravagant, you can take a private car to Xiaorong Town directly when you arrive at Yangcheng Railway Station, and you can go directly to your place of residence after seven o'clock.

The money is not much more, mainly because it is not safe, because they are all illegal cars.

If you take a taxi there, even Yan Xin now thinks it's a bit expensive.

The train was at night, and he wasn't in such a hurry. He didn't plan to leave in the morning, but left after lunch at home.

This also saves money on a meal outside.

And there is no need to hang around outside in such a cold day.

——It’s not time, you can’t even go to the waiting room to rest, there’s no need to go so early.

While cooking, Feng Xi came over, carrying the small bamboo basket and a few catties of oranges, and said to Yan Xin:

"You like to eat oranges, take these over there, you may eat this on the way, so you don't have to buy water."

Yan Xin really likes her oranges, which are full of water and sweet.

He was not polite, thanked him, left the orange, and poured it into a plastic bag.

He asked her again, "Do you want to eat here?"

Feng Xi stuck out her tongue and said with a smile, "That won't work, my parents are at home, and I have to rush home to cook for them."

When she said that, Yan Xin didn't keep her.

When he set off, he was wearing the old coat again, and the backpack he was carrying was also a cheap backpack. The clothes in the backpack were all given to him by Ellie, and the price was relatively high.

In addition to the clothes, there were also a few catties of oranges - this was brought over for Chen Li and Ai Lili to eat.

When you go home, you have to bring some souvenirs.

But his family really doesn't have any special products, only rice and cotton, not even oranges, so there is no way to give them as gifts.

I also carried an extra plastic bag in my hand, which contained a couple of catties of oranges and some peanuts - which I ate on the way.

At one o'clock in the afternoon, I was waiting for the car at the small shop, and Dad Yan also delivered it there.

While waiting for the car, the father and son told each other.

Dad Yan told him to pay attention to safety on the road, and not to be angry with others after going out, and everything should be safe.

Yan Xin told his father not to work so hard, just finish the work in his own field, take a good rest in his free time, and don't help others to do odd jobs to earn money.

Then the food needs to be improved.

In fact, those are the same words, but at this time, I can't help but say them.

After talking for a few minutes, the minibus to the county came over, and as soon as the door opened, Yan Xin was the first to get on the bus.

Fortunately, there are seats, but there are only two or three seats left.

There are six or seven people waiting for the bus in this canteen.

Those who squeezed up first got their seats, and those who came behind had to stand.

By the time the minibus drove to the town, it was already too crowded.

Someone waved on the road, waving a car, but the car didn't stop.

Because there are too many people, Saidu can't be packed.

It's like this every year during the Spring Festival travel season.

The fare is twice as expensive as usual, but there are still so many people taking the car.

When we arrived at the county seat, we took another bus to go to the city.

There are buses from the county town to the city, and there are quite a lot of vehicles, so it is relatively not that crowded, and everyone has a seat.

The bus drove to the bus station in the city, and it was already past four o'clock in the afternoon, and then I spent another one yuan to take the bus from the bus station to the train station, and arrived at the train station.

When I got off the bus, it was already a few minutes past five.

Then Yan Xin found a restaurant run by a fellow villager near the train station and had a full meal for twenty or so dollars.

Come out after dinner, it's six o'clock in the evening.

At this time, you can enter the waiting room to check the ticket.

At 7:05 in the evening, I finally got on the train and found my place.

This time he bought a sleeper ticket, and it was still a lower berth. Finally, he didn't have to spend the whole night in the car like the last time he came back, and he couldn't even straighten his legs.

After arriving in the car, he lay down on the sleeper, then turned on his phone to check, and received several QQ messages, all asking him if he got in the car.

Then reply one by one.

Another ten or twenty minutes passed before the train started.

On the train, the mobile phone signal sometimes disappeared, and it didn't take long for the signal to disappear. Yan Xin simply put down the mobile phone, closed his eyes and rested.

Slowly, I fell asleep.

The train stopped at several stations along the way, and people came up from time to time, waking Yan Xin up.

This sleep was not so peaceful.

But in any case, it is much more comfortable than sitting on a hard seat.

At 5 o'clock in the morning the next day, Yan Xin was woken up while the train was still running, saying that he was about to arrive at the station, so he packed up his things and prepared to get off the train.

Some people were already cleaning up, but Yan Xin didn't move and continued to lie there.

After another half an hour, the train finally arrived, and he just stood up, and there was nothing to pack, just a backpack.

——The food in the plastic bag on the road has been eaten, and the only thing left in his luggage is the backpack.

After leaving the train station, I went to the bus station. There was a direct train to Xiaorong Town, but it took a while before the train departed.

I bought a ticket after six o'clock, and the train didn't leave until after seven o'clock.

At this time, Yan Xin bought another bucket of instant noodles in the waiting room of the bus station and ate there.

The car arrived at the bus station in Xiaorong Town and got off there. It was past eight o'clock. Yan Xin first called the canteen in his hometown and asked the owner of the canteen to tell his father that he had arrived safely.

Then he didn't bother to wait for the bus, so he directly called a taxi, told him where he lived, and he could take a taxi there.

In the taxi, I sent a message to both Ai Lili and Chen Li: "I'm back in Xiaorong Town."

The taxi took him to his place of residence, and the time was only 8:50.

Yan Xin took out the key to open the door of the room, and only stepped one foot in.

Yan Xin couldn't help but froze there, thinking to himself: "What is this guy doing?"

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