Rebirth, Starting from 2005

Chapter 116: Sister Lily's Red Envelope

Yan Xin did not have dinner with Chen Li, but went to the community cafeteria to eat.

In the past, I carried two or three catties of oranges in my hand. They were tangerines from Feng Xi's family. They looked just like that, but they tasted really good.

After entering the community, instead of going directly to the cafeteria, I went to the management office first.

From a procedural point of view, when you return from a leave of absence, you must first go to the management office to cancel the leave.

When I arrived at the management office, Ai Lili, the assistant to the director, was at the front desk, with a few clerk girls at the front desk.

As the assistant director of the management office, she has her own office, but most of the time she is not in her own office, but at the front desk, listening to the owners' complaints with the front desk staff, and dealing with what needs to be done.

This is also to gain a deeper understanding of this community and accumulate more experience in property management.

As soon as Yan Xin came in, Ai Lili saw it and laughed:

"Yan Xin, are you back today?"

Yan Xin actually sent her a message that she had returned to Xiaorong Town. She said that because she didn't want other people in the company to know that she had private contact with this boy.

It's not that she doesn't know the bad mouths of those colleagues in the company, she just doesn't talk about it.

"I just came back today, and I'm here to sell the holidays." Yan Xin said with a smile.

Put the bag of tangerines in her hand on the table in front of her, and said:

"This is a tangerine brought from my hometown. It's delicious. Sister Lily, try it."

Seeing the young man's return, Ai Lili's mood improved inexplicably.

And at this time, Yan Xin was still wearing the clothes she gave her, so she felt even happier.

He reached out and peeled an orange, ate a piece, and said:

"It's really delicious, even better than the ones I bought."

Several other girls also reached out to take it, but none of them were polite.

A girl said after eating: "This is really delicious, Yan Xin, you brought a little less, do you have any more?"

Yan Xin said with a smile: "This time I brought some. If you think it is delicious, I will send some home this fall."

Although his family didn't have one, he could have his dad go to Feng's house to buy dozens of catties and send it over without much expense.

It's just that at that time, whether he is still working here is a problem.

Of course, even if you don't work here, you can still send some over, it's not bad for the money.

The vacation was canceled here, and Yan Xin went to the cafeteria to eat, and met Liu Bo who was eating in the cafeteria, which made Liu Bo heave a sigh of relief - he was afraid that he would not come back by then, and go directly to find another job.

This kind of thing has not happened before.

Some people said it well before the Chinese New Year, and they came back to work after the Chinese New Year, but during the Chinese New Year, they came into contact with some people who also came back from part-time jobs in their hometown. They got better jobs and didn’t even need their salary. Change jobs.

The main reason for this situation is that the salary of this job is not competitive, and people can give up this job at any time.

During the meal, Liu Bo told him that some went home before the Chinese New Year, and some went home after the Chinese New Year. As a result, there was a shortage of manpower in the post, and everyone worked overtime and vomited.

The second shift is currently on the night shift, but there are still a few employees working 12 hours a day, and one of the squad leaders has also asked for leave to go home. He also works 12 hours, from 8:00 pm to 8:00 am.

It's been a little bit better these days, because employees have come back one after another.

In the few days before and after the Chinese New Year, all the security guards who stayed for the Chinese New Year went to work 12 hours a day, and some positions were cut down. For example, there should be two patrol posts in the community. At that time, there was only one. .

There is also a garage patrol post, and sometimes the squad leader comes to work part-time.

Fortunately, there are only a few people on the 12-hour shift, and each position is fully staffed.

When Yan Xin came back this time, the two security guards would not have to work for 12 hours.

Liu Bo asked him if he was interested in working a twelve-hour shift so that he could earn more money.

The answer, of course, is no interest.

Yan Xin stays here to work now, purely because he is bored. In addition, there are familiar people and things here, and there is a feeling in it. It is not because he wants to make money from this job.

The labor remuneration brought by this job is already dispensable to him.

Eight hours will not make him tired, even if it is a night shift, he will not be too tired, and there are plenty of time to be lazy.

But for twelve hours, he didn't think it was necessary.

Overtime, that's impossible.

He disagreed, and Liu Bo didn't insist. Anyway, there is not so much shortage of manpower now, and some people are willing to work overtime, so there is no need to force overtime.

When he asked Yan Xin if he wanted to work overtime, he was actually giving him a chance to make money.

He smiled and said to Yan Xin: "It means that you are young and have no pressure, and you are not willing to work overtime. There are too many people in our class who are willing to work overtime, especially those who have wives and children."

Yan Xin agrees: "It's understandable. It's easy to raise yourself, but it's too difficult to raise a family. If you can earn some overtime pay, you can also walk a few more steps."

"It's not just because of overtime pay," Liu Bo said with a smile, "there's another important reason is the red envelopes. If it's just eight hours of night shift, when we are at work, the owner has gone to sleep. Where can I ask for red envelopes?"

During the Chinese New Year, some owners will give red envelopes to security guards. Although the amount will not be too much, but the number of owners is large, and the sum can be regarded as a considerable income.

Many security guards will choose to go home during the Chinese New Year, and many owners are not locals. They will also choose to go home during the Chinese New Year, and only come back after the Chinese New Year.

When I saw the security guard when I came back, some would choose to give a red envelope.

Before the fifteenth day of the first lunar month, there is a chance to receive a red envelope from the owner.

But under normal circumstances, you will give it when you meet it, and you will not deliberately keep a red envelope for a certain security guard.

Therefore, if you can appear more in the community during the Chinese New Year, the chances of receiving red envelopes will be higher.

This is also the reason why everyone has no complaints when working 12 hours a day during the Chinese New Year.

It's not that Yan Xin doesn't know what's going on, but that's the same thing with the red envelopes here. He worked here in his previous life and never went back during the Chinese New Year. The red envelopes he can receive during the Spring Festival are only a few hundred yuan.

For those security guards whose monthly salary is normally a few hundred yuan, the red envelopes of several hundred yuan are not a small amount of income.

But for him who earns more than 100,000 yuan a month, that's really not a lot of money.

After eating and coming out of the cafeteria, it was already a little past six o'clock.

At this time, the management office is also off work.

When he passed by the management office, he saw Ai Lili at the door of the management office, and waved to him when he saw him: "Yan Xin, come here."

Yan Xin walked over: "Sister Lily, what's the matter?"

He thought Ellie needed his help with something.

As a result, Ai Lili opened her bag, took out a red envelope, and said with a smile: "Happy New Year! This is a red envelope for you."

During the Chinese New Year, she said on QQ that she had prepared a red envelope for Yan Xin, and it seemed that the red envelope was always there.

Yan Xin was very touched—it's better to be Lili, who always misses him.

After receiving the red envelope, I said Happy New Year and Gong Xi Fa Cai.

Holding it in my hand, I feel that the red envelope is a bit heavy, I don't know how much it is, and it is not easy to open it in front of Ai Lili.

On the way back, I opened the red envelope.

When I opened it, I saw ten red bills worth one thousand yuan.

This red envelope is equivalent to his monthly salary!

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