Rebirth, Starting from 2005

Chapter 118: Sister Cat is very angry

On the fifteenth day of the first lunar month, Manager Liu, accompanied by Ai Lili, gave out red envelopes to every security guard in the company. It was the company's start-up red envelopes for employees, fifty yuan per person.

That also means that for the employees, this Spring Festival is over, and they don't have any thoughts, stop thinking about red envelopes, and can work steadily.

For many security guards, this also means one more thing - no more red envelopes, and no need to nod, bow and smile at the residents in the following time, if you want to be lazy, you should be lazy, and if you want to be salty, you will be salty.

For Yan Xin, on the fifteenth day of the first lunar month, the most important significance is that the starting point's tipping function is launched.

On the fourteenth day of the first lunar month, Yan Xin stayed in front of that computer after the middle shift.

While chatting with Chen Li about the content of the novel, he looked at the time.

When the time came to 11:55 in the evening, he could no longer suppress his eagerness. He stopped chatting with Chen Li, logged on to his Qidian account page, and entered the book "Fights Break the Sphere". page.

Before the time is up, just read the book reviews in the comment area.

It's midnight, refresh the page again, and finally see the reward function.

Without any hesitation, a leader threw it out.

The whole station has seen such a small speaker:

"Wubai is my younger brother who gave a coin to "Fights Break Sphere"."

The first minute after the tipping function was launched, "Fights Break Sphere" received a tip from the leader.

It is the first tip for this book, it is also the first leader of this book, and it is also the first novel in the entire history of online literature to receive a leader.

And Yan Xin also became the first leader in the history of online literature.

There are more than one author who received the notification of the launch of the tipping function, and some authors want to be the first, but they want to pretend that they are automatically tipped after reading it, and they feel that they have to wait a few minutes before tipping. Makes sense.

Unexpectedly, before the first minute was over, the alliance leader had already appeared.

Can't help scolding: "This dog author, is he so shameless? Isn't this too obvious? You will die if you donate a reward a few minutes later!"

Yan Xin didn't care about that, no matter how many suspicious points there were, he still won this first place, and the book "Fights Break Sphere" also won this first place.

After the fifteenth day of the first lunar month, Feng Chen and Ruan Mengyao also took the train to Fengcheng.

During the ten days in his hometown, he took Ruan Mengyao to several villages and towns, met more than a hundred workers on the construction site, and spent thousands of dollars on gifts and dinners.

However, when chatting with Yan Xin on QQ, he still proudly expressed that he embezzled hundreds of dollars in it.

Yan Xin didn't tell Feng Xi, although he really wanted to, but he thought it was a trap, so he didn't say a word.

Of course, he had no contact with Feng Xi during this time.

Feng Xi doesn't have a computer at home, and she doesn't have a mobile phone that can access QQ. It is very difficult to borrow a mobile phone from Feng Chen, and there is no way to contact Feng Chen even if she wants to.

On the sixteenth day of the first lunar month, she finally boarded the button and chatted with Yan Xin for about half an hour.

She told Yan Xin that she went to the town to sell clothes on the ninth day of the first lunar month, and sold all the remaining clothes in a few days, and the last dozen or so clothes were sold at half price.

It also left her with a little more cash on hand.

On weekends, she will buy some stationery and trinkets to sell in the girls' dormitory, and she will also study about opening an online store.

What I am thinking about now is selling clothes online, the profit is relatively large.

And there is another advantage, that is, there are some young and beautiful girls in the school, and they can help as models, take some beautiful photos and post them on the Internet, which can attract more people to buy.

This also means that if you open an online store, you must first have a computer, a digital camera, and a mobile phone as the hardware that needs to be configured.

These are essential.

Of course, there must be such a room as an office space. It doesn't need to be too big, just make do with it.

Goods that are serious to sell don't need much capital.

As for hiring personnel, there is no big problem. Feng Xi said that a classmate's sister went out to work for a year after failing the college entrance examination, and came back after feeling too tired. Clerk work, can be competent for such work.

Regarding those things, Yan Xin didn't have much to say. In short, he said, "I don't understand those things. I can only provide you with start-up funds. When you need money, just let me know."

He can afford to say this.

Of course, he didn't say it was his own money, but he just explained to Feng Xi that he had already met a few owners who liked him very much, and they talked about borrowing money, and they said they would keep the money, and they could do it anytime. borrow.

On the 15th, the manuscript fee for "Fights Break the Sphere" was sent again. This is the after-tax income. He and Chen Li each received 170,000 yuan, and there was still some money left for their common living expenses.

After Yan Xin got the money, he went to buy stocks, which were the four stocks mentioned by the stray cat in reincarnation.

What Feng Xi said was that the online store would not be able to stand up until the May Day holiday at the earliest, so don't worry, after the manuscript fee for April is issued, just leave more than 30,000 yuan there.

Yan Xin originally thought that the stray cats in reincarnation would be online on the sixteenth day of the first lunar month, but they didn't, and they didn't go online until the seventeenth.

Still going online at 9:00 p.m., I sent him a message as soon as he went online:

"Fateful person, I haven't seen you for a month, do you miss me?"

Yan Xin waited for her all night last night, but didn't wait for her to go online. She felt a little disappointed in her heart, and wondered if this woman had some other stories in reality. She wanted to cut everything on the Internet, don't This is the number.

He had seen her account, which was registered in August last year, and it had only been registered for a few days when he sent him a friend application, which meant that it was a new temporary registered account, and it would not be a pity to lose her.

At that time, I was quite emotional about the hypocrisy of the online world, and there was a sense of resentment abandoned by the heartless people.

Of course, that feeling is not very deep.

After all, it's just chatting online.

What frustrates him the most is that he has lost such a friend who seems to have a sharp eye. He will be confused on the road to starting a business in the future, and he doesn't know who to turn to for advice.

——Those people he knew in real life were either security guards, brick movers, or students, and they couldn't stand at that height.

Seeing her online now, I feel the joy of regaining what was lost, and a little bit of resentment that "you're ignoring me this month".

Dan Dan replied: "I'm too busy during Chinese New Year, I don't have time to think about you."

A stray cat in reincarnation: "What are you busy with during Chinese New Year? Blind date, someone to talk about?"

Yan Xin replied: "Yes."

A stray cat in reincarnation: “(´◔‸◔`)(´◔‸◔`)(´◔‸◔`)”

A stray cat in reincarnation: "Sister Cat is angry, and the consequences are serious!"

Yan Xin replied: "It's normal for a male college to get married and a female college to marry. It's normal to go back to a blind date to find a partner during the Chinese New Year?"

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