Rebirth, Starting from 2005

Chapter 121: The Sufferer Comes to the Door

Time passed slowly.

Yan Xin's life is leisurely and fulfilling.

Going to work eight hours a day is life for him, and now the wages no longer have any temptation for him, and he can leave this place at any time.

The pressure of work does not exist at all.

In terms of business, the online store planned by Feng Xi has not yet started, but Feng Xi is already researching online shopping.

There are also channels for offline purchases, and the offices and warehouses of online stores are all contacted.

She only goes home once a month, and runs around on weekends.

The most exaggerated time, I even went to another city alone - there is a large clothing wholesale market in that city, and there are also some clothing factories there, and it is cheaper to get goods there.

The novels co-operated with Chen Li have also entered a stable period.

Some time ago, the promotional drafts published by the platform on various websites mentioned the news that the author of "Fights Break the Sphere" earned more than one million manuscripts in half a year. Entered a stable period, up and down on a line.

Chen Li's update volume finally dropped, from 20,000 per day to 15,000 per day, and then down to 10,000 per day.

——Without the large amount of new traffic coming in, relying on the little traffic in the website, we cannot support that kind of rapid update. The follow-up subscription data is declining, and the daily new data is also declining. If the update volume is not reduced, the average subscription will drop.

Although the average subscription has little to do with the manuscript fee, it represents the commercial value of an online author, which must be preserved.

On the other hand, Chen Li didn't work as hard as before.

Now that he has money, he gradually begins to pursue the quality of life, and sometimes even pursues some vulgar pleasures.

After Yan Xin came back, he didn't run into any strange things again, but he didn't think Chen Li changed his mind.

Because sometimes he could still smell a strange smell when he came home, and there were even two times when he found torn stockings on the sofa chair in the living room.

Obviously, that was not worn by Chen Li.

Although the number of updates has dropped, there are so many chapters in front of it, there will be some new traffic coming in every day, and the average subscription has not dropped.

As for the manuscript fee, the manuscript fee for subscription is indeed not so much, but the website has launched a reward function. With so many readers, although there is no large amount of reward, but the constant small amount of reward every day can also reduce the amount of money. Subscription income has been supplemented, and even the total manuscript fee has not decreased, but has increased.

The manuscript fee for February was released on March 5th, and the pre-tax income reached an astonishing 400,000 yuan. After tax, the two of them could get almost 200,000 yuan each.

The only regret is that on the monthly ticket list, "Fights Break Sphere" occupied the first place in the monthly ticket list for almost a month, and was stolen on the last day.

The opposite family had a local rich reader, and it was not a local rich reader. A group of leaders rushed in at once. In the last two hours, they stole the list and became the number one on the monthly ticket list of the month. Back-to-back champions since the beginning of the month.

But this is not a big problem.

In the original time and space, "Fights Break Sphere", which appeared a few years late, had amazing statistics, but it was not particularly popular on the monthly ticket list, and the subscription on the main station did not show a dominant position.

On the one hand, it is related to the amount of updates, and on the other hand, it is also related to the fact that the competitors at that time were too powerful.

On the other hand, there are not so many gimmicks.

In the original time and space, the biggest explosion in the sales of "Fights Break Sphere" was on the wireless channel, and that was the real dominance.

The average order of millions of orders can be described as unprecedented.

Now this book has not entered the wireless channel, there is still time before the real outbreak.

The first place on the monthly ticket list in February was stolen, which aroused the competitiveness of the readers of this book.

So in March, the book received significantly more tips.

The average subscription in March has remained at the level of February and has not dropped, but because the number of updates has decreased, new subscriptions have also decreased.

But including the income from rewards, it seems that the total income will not be lower than last month.

And in March, I also received good news that the traditional Chinese publication of this book was completed.

The publisher came to look for it before the Chinese New Year, but the condition given at that time was a condition for newcomers, Chen Li could not accept it, so the negotiation was not settled.

Now "Fights Break Sphere" has demonstrated its dominance in the online literary world, topping the monthly ticket list for three consecutive months, and its subscriptions are far ahead. It doesn't look like a novel from the same era.

They are willing to offer better conditions for this kind of novels that have proven themselves in the market, and what they offer is the conditions for the top masters.

This time Chen Li finally agreed.

Publishing in traditional Chinese has certain risks. For example, if the sales are not good, they will directly terminate the publishing contract. For example, if the sales are too good, they will renege on their debts. They are not under the same legal system. Of.

Therefore, the selected partners are those who have cooperated with the starting point in the past two years, and they are relatively more reputable.

As for whether they will faithfully follow the contract, I can only say that it depends on luck.

It also depends on whether Chen Li can show greater potential, and whether they are willing to take the risk of not being able to cooperate in the future to do those things.

What made Chen Li even more happy was that the publication in Simplified Chinese was already under discussion, and it was almost time to sign the contract.

Publishing in simplified Chinese is not a question of money, but a question of face.

When the time comes, give your own book to others, it will be very face-saving.

There is no threshold for online authors, but there is a very high threshold for publishing physical books-even if you publish a book at your own expense, you have to pay a sum of money, which is a very high threshold.

For the monthly ticket list in March, the competition was not fierce at the beginning. The readers of "Fights Break Sphere" wanted to regain what they had lost, so they voted fiercely, leading by an absolute advantage on the first day.

Until the end of March, it ranked first in the monthly ticket list, so Chen Li's updates were only 10,000 words a day-he didn't have much motivation to update so many.

After all, sometimes I will adjust my life, which consumes both energy and time.

In order to improve his physical fitness, he even signed up for a fitness class, which consumed even more time.

Such a day can be regarded as life.

In the past, it could only be regarded as a codeword machine.

Yan Xin is also happy for his transformation—although he doesn't agree with his model of fast food, being able to enjoy life is also an improvement.

Just making a codeword machine can't last too long.

The days can be regarded as having a good time.

Until late March.

On this day, Yan Xin was on the morning shift, when Chen Li called suddenly, with a serious tone:

"Yan Xin, I found out today that someone copied our novel."

Yan Xin became angry when he heard it: "Who dares to copy our novel? Is the evidence conclusive? If the evidence is conclusive, we will kill him!"

The core of the success of "Fights Break Sphere" does not lie in the writing, but in plot setting, characterization and rhythm.

It's easy to copy this, and it's easy to get popular if you copy it.

There are more homogeneous novels, which will definitely affect their own data.

That's money lost.

So Yan Xin is more sensitive to this.

Chen Lidao: "It's an author whose pseudonym is Love to Eat Silkworm Potatoes... My pen name is Elbow Stewed Potatoes, and his pen name is Love to Eat Potatoes. He obviously wants to take away my luck!"


Yan Xin was stunned when he heard this, and suddenly felt guilty—then maybe the sufferer came to the door, right?

"What's the name of that book?"

""Martial Universe"!" Chen Li said angrily, "Looking at the title of this book, he is plagiarizing us. And his data is still very good, and now he is number one on the new book list! Yan Xin, we can't bear this! "

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