Rebirth, Starting from 2005

Chapter 123 Harmony Makes Wealth

In the end, Chen Li did as Yan Xin said. When the two readers were arguing about plagiarism or not plagiarism, he rewarded a leader of "Martial Universe" and left a comment:

"The writing is very good, I can't sleep at night, and I will update it soon!"

Then I also posted a single chapter in my novel, mentioned this matter, and said that I spent half a day reading the book, and thought it was well written, and I didn't think it was plagiarism.

And I also suggest that those who like this style can read it, it is a rare masterpiece of online literature.

After this operation, the readers of the two books were shocked—there is such a well-established author in the world?

Even the readers of "The Martial Universe", when they say that there is no plagiarism in this book, they also know that there are indeed some similarities in the plot, and it can only be said that there is no plagiarism in the legal sense.

I also think in my heart that I'm afraid I should learn from it, and my confidence is not particularly strong.

But I didn't expect that the original author not only didn't get angry, but even came over to a leader, saying that the book was well written, and even sent a single chapter to recommend this book.

This pattern is awesome.

It is completely a senior writer's concern for a rising star, showing the old-timer's mind pattern.

This wave gave Chen Li countless fans, and the novel suddenly added a lot of favorites.

However, it's not all good.

There are some people who scolded their opponents bloody and wanted to fight along the network cable, and then they suddenly saw this, and they were immediately stunned—the ministers were about to fight to the death, why did His Majesty surrender first?

In order to protect the interests of the dog author, in the end, the dog author himself said there was no plagiarism, it was a normal stalking.

I feel stabbed in the back by the author I protect.

Some readers who couldn't get angry scolded the author as soon as they opened their mouths, expressing that they would never read books by this dog author again.

Fortunately, there are not many such readers.

The main reason is that the plagiarism controversy only started two days ago, and the two sides did not quarrel too much, it can only be said that it is only in the bud.

Now Chen Li stepped forward in time to resolve this dispute in its infancy.

Although it will cause dissatisfaction among some readers who spoke for him, the price to pay for solving this matter now is not high.

Some readers have been lost, and some readers have been gained. From the point of view of collection, it has not decreased, but has increased a little.

So this operation still brought benefits to the book "Fights Break Sphere".

Chen Li's statement also received a warm and positive response.

The author on the other side reciprocated a leader in the evening, and also opened a single chapter, saying that he likes to read the book "Fights Break the Sphere" very much, and thinks this book is very exciting.

He also revealed that this book "Fights Break the Sphere" was his guide. It was because of this novel that he came up with the idea of ​​writing online articles, and it was also because of the success of this novel that he came up with the idea of ​​becoming an online writer.

——In a way, this can be regarded as an acknowledgment of learning from the book "Fights Break Sphere".

Of course, this is called tribute, not plagiarism.

Others naturally have no position to pursue things that the original author did not pursue.

Strictly speaking, there is no plagiarism in the first place, it can only be said that it is a bit homogeneous, and there is no way to pursue it.

Now that the two authors are fine, and they have entered the stage of commercial mutual bragging, readers naturally don't have to worry about it anymore.

Two single chapters, two leaders, will resolve a possible dispute in such an embryonic state.

Many readers have also become fans of the two books.

Really, it can be called a win-win situation.

Chen Li's operation not only won the favor of the other readers, but also gained a relatively good reputation in the circle of authors.

After all, there are so many plots in the novel, and it is indispensable for everyone to learn from each other.

Chen Li took the initiative to resolve this matter, which also provided a positive template for dealing with it.

Let's make money together.

This is not true plagiarism.

At the beginning, Chen Li was still a little unconvinced about this kind of operation, but later saw some book fans on the opposite side came to give rewards and gave good reviews. Seeing that the collection had increased so much, he finally understood that the solution proposed by Yan Xin was correct of.

An author can write only a limited number of novels, but a reader can read many novels.

It doesn't mean that readers won't read that book after reading this book, they can read several books together.

To resolve disputes with the other party, it is not to give your own cake to others, but to make a big cake together.

This incident also made him admire Yan Xin's vision pattern.

——But in fact, Yan Xin really didn't think so much, she just had a guilty conscience and was afraid of retribution somewhere, so she had to do something to make up for it.

This processing method can increase the popularity of the other party's novels, and the data will become better, making him less uneasy.

At the same time, I made a decision in my heart, and I will continue to copy in the future.

However, one day when the bitter master appeared in this web circle, he had to reward them, give them chapters and tweets, and lead his own traffic to them, so that their future journey would be smoother.

That way it wouldn't be so immoral.

The subscription data in March originally declined, because the update volume dropped, and the new data was not as much as last month.

However, this wave of operations that showed the pattern attracted some fans to Chen Li. In the last few days, the data actually started to rise again. This is because some fans of "Martial Universe" came to subscribe to this book .

——Generally speaking, those who can watch "The Martial Universe" can also watch "Fights Break the Sphere".

vice versa.

A small turmoil was just suppressed by Yan Xin casually, without any impact on his mood.

The days are still so relaxed and happy.

On March 27th, Monday, when she was going to work in the morning, Ai Lili passed by him, stopped for a while, and said with a smile:

"Yan Xin, happy birthday! This is a birthday present for you!"

With that said, he took out a small box and put it on the table.

Yan Xin was stunned for a moment: "What birthday?"

Ai Lili said: "Didn't you say that the date of birth on February 28 on your ID card is actually the 28th of the lunar calendar? Today is the 28th of the lunar calendar. Isn't it your birthday?"

The birthday on Yan Xin's ID card is February 28, which is not his real birth date, but his birthday was changed from the lunar calendar to the Gregorian calendar.

That's what they did at that time.

Because everyone's birthday is on the lunar calendar, I don't remember which day was born on the Gregorian calendar.

The twenty-eighth day of the second lunar month of this year is March 27th in the Gregorian calendar.

Yan Xin looked at the calendar hanging on the wall, and then remembered that today is really his birthday.

Scratching his head, he smiled awkwardly: "I even forgot that today is my birthday."

There are also some emotions in my heart.

I even forgot my birthday, but Ai Lili still remembered it and bought him a gift.

Ai Lili thought in her heart: "It's so pitiful to work outside alone, and I don't even remember my own birthday."

More sympathy for the boy.

It's a pity that her mother is too strict with her. She has to stay at home every night and can't go out without a reasonable reason.

Otherwise, she really wanted to spend a birthday with this boy.

It's at least less lonely that way.

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