Rebirth, Starting from 2005

Chapter 127: Borrowing the Talents of Others to Empower Yourself

That day I sang K until past one o'clock in the morning.

After selling the copied song to Gu Ru, Yan Xin's mood also relaxed, and he seemed very relaxed in the second half, even a little excited.

I don't even know how many beers I drank.

However, the alcohol content of beer there is extremely low, and it is more suitable to be called beer-flavored water. It has no other use except to increase the number of times you go to the toilet.

Not to mention not drunk, not even slightly drunk.

This time karaoke, the private room didn't cost a lot of money, the price of the private room here is very low, it looks like it's free.

It's just that the fruit plate will be more expensive than other places, and if you call the singing girl, the charge will be more expensive.

In general, it will be more expensive than other KTV consumption.

But for the two of them now, this little money is really not considered money, and they don't take it to heart at all.

When the two went back together, Chen Li asked Yan Xin if he was interested in doing some other entertainment activities, such as opening a room and asking a girl to accompany him to chat about life and ideals.

Rejected by Yan Xin: "Don't persuade me, I have nothing to do with pornography, gambling, and drugs!"

Chen Lidao: "By God, I am also at odds with gambling and drugs!"

I didn't go to work the next day, and it was past ten o'clock when I woke up.

After waking up, I took a look at my phone and saw Gu Ru’s QQ message: “I wrote your song on the recording, sang it a few times, thought it was good, and sent it to a few friends. Say yes. Today I am going to find a friend to arrange music. What class do you work now? When we have time, we will meet and talk about cooperation."

It was sent after nine o'clock according to the time.

Yan Xin went back to the past: "I'm sorry, I went to the karaoke room to sing on my birthday yesterday. I went to bed late and just woke up. I was on the morning shift until the 31st, and I was still in that position. But I didn't go to work today, so I asked for leave Rest. Sister Ru can meet whenever she wants."

Before he got up, he could hear the crackling sound coming from the living room. It was Chen Li working again, banging on the keyboard fiercely.

"What a hardworking little bee!" Yan Xin sighed in his heart.

He closed his eyes and squinted for a few minutes, then got up, walked out of the bedroom, and saw Chen Li really typing in the living room.

Although this guy is a bit saltier than before, overall he is still very hardworking.

After washing up, she sat beside Chen Li and asked him, "Where are we going for lunch?"


Chen Li said, stopped typing, and said:

"I read the diary you posted yesterday on Qzone today. The lyrics are so awesome. Brother, your writing is good. Why can't you write online novels? Is it because you're lazy?"

Yan Xin glanced at him depressedly, and thought to himself: "If I can really write a good novel, then why don't I do it myself?"

Now that I want to take the route of copying songs, it’s hard to say that my writing is bad, so I waved my hand and said:

"Lyrics come out with a bang as soon as inspiration comes. But novels, with millions of words at every turn, can't be filled with more inspiration. It's not the same thing at all. I can I can write lyrics, but I can't write novels."

Chen Li understood: "The inspiration in your novel can only support your imagination, character design, plot conflicts, and cannot support the text filling in details."

Yan Xin nodded: "It's like this. In terms of novels, I only have the ability to design, but I don't have the ability to practice."

Chen Li rolled his eyes: "You mean you are an interior designer, and I am a master of tiling."

"Young man, don't belittle yourself," Yan Xin patted him on the shoulder, and said sincerely, "The bricklayer is very important, most people can't do this job well!"

The cooperation of two people is very important, neither of them can be short of the other, so proper encouragement is very necessary.

It's just that Chen Li didn't think it was an encouragement, and felt that he had been hit.

But I have to admit that this young man who is more than a year younger than himself is a very talented person.

Without him, Yan Xin would be able to live happily ever after relying on his ability to create songs.

And without Yan Xin, he can only write old-fashioned stories, and there is a high probability that he is not even qualified to be listed.

I couldn't help feeling in my heart: "We are both human, why is there such a big gap?"

Yan Xin had a rest that day, and after lunch, he went shopping alone in Tianyou City, bought a few sets of clothes, and bought two pairs of shoes, which cost more than a thousand yuan.

The weather was getting warmer, and the clothes that Ai Lili gave him were only suitable for winter. Now he should buy some clothes for spring and summer.

He can barely be considered a rich man, so there is no need to dress so expensively.

That night, he used the computer for a while while Chen Li was taking a shower, logged into Qzone, clicked on the log, and saw more than a dozen comments.

Among them are his QQ friends and several strangers.

His QQ space has no setting that strangers cannot enter, so strangers will come in and leave comments.

Judging from the comments, most of them are praising him for his talents, and a few of them are here to step on the space, leaving room for comments to step on each other.

Inside, there is Gu Ru's comment: "Well written."

There is Xiao Shiyu's comment: "Uncle must be able to feel your heart."

And Ellie's comment: "It was so well written, I was on the verge of tears."

Yan Xin did not reply.

In this diary, he is a creator and a literary youth. He must maintain the forceful style of a literary youth and cannot interact with people casually.

Originally, I was thinking about whether to make persistent efforts, publish another diary, and copy another lyrics.

But thinking that it's not good to use too much force, I controlled the plagiarism that was about to move.

That night, the stray cat in reincarnation sent him a message:

"I read your diary yesterday, why, are you going to develop into the music world?"

"How do you know this?" Yan Xin expressed his surprise.

Although he really thought so, he was very surprised how the other party saw it.

The stray cat in reincarnation: "I don't have this idea, what did you post that thing for? You won't tell me that you are full of literary youth and want to show off your talent in QQ space?"

"Is it not possible?" Yan Xin asked back.

"You can, but that's not your style," said the stray cat in reincarnation.

Yan Xin finally admitted: "I do have such an idea, I want to try it out, and I won't suffer anyway."

Then asked: "Do you think my lyrics are well written?"

A stray cat in reincarnation: "I don't want to praise you."

I don't want to praise, but that means that the lyrics are worthy of praise, which makes Yan Xin a little happy - it seems that his image in Sister Mao's mind has changed again, and he has become a talented person.

Although it was a song he stole from later generations, but the other party didn't know it, rounding it up, it was tantamount to an original song.

I also understand why in so many time-travel novels, the main characters copy poems at every turn.

It is really enjoyable to use other people's talents to pretend to be aggressive.

— as long as no one comes to debunk it.

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