Rebirth, Starting from 2005

Chapter 129 Internet Singer

An independent singer who has not signed a company, but only sings in a few bars, wants to rely on his own ability to release records, and how good the sales are, it is indeed a bit unreliable.

Now the record market is not doing well. Some famous singers make records and lose one, only relying on performing on stage to make money back.

Let alone an unknown person.

Even if Yan Xin is a layman, he still feels that this will not work.

But he was still a little reconciled, and said: "Sister Ru, you haven't signed a company, and it's really inappropriate to release a record, but have you considered putting your song on the Internet? This way more people can hear it. , maybe it can become popular too.”

"Put it on the Internet?" Gu Ru smiled, "Do you want me to be an Internet singer?"

When he said this, there was some disdain on his expression.

Of course, it's not disdain for Yan Xin, but disdain for Internet singers.

Now there is such a term as an internet singer, and there are also a few well-known internet singers.

But generally speaking, they are all amateurish, not of a high level.

It is also mainly known for its funny style.

For example, "Song of Pigs", "University Study Room" and so on.

Of course, occasionally there will be a refreshing song like "Lilac Flower".

But generally speaking, Internet singers are still in a relatively discriminated position.

Most of the online songs are shoddy, and the amateur level is only a little bit better than Yan Xin's level.

Although Gu Ru is not well-known, she is also a singer from a serious music academy, and has entered the top ten of the Youth Song Competition. With her professional level, she still has a certain sense of superiority over those amateur online singers.

——When it comes to singing ability, most online singers are indeed not as good as those resident singers in bars.

Yan Xin considered his words and said:

"It is true that most online singers are not very good now, but, Sister Ru, we need to see the trend of this society. The e-era is coming, the country is vigorously building the network, and the Internet will enter every family. It is foreseeable that virtual records will eventually Instead of physical records, online distribution of songs will become the biggest sales platform for all singers in the future. This is a huge blue ocean. If we take this step before the capital has paid attention to this market, we will be able to achieve the greatest success at the lowest cost. "

His only advantage is knowing the future trend.

What he knows is only the general trend, and he doesn't know much about the details.

Gu Ru can only be persuaded by the general trend.

He didn't value Gu Ru's career more, but for his own. He wanted to enter the entertainment industry with the song "Where Did the Time Go?" In the dust and smoke, forgotten in everyone's memory.

After a few years, the original creator of this song, the couple, recreated this song according to the original track, and let Mr. Wang, who participated in the fast boy, sing it, which may arouse Gu Ru and some relatives and friends. It would be too embarrassing to create a dispute over intellectual property rights.

He wasn't afraid of a lawsuit, and the one who won must be his side who released the record a few years in advance.

But if a real creator is cheated, it may end his career in this circle, that would be too wicked.

This song has to be fired up.

Gu Ru frowned: "But, I don't want to hang out in this circle anymore. It doesn't matter to me whether I succeed or not."

"Sister Ru, it's not like this," Yan Xin said, "I think that since you have come to this industry and want to say goodbye to this industry, you should make this farewell more perfect. The most perfect curtain call for a singer is not to say goodbye A record that really belongs to you, but to keep your singing voice in the world and in the hearts of more people. A private record cannot play such a role, but the Internet can make your singing voice Follow the network and walk into the hearts of thousands of listeners."

He looked at Gu Ru and said, "For a singer, it doesn't mean anything just to have performed this song. It is meaningful to be heard by more people and sung by more people. Make this song have its vitality. The vitality of a song lies in its spread, and only in the spread can it prove its existence, instead of being sealed in the record and eating ashes.”

Although Gu Ru has already decided to withdraw from this circle, Yan Xin can tell from her expression that she is still unwilling and has feelings for the career of singing.

To be truly disheartened, one should withdraw silently, rather than put out a record after going through all the trouble.

He hoped to fan her unwilling heart and fan her enthusiasm for this cause.

Gu Ru looked at him, was silent for a while, then smiled and said:

"You don't want this song you made to sit in the dust with my record?"

"Yes," Yan Xin said, "Although I am not a singer, I also hope that the song I created will be heard by more people and resonate more."

Gu Ru smiled and said, "Alright, since you think so, I'll put this song you created on the Internet, what do you think?"

He said it to satisfy Yan Xin's wish, but in fact, he might have the idea of ​​giving it a try.

——What if?

Yan Xin raised both hands and put them together above his head: "Thank you, sister Ru, for your fulfillment."

He can't sing himself, if he can sing, he will do it himself.

Compared with his tone-deaf voice and the level of not being able to find the tune, he believed more in the ability of a singer who could enter the top ten in the Youth Song Competition.

Gu Ru said with a smile: "I fulfill your wish and put this song on the Internet, then, can you sell me this song at a lower price?"

"It's free, no money!" Yan Xin waved his hand and said, "Since sister Ru, you don't accept songs to make money, but out of love for singing career, then I don't charge money, not a penny!"

Gu Ru froze there, looking at Yan Xin, speechless for a while.

She wanted Yan Xin to be cheaper, it was just a joke.

She quite likes this song, and thinks this song is the most popular among the songs she collected, and it is also the most touching song.

If a friend wrote such a song to her and said that she didn’t want money, then she might really not give money, because she herself lost money to get such a souvenir that has been in the industry for several years.

But Yan Xin is just a security guard with a salary of several hundred yuan a month, and she can't be regarded as a friend with her. To give her such an excellent song, she doesn't want a penny. She really can't do such a thing.

No matter how short of money, there will be no shortage of money for a low-level worker.

Yan Xin's words made her feel that a young man has a sincere heart for music. In order to let more people hear his works, he can even give up the benefits he has obtained - still in such a poor Under the premise.

Thinking that I wanted to give up this beloved career after some setbacks, I suddenly felt a little guilty.

Shaking his head, he said with a smile: "This is also the crystallization of your hard work, how can you not give me money? Well, I don't have much money to give you, five thousand yuan, buy your song, what do you think?" Sample?"

Five thousand yuan is equivalent to the boy's salary for five months without eating or drinking. She feels very sincere.

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