Rebirth, Starting from 2005

Chapter 160 The rebellious heart revives

Ai Lili was worried on the way home, but her mother didn't say anything along the way, just sat there with a cold face.

This made her more and more stressed.

When they got home, her mother finally broke out and reprimanded her for two or three hours. During the period, she repeatedly revealed that she didn't want to live, complaining that she shouldn't have called 120 for emergency treatment, saying that she died. Well, you don't have to face these bad things.

Ai Lili has long been used to reprimanding and so on, and doesn't care that much.

But when it came to life and death, she was frightened.

Don't say that it's her own mother, even if it's a very annoying stranger, she can't provoke him to die.

Obviously I feel that I have done nothing wrong, but I can only say that I am wrong again and again, and I will never do that again.

Ai Jing also asked questions that made her feel extremely ashamed, asking whether she had had that kind of relationship with Yan Xin, and whether she was still a virgin.

For a moment, Ai Lili really wanted to say that she had already had a relationship with Yan Xin.

But finally held back.

She was afraid that such a speech would irritate her mother, make her mother do extreme things, hurt herself, or hurt Yan Xin.

No matter who is hurt, it is not a consequence she can bear.

It can only mean that Yan Xin is innocent and has never had any ambiguous relationship.

And also said that if her mother doesn't believe it, she can go to the hospital for an appraisal.

This made her mother calm down a little.

She didn't go back to her room until her mother said she was tired, not even in the mood to take a bath.

Picking up the phone, I saw a QQ message from Yan Xin, saying that he would no longer be the security squad leader.

After seeing this news, I feel a little depressed.

——Are you going to leave after all?

But at the same time, I feel that this is also very good. Such an excellent person should not be a security guard all the time.

Even a security monitor is delaying him.

——Originally, he could fly higher.

After looking at that piece of news for a long time, the eyes slowly became moist again.

Finally, such a message was sent: "Why don't you take this job?"

After a while, Yan Xin's reply came:

"I have to work hard and strive to earn 100 million within two years, so that Sister Lili can be free. The salary of the security squad leader is too low. It is a bit difficult to do this job and achieve this goal."

Ai Lili was in a very low mood and was about to cry, but when she saw this reply, she couldn't help laughing.

As soon as the muscles on his face stretched, the tears in his eyes slid down.

Crying and laughing, he sent a message: "Then I'll wait for you to rescue me, don't play tricks."

She doesn't think that Yan Xin can really earn 100 million in two years, and she doesn't even think that Yan Xin will really fight for this goal.

She just took it as Yan Xin's words to comfort herself.

That's enough.

After a while, I received a reply from Yan Xin: "Sister Lili, don't worry, 100 million in two years is just a trivial matter to me, just wait for me to rescue you!"

"Well, I'm waiting for you."

Ai Lili wiped away her tears and smiled silly there.

After a while, I went to take a bath.

After taking a shower, looking at the chat records of the two of them, I was stunned for a while, and then sent another message: "Yan Xin, do you really think I look good in a skirt?"

At this time, Yan Xin had already put his phone aside and went to sleep.

Just didn't fall asleep for a while.

Hearing the beep of QQ Didi, he grabbed the phone next to the bed and looked at it, and saw the message from Ai Lili.

I admire her a little in my heart, but I still think about this at this time.

But don't worry - it seems that she didn't suffer much harm this time, so she was in the mood to ask such a question.

Reply: "Although I haven't seen Sister Lily wearing a skirt, I can say for sure that Sister Lily looks very good in a skirt."

After this message was sent out, Ai Lili did not reply.

A few minutes later, Ai Lili sent a message:

"I sent you some pictures by MMS, have you received them?"

Now their mobile phone QQ has no way to send pictures directly, and they have to rely on MMS to send pictures.

But this sometimes has a delay, and it is not as fast as a text message.

Yan Xin replied honestly: "I haven't received it yet."

I feel a little strange in my heart, I don't know why she sent such a photo to herself.

After a while, I finally received a MMS from Ai Lili. I sent a total of four photos, all of which were selfies of Ai Lili wearing a dress. They were taken in front of a mirror, so there was a mobile phone blocking her face, so I couldn’t see them. Get a clear face.

I changed two skirts in total, one is a floral long skirt and the other is a plaid short skirt, which looks a bit like a jk skirt.

The current camera functions of mobile phones are very sloppy, and taking pictures at night is not so clear even with the lights on.

But it can still be seen from the slightly model lake photos that Ai Lili has a good figure.

If I saw Ai Lili dressed like this in reality, it must look good.

Yan Xin sent a message to Ai Lili: "Just received it."

Ellie: "Does it look good?"

Yan Xin: "It's beautiful."

Ellie: "Do you like it?"

Yan Xin: "I like it very much."

Ai Lili: "It's not clear to take pictures at night. If I have time tomorrow, I'll show you with a digital camera."

Yan Xin: "It would be even better if Sister Lily could appear in front of me dressed like this one day."

Seeing this news, Ai Lili was silent for a while.

She only dared to say that she was wearing such clothes to take pictures for Yan Xin to see, because she didn't dare to go out in such clothes at all.

Her current courage is to secretly wear such clothes in her bedroom and take a look in the mirror.

She wanted to agree to Yan Xin's wish, but when she thought of her mother, she hesitated.

But thinking of the agreement between Yan Xin and her mother, Yan Xin will not be able to contact her after two years, which means that the two will only have the opportunity to meet within these two years.

He just had a wish.

After a while, I replied: "Next time we have a chance to meet, I will definitely wear it for you to see."

She knew that her mother would never allow her to meet Yan Xin.

But as long as Yan Xin doesn't reject it, there will always be opportunities to meet each other within two years.

Even if her mother would find out later, she couldn't care less.

Thinking of doing such a thing behind her mother's back, I didn't feel too much fear in my heart, but there was a little bit of excitement that I didn't even notice.

Her rebellious nature, which was wiped out by a bloodbath in her teens, now shows a little bit of resurgence.


Without occupying the number of charged words, let me talk about the future updates of this book.

The data in this book is not good. Originally, I was thinking about changing five times a day to see if I could recover some. If I could reach the standard of the combat power list, I would hit the combat power list and strive for more exposure, so that This book came back from the dead.

The problem now is that the follow-up data is not enough, and this data does not meet the requirements for the combat power list.

The five shifts and one month mentioned before will still continue. After one month, if the data is not available, I will allocate part of my energy to prepare the new book, and try to release it in the next year, so the update of this book may be less.

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