Rebirth, Starting from 2005

Chapter 166 Looks a bit schizophrenic

Yan Xin can deceive some people, but he cannot deceive everyone.

He can say that the various songs he wants to produce are purchased from others, but he doesn't know how to compose music, he can't come up with music, he can only hum.

It can't be said that all the songs I bought are all the ones that don't even have works, which is too strange.

Someone has to compose the music for him.

Currently, Gu Ru is the one he can trust the most, and Gu Ru can also help him with this.

It's just that Gu Ru is still not good at arranging music. She can hear good things and give some opinions, but she really can't do it herself.

Seeing Yan Xin say that, Gu Ru didn't bother with the topic anymore, but asked Yan Xin how many works he had accumulated this time, and she wanted to see if there was any suitable for her.

This afternoon, from two o'clock to six o'clock, in four hours, Yan Xin played more than a dozen songs in one go.

There are square divine comedies "The Most Dazzling Ethnic Style", "Lotus Pond Moonlight", "Little Apple", as well as online divine comedies "I miss you too much", "Mouth is all", "Learn to meow together", and the ancient song "Kite Mistake" , "Half Pot of Yarn", "Fireworks in the World", in addition to "Send Off", "The Shepherd of Hoh Xil", which are heartbreaking songs that are most suitable for funeral scenes.

The lyrics were written long ago, written in a small notebook and brought here.

While reading the lyrics, she sang to Gu Ru. Several different styles made Gu Ru a little confused—is this too complicated?

Although I know that Yan Xin has no way to buy other people's original works, but at this time, I actually believe Yan Xin's foolishness-this doesn't seem to be a person's style.

Xiao Yin doesn't know much about music, but he can tell that it's not a style at all.

To say that this was written by one person would be a bit too schizophrenic.

However, regardless of schizophrenia or not, it must be admitted that these songs have a certain degree of popularity and should be able to attract the likes of different groups.

There are some songs in it. Frankly speaking, Gu Ru really doesn't like them. She thinks they are a little too down-to-earth. They are not ordinary down-to-earth, and they have all been thrown into the dust.

But she also felt that some songs really had the potential to become popular on the Internet.

She can't sing by herself, and she doesn't want to ruin the character.

But she felt that someone would become popular through the songs she didn't like.

On the contrary, there are a few songs that she thinks are quite good. No matter how you look at it, there will be no signs of becoming popular. At best, they are just the same as the two songs she sang before. But not to the point of explosion.

For example, it is the same as a song like "Mouse Loves Rice".

Among the songs that Yan Xin released today, there are a few that she thinks can be as popular as "Mouse Loves Rice".

When Yan Xin hummed, she made recordings and wrote down the songs.

This is not to compose music by oneself, but to record the music heard, which is not too difficult for a person who has received professional training for several years.

Four hours, more than half of the time I was doing this. At 5:30, I finally came up with a rough sample, and then I will refine it one by one—because Yan Xin's singing is not so accurate. , the tempo is not necessarily correct, she has to correct it according to professional music theory knowledge.

The process is not too complicated. If there is no other event arrangement in the evening, she can make it all this evening, and then hand over the lyrics and music to the arranger for arrangement. After completion, she can go to the recording studio to record.

She said to Yan Xin: "If you don't go out tomorrow, I can get all these songs out, and then you can ask them to help you arrange the music."

"I'm sorry to trouble you," Yan Xin said, "Sister Ru, if you like any of these songs, you can sing them."

Gu Ru smiled and said, "Then I won't be polite."

She really likes the songs in this, it doesn't matter if they can be popular or not, at least it can maintain her popularity.

Mainly because she likes it better.

After saying this, she smiled and asked: "Don't you really think about our cooperation? I think you should be short of money now, and I already have five or six hundred thousand in savings. The two of us With cooperation, your career development should be faster."

She had made such a suggestion before, but Yan Xin rejected it on the grounds that intellectual property rights cannot be priced.

She didn't say any more.

Because what Yan Xin said meant that intellectual property rights should be valued at a relatively high price, not based on investment to calculate shares.

This made her suspicious.

This time I brought up this matter again because of the dozen or so songs that Yan Xin put out.

She doesn't necessarily like all these dozen songs, but she sees the market.

It also sees the potential for future development.

Today, Yan Xin produced more than a dozen songs, which may not be able to create much economic value.

However, Yan Xin is not yet 20 years old, and there is still a long way to go in the future, and there is also great potential to be discovered.

No one can estimate how far it will go.

Recalling what Yan Xin said when he was painting the pancake, he didn't take it seriously at the time, but now he feels that maybe he can really walk through that road.

If it worked out, she would no longer be a singer, but a capitalist.

It's worth the gamble.

Yan Xin smiled and asked, "Sister Ru, how many shares are you going to take for five or six hundred thousand to cooperate with me?"

Gu Ru stretched out three fingers: "I don't care how much you contribute yourself, I will take out 600,000 and only take 30% of the shares, do you think it's okay?"

Xiao Yin sat by the side and was ready to serve these two at any time. When he heard Gu Ru's words, his face was full of shock: "My God, did the boss value this young man's talent at two million?"

Yan Xin looked at her with a smile, but did not answer.

Obviously, he felt that Gu Ru paid less money and took more shares.

Xiao Yin was even more shocked: "Is this guy so proud? He is unwilling to invest 600,000 yuan and only take 30% of his shares? Does he think he is so good?"

Gu Ru thought for a while, then snapped off another finger, and said, "Twenty percent, but I have to add one, I have the priority to choose the company's song, how about it?"

This is already the biggest concession she has ever given.

She felt that Yan Xin's talent was more than this price, but since it was an investment, she definitely hoped to get more benefits.

As far as she takes risks, she doesn't have a return of several to ten times, so there is absolutely no need to make such an investment.

Then he added: "I have been in this industry for several years, and I have not achieved much, but I have some experience and some friends. I think this is also helpful to your career."

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