Rebirth, Starting from 2005

Chapter 169 The Confidence of the Rich

Yan Xin chose not only Madoka, a non-mainstream girl with a clip sound, but also several other singers.

A female singer with a bright and powerful voice, whose real name is Wang Chunni and whose stage name is Yin Liya, he thinks she can sing "The Most Dazzling Ethnic Style" and "Moonlight in the Lotus Pond" by herself. .

As for the male voice...

This can be ignored, it can be added as background music, there is no need to bring in another singer.

Anyway, it doesn't matter if it's meaningful or not, there's no need for one more penny-pincher.

Yan Xin paid special attention to these two songs. They were of the Divine Comedy level. Many old men and women who danced in the square lived by pointing at the Divine Comedy. They had to find a suitable person to sing it.

I fell in love with two female singers, and I also fell in love with two male singers.

One is an uncle in his thirties. Everyone calls him Brother Pao. Although he is a bit older among this group of people, he is more active and likes to be funny. He looks like a happy bag for everyone.

Listening to his singing, he is full of enthusiasm, with arms dancing and short legs kicking, especially passionate.

Asking him to sing "Little Apple", Yan Xin felt that it could reach the level of the original version.

There is also a young man in his twenties, fair-looking, but a little thin, his face is often bitter, and he doesn't know what kind of wind and rain he has gone through.

He sang with a crying voice, and ordered two songs, one was "The Vagabond Song" and the other was "The Vagabond Brothers". When he sang, everyone in the box laughed embarrassedly.

Singing so wretchedly, it is very impolite to laugh on such an occasion.

The young man's name is Xiao Zeng. If he can cooperate, Yan Xin plans to change his name to a minority.

It's not that things like this in the music world have never happened before. Just change the name and the story will come right away.

"Send Off" and "The Shepherd of Hoh Xil", these two songs were obviously sung for him.

Gu Ru recalled the style of those two songs, and couldn't help laughing, and said, "It's really suitable for him to sing."

There are also a few other songs, Gu Ru said that she also likes them quite a bit, and first consider whether she should sing them herself.

If she sings well, she will stay.

If you can't sing well, then find a suitable person.

Look at those four in advance to see if we can negotiate a good cooperation with them.

It is the four of them who can talk about cooperation.

If it doesn't work out, go find someone who is right for you.

There are more than 20 people who sang K together, and the difference in ability is not very big. The songs themselves are not too difficult. It is not that difficult to find a suitable singer who can control them.

When Xiao Yin came out of the shower, what he saw was the boss talking happily with Yan Xin.

When she came out, Gu Ru was being amused by Yan Xin's words, covering her mouth and laughing, the flowers trembled.

She thought to herself: "Why are you covering your mouth? Shouldn't you be covering the lower part at this time?"

But looking at Yan Xin's eyes, he didn't look randomly, and his expression was quite calm, and he felt that he was oversensitive.

——Everyone is quite clean in their hearts, and I am alone thinking about those nasty things.

After she came out, Gu Ru chatted with Yan Xin a few words, and then went back to the room to rest.

Xiao Yin still stayed in the living room.

Yan Xin went to take a shower, took off the clothes she was wearing, and simply washed for a few minutes, then changed into the set of floral pajamas brought by Xiao Yin, and walked out in neutral gear.

Then seeing Xiao Yin sitting quietly on the sofa alone, he was startled: "Why haven't you slept yet?"

Xiao Yin glanced at him, saw the shadow under the light, couldn't help but blushed a little, didn't dare to look again, and said in a low voice:

"I have to wash all the changed clothes and hang them to dry before going to sleep."

Yan Xin snorted, and thought to himself: "This assistant's job is quite comprehensive, and I don't know how much Gu Ru paid her. I don't know if there are such people recruited, and if so, I will recruit too." one."

Without saying anything, he said good night and entered the bedroom arranged for him.

Xiao Yin went to wash clothes.

Wash the ones that should be washed in the washing machine, and the ones that should be hand-washed. This cannot be messed up.

Yan Xin returned to the bedroom and lay down on the bed before he had time to take out his mobile phone to look at it.

At this time, I saw a lot of QQ messages.

When he opened it, several people sent him messages.

Some even posted a few.

The stray cat in reincarnation sent a few messages. The first one asked him why he didn't send a message, and the next few messages asked him why he didn't reply.

Feng Xi reported to him the real business data of the Golden Morning Sun online store that day, and then asked curiously why there was no reply and what did he do.

Chen Li also sent a message, asking him how his trip to Yangcheng was and how long he planned to stay.

And Ai Lili also sent several messages in a row, talking about his current living conditions, and asking him what he is doing now.

One person posted more than a dozen messages, and it seemed that he regarded Yan Xin as a tree hole.

It was already past three o'clock in the morning at this time, and those who sent messages were already asleep, but he still replied one by one, saying that he arrived in Yangcheng today and met some musicians and singers. Collaboration lays the groundwork.

Been busy until this time.

After the explanation, I was really sleepy, so I put my mobile phone beside the bed and fell asleep like this.

I didn't wake up until after eleven o'clock the next day.

When he woke up, he found that there was a set of clothes on the bed, which was exactly what he was wearing yesterday.

But it was washed and dried, neatly folded, and placed on the other side of the bed.

He didn't lock the bedroom door when he came in, presumably Xiao Yin let him in after drying his clothes.

Otherwise, there will be no clothes to wear.

I don't know when Xiao Yin came in, he has no impression at all, it seems that he slept a little too dead.

Of course, I was really too tired yesterday. I went out early in the morning and didn't go to bed until after three o'clock in the morning. No wonder I slept like a dead pig, and I didn't even know when Xiao Yin came in.

I hope that when she came in, she didn't show any indecent state, otherwise it would be too embarrassing.

He took off his pajamas, changed his clothes, and then opened the door to go out.

There was no one outside, it was quiet.

I went to the toilet, washed my face and brushed my teeth. After doing all this, I went back to the living room, but there was still no one there.

The door of Gu Ru's bedroom was closed, and she didn't know what was going on inside.

Just sit on the sofa and take out your phone.

After seeing the news about Chen Li and Ai Lili, Ai Lili told him not to work so hard, not to take that bet seriously, and just live his life well.

Yan Xin replied: "If I say it, I must do it. Sister Lili, don't worry, I will definitely fight for your freedom."

Then he sent another message to Chen Li:

"I'm at Gu Ru's house now. I found that the neighborhood where she lives is very good. There are still some houses for sale here. Are you interested in buying a house here? I think the house price here will double several times in the next few years. "

After a while, Chen Li sent a message: "How much is a square?"

Yan Xin: "It looks like eight or nine thousand, you can now buy a set of more than 100 square meters with full payment."

"Give me the address, and I'll be there today." Chen Li's reply was straightforward.

This is the confidence of the rich.

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