Rebirth, Starting from 2005

Chapter 176 The first signed singer

In the afternoon of the same day, Gu Ru helped Yan Xin record a few song demos, and then sent the song lyrics and music to be arranged along with the demo attachments to the arrangers.

She has a computer at home and does not need to go to an Internet cafe.

After finishing these things, it was almost three o'clock. She made an appointment to go to the recording studio to record the song "The Immortal" this afternoon, and immediately left with Xiao Yin.

Chen Li called the agency lady on the balcony, chatting about buying a house, and wanted to know what the bottom line the owner could accept, and said that as long as the agency lady could help him lower the price, on the basis of the existing price, the price would be lowered. No matter how much, she will be given a corresponding commission. If the pressure is 10,000, she will be given an additional benefit of 500 yuan.

——It doesn’t matter if it’s useful or not, anyway, there’s nothing to lose if you talk about it, what if it works?

Buying a house requires bargaining, and you can’t pay as much as others open.

After listening to a few words, Yan Xin felt that Chen Li's voice on the phone had become greasy, and there was a disgusting smile on his face.

I don't know what to talk about or what to think of.

Shaking his head, he ignored it, and just went about his own business—talking about cooperation with those singers he liked.

His promise is to help them become well-known online singers in the country, including writing them popular songs, giving them traffic, making them known to more people, and increasing their performance value.

However, they also had to sign a five-year contract with his company to become his company's artists.

In the future, no matter whether it is a performance, an endorsement, a record or a CRBT download, the profits will need to be shared equally with the company.

Some singers expressed doubts: "What if I don't become popular if I sign with your company? Then within five years, I will give you half of the money I sing, wouldn't it be too unfair?"

In this regard, Yan Xin said: "We can make such an agreement that before the current standard is doubled, all of your performances will be yours, and the company will not charge commission. After the current standard is doubled, only more That part of the commission. For example, you can get 500 yuan for participating in a performance now. After joining our company, you can get 1,000 yuan for participating in a performance, and all the income is yours. The company does not participate in the share. If it reaches 2,000 yuan, the company will withdraw half of the extra 1,000 yuan as a share. In addition, the company will not take part in the income from endorsements, CRBT downloads, discovery records, etc., no matter how high the remuneration is. Take half of the full amount of dividends."

This plan is a plan with a guarantee. He can propose such a plan because he has confidence in the songs he provided and believes that he can make them popular.

You don't need to be popular all of them, if you can make one popular, you can make money.

Being able to win two hits is a big profit.

When such a condition was put forward, only one agreed, and that was the non-mainstream killer girl Madoka.

She was only eighteen years old, she didn't know that the world was dangerous, and she didn't know that signing a five-year contract was equivalent to signing a five-year contract of prostitution.

All he wants now is to become a star, and he is very envious of Gu Ru's current achievements, and feels that he is not at a disadvantage if he signs such a condition, so he immediately agrees, saying that he can sign this contract with Yan Xin this afternoon.

This simply surprised Yan Xin, and he could only say that he didn't need to be so anxious. He didn't even work out the contract now, but he asked her to have dinner with her at night, and we'll discuss it in detail when we meet.

Madoka readily agreed.

Yan Xin was worried that she would not dare to go on an appointment with a strange man, and originally wanted to tell her that Gu Ru and Xiao Yin would also be there, but before the words were typed, he had already agreed, which made him a little messy—the girl now , so unsuspecting?

Besides Madoka, the other three are hesitating.

They are all singers with certain financial conditions. They can't be said to be very good, but with a little hard work a month, they can still earn 10,000 to 20,000 yuan.

They just want to use external help to break through the current bottleneck in their careers, but they don't want to be restrained.

Someone offered to spend money to buy songs from Yan Xin, but Yan Xin refused.

Yan Xin told him that all his songs will be kept for copyright operation, and none of his songs will be sold.

In addition, he also explained to him that it does not mean that if you buy a good song and put it on the Internet, it will become popular, but you need a pusher and data to let more people see that song. Possess the possibility of catching fire.

Without the promotion of capital, without mature marketing methods, no matter how good a song is in the online world, it will not be able to cause a storm.

And he has the experience of successfully operating Gu Ru's two online songs, so he can replicate this success.

People who don't understand this method can't push the data no matter how much money they invest.

——This is his big talk to scare laymen.

In fact, as long as you are willing to spend money and find the right channels, it is quite easy to market a song.

But for those who have not been involved in this field, they will feel that this marketing is a very profound thing.

When Yan Xin told them this as an industry insider, they believed it.

After all, they have a successful experience.

And they know nothing about this field.

They didn't agree right away, but they didn't refuse either, and they all said they would consider it.

Of course, Yan Xin did not force them. This thing requires both parties to be willing, and there is no such thing as forced buying and selling.

However, he also revealed that the songs in his hands are limited, and he is only planning to cooperate with a few singers for the time being. They can consider it, but he will not wait forever.

In addition to those singers, he also has contact with Xie Jun.

Xie Jun was still at work at this time, so he chatted with Yan Xin during his spare time, saying that he had submitted his resignation form, and after communicating with his boss, he could resign after finishing this month.

Yan Xin invited him to have dinner together after get off work in the evening, and asked him some questions.

He also told him about signing the contract with the singer, and told him about his own conditions, hoping that he, the future legal director of the company, could draw up a legally binding contract.

It's best to make it before leaving get off work, and then print out two copies, so that you can sign the contract while having dinner with Xiaoyuan.

Moreover, the song "Mouth Dudu" he was going to sing to Xiao Yuan happened to be composed by Xie Jun, so the two of them could communicate with each other.

Xie Jun said on the spot that there is no problem, and it can definitely be done before get off work.

After talking about this, Yan Xin called Xiao Yin again:

"Tonight, I am treating guests to two future collaborators. Please help me find a suitable restaurant and book a private room. We will have dinner together then."

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