Rebirth, Starting from 2005

Chapter 184 Starlight Network

Gu Ru went to Star City to record "Study Hard" in mid-July. At that time, the TV station told her that it would be broadcast within a month, and anyway, it would not be later than the summer vacation.

During the recording of that program, Gu Ru wore an ancient costume and sang the song "The Immortal".

Following her to participate in this episode of the variety show, there are also several online singers who also performed the show and participated in the chat session.

How effective the program is, we will not know until it is aired.

But judging from the ratings of this program, no matter how bad the effect is, it won't be that bad.

When Gu Ru was recording this program, Feng Xi went to meet Yan Xin as a business partner and treated her to a meal of spicy crayfish.

In the end, I took a few photos of Gu Ru in ancient costumes, and after Gu Ru's performance, I bought Gu Ru's ancient costumes, and then directly took them to a cooperative clothing factory, and asked them to produce a set of clothes according to this style. A thousand sets come out.

As for copyright...

In this era, there is no protection for clothing design, and this is an ancient costume, Gu Ru bought it from a photo studio, and I don't know which film and television work it was picked from, so there is no way to talk about copyright.

——I want to give money, but I don’t know who to give it to.

As for those who open online stores, there is no copyright awareness.

Online shopping got a bad reputation at the beginning, not just because traditional people rejected this emerging shopping method, but because there are all kinds of counterfeit products, which are almost synonymous with fake and shoddy.

It’s just that after the industry has grown bigger, it’s a bit unreasonable to continue selling fake and shoddy products, and there is also a great risk in public opinion. The platform began to crack down on fake and shoddy products, but it has not completely eliminated them.

Later, this model was copied by Jing Xixi, who used all kinds of viral marketing and desperately exchanged low prices for market share. In the initial development period, the period was basically filled with fake and inferior products. There are also red envelopes that most people can't open.

Just one core idea - to make money from those who are greedy for petty gains.

In this context, no one cares about the copyright of clothing design, whether it is the buyer or the seller.

Feng Xi doesn't pursue high-end fabrics, he only needs a similar style. What he pursues is speed. It's best to rush to the shelves after the show is broadcast, and then make a fortune.

She also conspired with Yan Xin that if this business is completed, she can open another store dedicated to selling Hanfu, hire someone to design it, and then let the garment factory produce it.

It is easier to attract consumers by setting up a special store. It is best to develop your own brand and become the first store that specializes in selling Hanfu. After that, you will be a huge fortune.

Of course, Yan Xin had no objection to this proposal.

He has not studied this, but he knows that there are more and more people wearing Hanfu, and it has become a big industry.

Feng Xi can think of this and has such an ambition, so of course she supports her in doing it.

After the manuscript fee was paid, Yan Xin also transferred 100,000 yuan to Feng Xi to let her do the work.

——He can only provide some financial support.

Of course, the 100,000 yuan was not given to Feng Xi, but the development funds paid in advance to the online store, and it will still have to be returned to him at that time.

We are just partners, and the accounts that should be settled still need to be settled.

Half a month after Starlight Entertainment was established, it finally recruited a few employees.

Originally, it was just planning to recruit a financial employee, but because of the good response after a few songs were released on the Internet, the performance status of several singers has increased, and the company has also made money, so the scale of recruitment has been expanded.

In terms of finance, I recruited an accountant and a cashier.

There is also one more person under Xiao Yin's staff to assist her in handling the performance affairs of several artists in the company.

Those performance venues want to invite the company's artists to sing, instead of contacting the singer privately, they have to go through her.

According to the company's articles of association, these artists cannot take jobs in private.

In addition, a person was recruited to maintain Starlight Entertainment's website -

Yes, the company has a website of its own.

It doesn't cost much to open a website, just get a domain name, rent a server, and then design some sections.

A website with a lot of traffic will require more money.

A newly opened website of does not have a lot of traffic, and does not need a lot of server space, so naturally it does not cost much.

The main business of this website is CRBT downloading, which was negotiated with the operator.

There are not many ring tones, only ten or twenty in total, but all of them are Starlight Entertainment's own songs.

Some have already been released on the Internet, and some have not been released on other channels, because the number of songs is too small, so they are first posted on their own website.

——People have dozens or hundreds of popular songs when they make a move. It's too shameful for them to only release a few songs. No matter how they have to make up twenty songs.

To download a CRBT, you need to pay two yuan, which is obtained by Starlight Entertainment, and the operator does not share it.

The money that the operator gets is the monthly rental fee for the user to open the CRBT service. This money is much more than the little money for downloading the CRBT, and it is also much more stable.

At the beginning, the website had no page views, and it relied on the drainage of several singers on their blogs.

At this time, there is no such thing as self-media, but Yan Xin has asked them to register blogs and use them as self-media, saving some money if they can.

For the CRBT download business, singers get a dividend, so every singer will work hard to promote this website and promote their own songs on their own blogs.

Even after singing his own songs at the performance venue, he will promote his own CRBT business.

——It is still effective to do so. Sometimes one site can sell hundreds of CRBT download services.

Those who can go to that kind of place to spend, don't lack money, like this song, support the singer, it is not difficult for them.

Moreover, the atmosphere of such a performance scene is often very high, and people's emotions are easily aroused.

Another source of traffic is "Fights Break Sphere". Chen Li promoted this website at the end of the chapter, and also promoted this website in several readers.

These people don't necessarily know how to download ring tones, but they will win a lot of attention.

This website is not a computer website, but a mobile website. You can use a computer to access it, but it is not as convenient as a mobile phone.

It is already 2006, and there are already many mobile phones that can access the Internet. It can be said that most of the mobile phones can access the Internet.

As soon as you enter this website, the homepage is the CRBT of 20 songs with full copyright by Starlight Entertainment.

There is also a forum section below, with eight forums for literature, music, film and television, sports, supernatural, emotion, gender, and society, so that everyone can post and water.

There is no profit in setting up these sections. The main purpose is to retain some netizens who love to surf the Internet and increase the popularity of the website.

At the beginning, the traffic was not large, and a few singers only brought thousands of visits to this website every day, and they basically downloaded a song and left.

The retention time is very short.

The number of people online in real time on the website is pitifully small, and the number of people online is refreshed every ten minutes, usually ranging from a few to a dozen people.

After Chen Li's readers entered, the number of online users has increased. They are not very interested in downloading ring tones, but they are very interested in playing forums, and some of them play for hours.

Dress up your own space, participate in forum activities, earn virtual currency, make friends, and have fun.

After this group of readers entered, the number of real-time online users increased, and there were basically hundreds of people.

What really increased website traffic was after several mobile navigation websites spent money to rank their websites in the first column.

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