Rebirth, Starting from 2005

Chapter 186 Community Director

In July, Yan Xin was basically in Xiaorong Town, but he accompanied Chen Li to Yangcheng a few times during the period. By the way, he had a look at how the company was doing, communicated with the company's employees, and drew a picture.

But every day they stay for one night and then turn around, and stay at Gu Ru's place at night - at this time, Xiao Yin will go to Gu Ru's place to sleep, and Xiao Yuan will sleep on the sofa in the living room.

Yan Xin actually wanted to turn around that day, but Chen Li wanted to stay, so he followed suit.

Every time Chen Li came to Yangcheng, he would stay with Liang Wei, the two of them would open a room outside, and would not live with Gu Ru.

It was not until the end of July that the house payment was transferred to the owner, and the extra benefits promised to Liang Wei were also given to her.

With the real estate certificate in hand, Chen Li finally bought his first real estate in a first-tier city.

The delivery time promised by the owner is August 5th, and Chen Li is too lazy to do any renovations. He is only planning to hire a cleaner to clean the house after he has handed over the house, then add some furniture, ventilate it for a month, and then move in. live.

He is still living in a rental house in Xiaorong Town.

I used to think that this two-bedroom rental house was quite big, but after I bought my own house of more than 100 square meters, I felt that the space of this rental house was too cramped, and I just wanted to move out sooner.

Another less important reason for them to stay in Xiaorong Town was that they had applied for a driving training school here and wanted to learn to drive here.

Otherwise, it would be a pity how much the registration fee is.

From mid-June, they began to sign up for study.

They are not office workers, so they can arrange their own time. They have relatively enough time to study, and they pay a little extra money. They have more opportunities to touch cars than ordinary students.

There is nothing wrong with driving, it's just that I don't have a driver's license.

By the beginning of August, I had passed the examinations of Subject 1 and Subject 2. If everything goes well, I can get my driver's license in September.

Gu Ru and Xiao Yin are also learning to drive, and they have learned before them, but so far, neither of them has passed the test of subject two, which makes them feel particularly depressed.

In August, Feng Chendu followed his master to Dalang, the construction site of Yuhuyuan was finished, and they took over a new construction site.

For the Yuhuyuan project, the final project payment was settled, and Master Ruan made some money.

But according to what Feng Chen said, in order to consolidate the position of contractor, Master Ruan asked him to give treats and gifts to the workers, etc., and spent a lot of money. In the end, the income and expenditure were balanced, and he worked so hard for such a long time. , and earned tens of thousands of dollars.

Even less money than Master Ruan usually earns from working.

But Master Ruan was very happy. Although he didn't make much money, the position of contractor was stable.

This new project, if there are no accidents, can earn hundreds of thousands after finishing it.

When Feng Chen and Yan Xin talked about the number of hundreds of thousands, they were very fascinated: "It would be great if I can earn so much money as a contractor in the future. Then I will build a big house for my family and let me My younger sister also has endless living expenses, so don't be envious of others."

Yan Xin thought: "Wait until one day you become a contractor, your sister may still earn more money than you, and a lot more."...

But when this guy is rich, he remembers to build a house for his family, and he remembers to make his sister have money to spend, which is quite rare.

Ordinary people only think of themselves when they are rich, leaving their parents behind, let alone their sisters.

He asked again: "Don't you really want to go to a big city to develop and start a company?"

"Not for the time being," Feng Chen replied, "I have also talked about this with my master, and we agreed to help my master finish this project, and then I can consider coming to a big city to develop if I have the opportunity. .”

This made Yan Xin very happy: "It seems that your master is also very supportive of you. You can make preparations for that now. If you don't have enough money and you need a partner, you can tell me."

Feng Chen was surprised: "You? You are just a security monitor, do you have money yourself?"

Yan Xin: "I know rich people. As long as you are willing to do it, I can help you attract investment."

"Is it true?" Feng Chen expressed doubts.

Yan Xin: "Of course it is true. I have to tell you one more thing. Now I am no longer the security squad leader."

Feng Chen once again expressed his surprise: "What's wrong? You got promoted again? You're the head of security? You're more fertile than an old sow!"

Yan Xin: "I already have another job. In Yangcheng, I am the community director of a mobile website. The website was invested by a rich man I knew when I was working in the community. I will help her operate it."

He is indeed the community manager of, but he is not online most of the time. His main job is to be in charge of the appointment and dismissal of several forum moderators, and those moderators will do the rest.

Then there is a celebrity interview every week using the music forum as a carrier, inviting singers signed by the company to interact with fans, live broadcasting in text, and randomly answering some questions from netizens.

This website is invested by Starlight Entertainment, but Starlight Entertainment's start-up capital comes from Gu Ru, who he met when he was working.

Strictly speaking, Yan Xin did not lie to Feng Chen in this passage, but only concealed some important information.

Feng Chen has never been on the mobile phone network, but in his guess, being a community director of a website should be a very big official.

But what he is most concerned about is another thing: "How much is the salary?"

Yan Xin doesn't get paid to be a community manager. It's a bit unnecessary to work for his own website and get paid.

But he still said a number: "Three or four thousand a month."

Feng Chen: "Wow!"

Then he said: "It's so unreasonable. I'm exposed to the wind and sun on the construction site, and I can't earn much money in a month. How can you get such a high salary so easily?"

In 2006, three to four thousand yuan a month was undoubtedly a high salary, and no one would question it if it was a white-collar worker.

Feng Chen's work as a supervisor on the construction site is actually quite hard, but it's not as hard as those who move bricks.

When he couldn't start work, he still took on interior decoration work to make money as before.

In this way, basically without a day off, I can earn around 3,000 yuan in a month.

Yan Xin could surpass him easily, which really made him feel a little unbalanced.

Yan Xin said about this: "We are all working for others, and there is nothing to envy. If you want to become a real rich person, you still have to start your own business and be your own boss. When do you have that plan, you can tell me .I can also use the power of my community director to help you advertise."

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