Rebirth, Starting from 2005

Chapter Nineteen Three Golden Chapters

Standing at the front desk of the Internet cafe, Chen Li hesitated for a few minutes, finally gritted his teeth, and applied for a membership card in this Internet cafe, and recharged 500 yuan.

In order to get rich from writing, he also spent a lot of money.

He doesn't have a computer himself, so if he wants to write online novels, he has to come to an Internet cafe.

And I have to come every day, and the time of each day will not be short.

In this way, of course, it is more cost-effective to apply for a membership card.

With a 20% discount, you can save a little money.

I originally wanted to charge 1,000 yuan, because it is more cost-effective to charge 1,000 to get 500.

But I really don't have that much money in my hand, so I can only charge five hundred.

Charge five hundred and get two hundred free, which can save some money.

After taking out the five hundred, he only had a few dozen dollars left in his hand.

It has only been a few months since he came out to work, and his salary is only 800 or 900 yuan a month, and then he bought a mobile phone. Now he can get 500 yuan out, which is the result of his frugality.

Fortunately, the salary will be paid in a few days, and the dozens of dollars left in hand can support it as much as possible.

After doing this, I felt that my blood bar was empty, and said to Yan Xin: "I bet all my wealth."

Yan Xin encouraged him: "It can be seen that you are a person who does great things. People like you are not successful, and heaven will not tolerate it!"

Yan Xin didn't apply for a card, so he only has a hundred yuan left now, and his salary will not be paid until the 15th of next month. The hundred yuan will last for 30 days, but now he dare not spend a penny indiscriminately .

He came this time to see what Chen Li wrote.

The first few chapters of online novels are very important. If the beginning is useless, it will be difficult to attract readers later.

Such a good idea cannot be spoiled by Chen Li.

I read a line without writing a line, and then put forward my own opinions.

No author can withstand such scrutiny, and it will directly break people's mentality.

And looking at it section by section, I can't see a good one.

Let Chen Li write a chapter first, and then see how he writes, and see if he can publish it.

At first, Chen Li wanted to use the original author number to publish a new book, but was rejected by Yan Xin:

"Your original account has a eunuch's book, and you still need that account to publish books, but you are telling readers that you are an eunuch? Eunuchs hurt people's morals, so you should use a new account."

Chen Li explained: "Although my book is an eunuch, it still has more than a thousand collections. Using that account to publish the book can attract the original readers."

Yan Xin pouted: "More than a thousand collections are brought by eunuch books, how high conversion value can you expect? Compared with the negative value brought to you by the label of eunuch, that little benefit is not worth mentioning .”

He was too embarrassed to say so.

More than a thousand collections count as a dear?

He also saw that the collection of old books exceeded 100,000, and it turned out that the author had opened a new book for ten days, and the collection did not exceed 500.

What is there to care about with more than a thousand collections of eunuch books?


Under his suggestion, Chen Li finally decided to open a new account, under the pen name of Elbow Stewed Potatoes.

"Choosing such a pseudonym can make others think you are a foodie, and it will increase your affinity." Yan Xin said this.

In fact, of course, it is to absorb the luck of later generations.

This is metaphysics.

As for the title of the book, he gave Chen Li two choices, one was "Fights Break the Sphere" and the other was "Fights Break the Universe".

Chen Li chose "Fights Break Sphere": "This name is more domineering."

"I respect your choice." Yan Xin said with a smile.

At this time, I can't wait to record a video and keep it as evidence-everyone has seen it, this is what he chose, and it has nothing to do with me!

All of a sudden, the guilt of plagiarism is gone.

From his point of view, plagiarism is of course bad, but the writer is Chen Li, so what does it have to do with Yan Xin? I just told him the story.

From Chen Li's point of view, I just wrote out the ideas provided by Yan Xin. That's called cooperation, how can it be called plagiarism?

In such a cooperative mode, a world where only little potatoes are harmed is achieved.

When Chen Li started writing, Yan Xin didn't follow behind him to watch, but walked outside for more than half an hour.

The air in the Internet cafe is too bad, and I can't bear it after a long time.

After walking back, Chen Li had already finished the first chapter - "Fallen Genius".

The first line is still the same sentence:

"Fighting power, three stages!"

The first sentence was Yan Xin's exhortation, and Chen Li had to add it repeatedly.

Without this sentence, "Fights Break the Sphere", can it still be called "Fights Break the Sphere"?

It's as if the landlady would be soulless without the phrase "****'s high school grades are not ideal."

This is metaphysics, and it is also related to luck, so it must be added.

The following content, the plot is still the one he provided. The once genius boy of the Xiao family became a good-for-nothing. He lost face and was ridiculed during the family test.

Then came the cousin of the protagonist's childhood sweetheart, and the talented girl who lived in Xiao's house.

The names are all chosen by Chen Li, the cousin's surname is Shangguan, and the gifted girl's surname is Murong.

Seeing this, Yan Xin glanced at Chen Li and thought to himself:

"From the double surname, it can be seen that this guy really grew up watching martial arts novels."

Forget it, it's okay.

At least this cousin's surname is Shangguan, not Xiao like the protagonist. For this, it is worthy of recognition.

The text is definitely different from the original, but the plot direction and the order of appearance of the characters are the same.

After all, these things were provided by Yan Xin.

Just looking at it, I feel that something is not quite right.

After reading it once, and then re-read it, I found a problem, and moved with the mouse:

"Brother Li, look at the few paragraphs here, the description of the environment has actually used two to three hundred words, this is not good!"

Chen Li: "Huh? Is my description of the environment okay?"

Yan Xin said: "It's not a question of whether it's possible, I admit that your description of the environment is very good and detailed, but it's not necessary."

"I think describing the environment in more detail will give readers an immersive feeling." Chen Li explained.

"Most readers don't need this kind of feeling," Yan Xin said. "This is an online novel, and it doesn't need immersive reading, so it doesn't need immersive description. The most important thing is to write what readers like to read." Yes. The rest of the description, no matter how good it may be, is redundant."

Chen Li was silent, thinking about his words.

"And the first few chapters are very important. You are a newcomer who has no works to prove yourself. Readers are impatient with you. You have to quickly cut into the topic and write out the selling points of the novel, so that you can catch them and let them have more fun. Interested in continuing to read."

After Yan Xin finished speaking, he paused, and then said:

"Think about it, when I tell you this story, if I tell you about the environment of the Xiao family and the layout of the courtyard at the beginning, you will think that this story has something to do with it. Is it? The first three chapters, let me call them the golden three chapters, within these three chapters, you must write out all the selling points. Different from this core appeal, all of them are invalid descriptions and must be deleted !"

"That's what happened..." Chen Li murmured.

All of a sudden, he seemed to have an epiphany, and a smile appeared on his face:

"It has to be you! If you don't point it out, I can't figure out how my grades are so bad. If a person like you writes a novel, it will definitely be a hit."

Yan Xin curled her lips, thinking to herself: "I can only speak."

However, he did not deny it.

It's not a bad thing for Chen Li to have such an idea.

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