Rebirth, Starting from 2005

Chapter 193: The Agreement with Xiao Shiyu

Yan Xin had already made an agreement with Chen Li who would sleep on the bed and who would sleep on the floor tonight, but in the end, Chen Li didn't live with Gu Ru again.

After placing all the furniture and home appliances, Chen Li went out to have a barbecue with Liang Wei who came to help.

He was called, but he didn't want to be a light bulb in the past, so he refused decisively.

Then he went to Gu Ru's place alone, while Chen Li left with Liang Wei.

The house is an old house, but the furniture is newly bought. So many new furniture were put in at once, and the inside has a strong smell, which is not very suitable for living.

It is not impossible to live if there is really no other way.

But now it's not the kind of situation where there is no other way, either stay at Gu Ru's place, or stay in a hotel, the two of them can't live in such a home now.

After putting all these furniture in and doing some processing, after a month or so, both of them will come to live.

As for this month's time, he still has to go back to Xiaorong town to live honestly.

I hope that by that time, I can pass both subjects 3 and 4 and get my driver's license smoothly.

In this way, when you arrive in Yangcheng, you can buy a car.

Back at Gu Ru's side, the time was almost midnight, and when I returned to the bedroom after taking a shower, the time was already past zero.

Unable to sleep for the time being, Yan Xin took out his mobile phone and looked at it, saw some messages on QQ, and replied to them all.

Xiao Shiyu sent him a few messages, saying that he had a party with some high school classmates today, and there are only a dozen or so classmates who are still in their hometown. Some of them are repeating their studies, and some of them are simply staying at home. Be unemployed youth, and the rest are working outside.

I was very emotional.

There are also some regrets that Yan Xin did not pass.

During the Chinese New Year, there was a class reunion, and Xiao Shiyu also invited Yan Xin, but Yan Xin didn't come.

Because it was Chinese New Year that time, many migrant workers also returned home, so there were fifty or sixty people present at the class reunion.

This time it was during the summer vacation, and there were not many classmates who stayed in their hometown, only a dozen of them passed by.

Yan Xin replied: "I will probably go home during the Chinese New Year this year, so let's get together again at that time."

He originally thought that Xiao Shiyu had already fallen asleep at this time, but he didn't expect Xiao Shiyu to reply after a while after sending out this message: "Really?"

Yan Xin: "Really."

After returning to this one, I was a little curious: "It's so late, why haven't you slept yet?"

Xiao Shiyu: "I had a reunion with my classmates today, and I felt a lot of emotions in my heart. I also recalled the three years of studying in high school, and I couldn't sleep for a while."

Then he asked him again: "Why are you still up so late? Are you working the night shift?"

Yan Xin resigned from the position of security monitor, but did not tell Xiao Shiyu, even Feng Chen told him not long ago.

But he didn't tell Feng Chen before, mainly because he was worried that Feng Chen would talk too much and spread the matter back to his hometown to make his father worry.

There is no such worry about Xiao Shiyu, because the two of them are not from the same town, and there is a distance of dozens of miles between them.

I didn't say anything, I just didn't think it was necessary.

Now that Xiao Shiyu asked, he still told the truth: "It's not the night shift, it's helping a friend move, and now I don't work as a security guard anymore."

"Then what are you doing now?" Xiao Shiyu asked.

Yan Xin still used the trick to fool Feng Chen: "Being a community supervisor on the mobile website costs three to four thousand yuan a month, which is much higher than the salary of being a security squad leader before."

He didn't want to say that he was the boss of Starlight Entertainment, and he didn't want to spoil the friendship between the two of them.

After all, in the memory of his previous life, Xiao Shiyu was married to a rich man who was decades older than her.

Xiao Shiyu: "Congratulations! I know you will definitely have a bright day, but I didn't expect it to be so soon."

Yan Xin: "It's mainly because I wrote a few songs, which became popular now, and then I got such a position."

Xiao Shiyu: "Are you still in Fengcheng?"

Yan Xin: "The new company is in Yangcheng, but I am only in charge of website community management now, and I am still in Fengcheng for the time being, and I will go to Yangcheng in a month."

Xiao Shiyu: "Wait until the next winter vacation, I will go to Yangcheng to visit you."

This piece of news startled Yan Xin, wondering why this beautiful female classmate was coming to Yangcheng to find him.

He couldn't help but think of the last meeting in his previous life. This female classmate came to Pengcheng specially to meet him.

It's just that I didn't do anything after the meeting, just drank a cup of coffee and described the life of more than ten years after parting.

Instinctively want to refuse, but can't think of a reason for rejection.

Finally, he replied, "Okay."

Xiao Shiyu made a smiling face: "^_^ That's the deal."

The two of them didn't chat for too long, so they ended the chat.

Looking at the time, it was almost one o'clock in the morning, so Yan Xin put down his phone and went to sleep.

Before falling asleep, I heard the sound of the door opening and the voices of several women talking.

It was Gu Ru, Xiao Yin, Xiao Yuan and the others who came back.

Xiao Yin and Xiao Yuan are still living here with Gu Ru, they are both women, and they both have no boyfriends, so there is no inconvenience.

The room Yan Xin is sleeping in is usually the two of them.

When Xiaoyuan first entered the door, her voice was quite loud, and she said in her mouth: "Finally home, it's almost hot to death, and my clothes are soaked!"

Then came Xiao Yin's voice: "Keep down, the boss lives here today, don't wake him up."

Yan Xin couldn't help but said: "It's okay, don't worry about arguing, I haven't fallen asleep yet."

Gu Ru's voice came over: "Have you not fallen asleep so late? Why don't you go out and have something to eat? We happened to bring a midnight snack."

It's okay not to say, Yan Xin felt hungry when he talked about it, and said: "That's okay, I just happen to be hungry."

As he spoke, he sat up from the bed and got out of bed.

Walking out of the bedroom, Xiao Yin was alone in the living room, and took out a few food boxes in a plastic bag. They bought food on the way back, and they were all cooked food.

There are still some clothes piled on the sofa in the living room, including underwear.

There are heavy wet marks on it, obviously Gu Ru and Xiao Yuan just took it off.

The clothes on Xiao Yin's body were also soaked with sweat, and the traces of underwear inside were clearly visible.

As you can imagine, because the weather was too hot, those two took off their soaked clothes as soon as they entered the door, and threw them on the sofa.

But Xiao Yin had a food box in his hand and didn't have time to do that.

Yan Xin suddenly felt that he was a little out of touch when he came out.

Not half a minute later, Gu Ru, who was wearing pajamas, opened the bedroom door and walked out.

The moment he opened the door, Yan Xin also saw a white figure in the room, wearing underwear.

Gu Ru, on the other hand, was still in neutral as usual at home.

Yan Xin felt a little helpless: "This sister really doesn't treat me as an outsider!"

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