Rebirth, Starting from 2005

Chapter 32 Unlimited Data Card (I will add more updates by the Tianhe River for the lord)

After get off work that day, on the way to the Internet cafe, Chen Li saw Yan Xin's cell phone and was taken aback: "Fuck, where did you get the money to buy such a good cell phone?"

"Um, it's like this," Yan Xin made up nonsense, "When I was at work, a man ran to the guard box with this mobile phone and asked me if I wanted it. He said he picked it up. I thought he was a liar at first, He cheated me out of money with a fake phone, turned it on and tried it later, it was a real phone, he said it only cost 200 yuan, so I bought it."

"How can this mobile phone only cost two hundred yuan? You can't buy it for two thousand yuan."

Chen Li took a look at the phone and speculated:

"It definitely wasn't picked up, maybe it was stolen."

He didn't suspect that Yan Xin made it up, because when he was working at the gate, he often encountered such things, either stolen goods or fakes.

Yan Xin: "Is that so? Then don't tell others, it's not good to cause trouble."

Chen Li nodded: "I understand, I will keep it a secret for you."

Buying stolen goods is also illegal, and once checked, it will cause trouble.

Although you can excuse your ignorance, there are some troubles after all.

So it's best not to squeak.

Chen Li can provide a reasonable explanation for the problem with this mobile phone.

As for others, Yan Xin didn't need to explain.

Others don't know his financial situation, even if he says he bought a new mobile phone, no one else can question it.

After all, Yan Xin had only borrowed money from Chen Li.

And he has never shown a poor person's inferiority complex in front of others, but he is more confident than ordinary people. From the outside, he is not that kind of poor person.

In terms of self-confidence, with the memory of the next ten years, Yan Xin is indeed more confident than most teenagers.

In the Internet cafe that day, Yan Xin connected his mobile phone and computer to the Internet, downloaded some software and some songs.

Downloading songs in this era is free, as long as the phone has enough memory, you can download as much as you want.

However, the memory of this mobile phone is not very enough. There is only a 512M memory card, and there is not much room for it.

——Mobile phones in this era don’t have high configuration, and the memory card is not too big. The 512M memory card is considered relatively large.

This mobile phone can expand the memory card of 1G, but it will be slower to read files, causing the mobile phone to freeze.

You can only use such a large memory card.

This is unimaginable in later generations-what can a memory card with hundreds of megabytes hold? I can't put down a single film.

However, the current audio and video files are relatively small, and some songs can be played, but the sound quality is quite ordinary.

Yan Xin didn't stay in the Internet cafe for long.

After looking at the data of the novel, and then looking at the saved manuscript written by Chen Li the night before, he made some suggestions for revision, and then decided on the next writing.

He didn't stay for an hour in total, and then he went back.

At this time, the mobile phone can be used for playing, taking pictures, listening to music and so on.

But at this time, he didn't have a mobile phone card, so he couldn't make calls or surf the Internet.

After studying this phone, I finally concluded that the functions are too simple and not very fun.

However, it is good to have QQ software. After I get a mobile phone card and open the mobile phone to surf the Internet, it will be much more convenient to contact people in the future.

In the morning of the next day, he went to the mobile business hall to apply for a mobile phone card of M-Zone, and also opened the unlimited data Internet service for 20 yuan a month.

Nowadays, the Internet speed of mobile phones is very slow, and the traffic required is not large. There are not many people who subscribe to this kind of unlimited traffic service. Many people prefer to subscribe to the service of 5 yuan and 100 megabytes, because so much traffic is basically enough.

Later, more and more content on the mobile phone network became more and more interesting, and the data consumption required was also increasing. Only then did everyone start to regret that they did not handle the unlimited data service at the beginning.

At that time, the cost of surfing the Internet was very expensive. In many places, the cost beyond the plan was one yuan per trillion, and in some places it even reached a few yuan per trillion.

Yan Xin remembers that at the end of 2007, a colleague got a mobile phone card and charged 100 yuan in the phone bill. He watched a movie with a few hundred megabytes on the Internet that day, and he had to deduct a few hundred yuan and threw it away. Card.

The further you get to the back, the more places you need to use the Internet data. He doesn't want to regret it later, so he has opened the unlimited card business now.

After plugging in the SIM card, the first thing I did was to make a call to the cripple who ran a canteen in my hometown group, and said that I had a mobile phone, and asked the boss to help me write down his current mobile phone number, and told his dad that there was something to do. call him.

In order to reassure his father, he also specifically said that he bought an old mobile phone, which cost him a hundred yuan.

Otherwise, the family conditions are so bad, and you will buy a mobile phone when you get your salary. A typical prodigal son, it will scare people.

It was past ten o'clock in the morning when he returned to the dormitory after finishing the card, and Chen Li was still lying on the bed and sleeping soundly.

——This guy goes to the Internet cafe to type until three or four o'clock in the morning every day during middle shift, so he wakes up very late during the day.

Except for Yan Xin, no one in the same dormitory knew what he was doing in the Internet cafe. He only thought he was playing games. Some people advised him not to be addicted to games, but Chen Li did not correct him.

Yan Xin lay down on the bed, turned on her phone and logged into QQ.

This is the second time he has logged into QQ after he came out to work, and it is also the first time in his life to use QQ on his mobile phone.

I just boarded up, and within a short while, I received a lot of QQ messages.

There are the replies from his previous QQ friends, as well as new applications for making friends.

Yan Xin dealt with them one by one.

First of all, look at those friend applications. I don’t know if it’s because he changed his nickname to “Auspicious Ruyi”. The people who send him friend applications are all “flowers blooming and wealth”, “life is safe”, “satisfaction and happiness”, etc. Nicknames like "Go with it".

Looking at these nicknames full of traces of time, Yan Xin had no desire to make friends at all, and none of them passed.

If you just want to make friends online, it's better to use Martian's online name, at least the ones you attract are young people.

However, he has no need to make friends online, so he decided to continue using the nickname "Auspicious Ruyi".

Then reply to the message of QQ friends.

Some replied, while others acted as if they hadn’t seen it, and just swiped over.

In it, he saw the message from Xiao Shiyu:

"Where do you work? What do you do?"

"I was accepted by **University."

"I went to ** University."

"Are you going home for Chinese New Year this year?"

Several messages, from different times.

All kinds of memories about this beautiful female classmate flashed in Yan Xin's mind.

It is said that this female classmate married a rich man who was several decades older than her. After a few years, the old man died and she also became a rich woman.

In my memory, I met this female classmate many years later. At that time, he was married to Feng Xi, and this female classmate had just been widowed.

That meeting was arranged by Xiao Shiyu, and she was very well dressed that day.

On that day, Yan Xin looked like a decadent man in his forties, haggard and downcast, with no hope in his eyes.

The first time they met, they drank a cup of coffee together, and then nothing happened.

Thinking of this, Yan Xin lost his mind for a while, shook his head, and replied:

"I work as a security guard in Xiaorong Town, Fengcheng. It's pretty easy. I'm not sure if I will go home during the Chinese New Year."

Continue to scroll down and see a message from the nickname "the stray cat in reincarnation":

"Congratulations, you have obtained the most precious thing in this world - from my friendship!"

"Tell me, what do you want? I will grant your wish."

Look at the time when these two messages were sent, it was September 2, more than ten days ago.

It seems that the stray cats in this reincarnation don't go to QQ very much.

In Yan Xin's cognition, this is a female Bodhisattva, so he replied:

"My wish is to see a picture of your black silk cat ears."

Life is too short and time is too precious. He doesn't have that much time to talk with his sister about life, ideals, astronomy and geography, poetry and poetry, political philosophy, national affairs, and what to ask for in the end.

That was so roundabout.

He went through the tedious steps and asked directly to see the photos.

Simple and efficient.

If you succeed, if you don't fail, you don't lose anything anyway.

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