Rebirth, Starting from 2005

Chapter 41: Declaration of War

In the following time, Chen Li did not open a single chapter, but left a message at the end of the published chapter, hoping that everyone can vote for him.

He made it clear that he wants to be number one on this recommendation list.

Not for anything else, just for the common honor of everyone.

"I don't want to fight anyone. This time, I just want to maintain our dignity."

At the end of the chapter, Chen Li wrote such words.

Although he didn't say it clearly, readers can understand why he suddenly added this paragraph.

This is tantamount to declaring war on that book.

Such a declaration of war will stimulate both his readers and the opponent's readers.

In the next few days, there was no need for Yan Xin to provoke again, and readers on both sides were aroused.

Once this kind of thing is launched, it is beyond the control of the author.

To make the author and readers into a whole, to enjoy the benefits brought by this whole, we must bear the disadvantages brought by this whole.

Authors are often coerced by readers.

——This is the serialization mode of online articles, not the previous physical book mode. If it is abandoned by readers, the data of a serialized novel will collapse, and it will not even be able to eat this bowl of rice.

Chen Li had his reasons for not retreating, and the opposite author also had his reasons for being wrong.

The readers of that book were also very good. They voted for the book they supported as the second place in the recommendation vote, and even once surpassed "Fights Break Sphere" to take the first place.

But it was quickly overtaken again.

The matter got a little big, and Chen Li's editor even called him, asking him to delete the content of the declaration of war and calm down the rhythm.

In this regard, Chen Li can only say that this rhythm has picked up, and he has no way to stop.

What is at stake now is the honor of his readers. If he surrenders and retreats at this time, his readers will think they have been betrayed by him.

Regression is equal to losing all readers.

Unless he quits the web circle.

Otherwise he cannot retreat.

In the chat with the editor, he also expressed his grievances - he didn't offend anyone, he suffered such humiliation for no reason, and now he can't figure out why he should voluntarily back down.

Who is causing the trouble can be seen from the timeline.

He was just forced to fight.

This incident, on the surface, was indeed caused by the reader on the opposite side.

Chen Li felt aggrieved and was unwilling to back down, which made it hard for his editor to say anything.

I can only tell him to control the rhythm, there is competition, at least not to abuse.

——For platforms, they are actually happy to see such competition.

Making so many lists is also to motivate them to compete.

But scolding too fiercely will cause problems.

This Chen Li agreed - he also didn't like to see those heart-wrenching words sent by the readers across the way.

Said that he can post a single chapter to persuade his readers not to scold in the opposite book review area, but he also hopes that the opposite author can do the same thing.

The editor said: "This is no problem. A certain god also has such a meaning, that is, competition is okay, and conflicts should not be intensified."

Under the persuasion of the website, both authors published a single chapter, appealing to their readers not to scold others in other people's book review areas.

However, there is also a meaning expressed in the single chapter-they want to compete for the recommendation list.

Of course, there is a sense of honor in maintaining the collective, but I also feel that this kind of competition is good for me.

In order to mobilize the enthusiasm of readers, the author opposite usually only updates two chapters a day, but now it has updated three chapters a day.

In such a competition, Chen Li transferred from the middle shift to the morning shift.

In the end, "Fights Break Sphere" won the first place on the list of recommendation votes this week.

But that's not the end.

A new week, and a new list, Chen Li still has to fight.

Under the call of the authors of both sides, less and less people went to the opposite book review area to curse.

However, it is even more fierce in terms of various data.

The two books competed fiercely on the list of recommended votes, basically taking turns to be the first, pulling away the books behind.

Last week, "Fights Break Sphere" won the first place in the list of recommendation votes. That's because the opposite master didn't compete for this list in the first two or three days, and it entered the top ten through the conscious votes of readers. It was already two days late to work hard later, and the total number of votes for the week could not be done.

In this new week, the previous data will be cleared and everything will start from scratch.

Although the statistics of "Fights Break Sphere" are very strong, the readers who have accumulated from several other works are not weak in combat power.

Readers on both sides are mainly fighting on the list of recommended votes.

This sudden burst of passion also made the recommendation votes of both of them reach unprecedented heights.

The rest of the books on the list can only be withdrawn.

It is not uncommon for the boss and the second child to fight and kill the third, fourth, and fifth children.

Most of the time, "Fights Break Sphere" is in the first place, but sometimes it is surpassed by the other book.

This also made Chen Li quite nervous, afraid that someone would accidentally take away the number one spot on this week's recommendation list.

Going to work is not in the mood to go to work, and the mind is all on the outcome of the list.

At this time, each list is still an uncontaminated list, and they can only rely on real votes, and it is not possible to get on the list with money.

This also made Chen Li, a small security guard, qualified to wrestle with the famous god.

The traffic it brings is indeed large, and the new collection added every day is an important driving force to support Chen Li's struggle.

After get off work, go to the Internet cafe, look at the data first, and then code.

Often a chapter is not finished, and I quit first, look at the data, look at the comments, and then continue to code.

When he was on the morning shift, he spent more time coding.

Go to the Internet cafe after get off work at three o'clock, and get off work until it is close to zero before stopping.

Write out at least four chapters every day.

On the most day, I coded five chapters, with a total of more than 17,000 words.

He really worked hard.

This time, wrestling with the top-ranking master aroused the blood in his heart, and converted this blood into the code words.

What is shown is not only that more content is coded out every day, but also that the style of writing in the novel has become more passionate, more in line with the style of the original work, and more able to arouse people's emotions.

——In the past, he just wrote such a novel according to Yan Xin's thinking, using passionate plots, passionate plots and passionate characters, but he himself did not have that kind of passionate feeling.

But now he felt that way.

He's in better shape.

At this time, Yan Xin can provide very little help in writing, and more is giving him psychological counseling, helping him to relieve those negative energy things, and then taking care of his life—for example, every day At six o'clock in the evening, I went to the cafeteria to get a meal and delivered it to him.

September 30th, the day before "Fights Break Sphere" was released.

There are more than 90,000 collections of this book.

On the list of recommended votes, "Fights Break Sphere" ranked first.

At zero o'clock on the 1st, this book will open VIP.

When delivering food to Yan Xin at noon the day before, Chen Li asked him:

"Yan Xin, tell me, do you want me to compete for next month's monthly ticket list?"

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