Rebirth, Starting from 2005

Chapter 45 The future is brighter than you think

Carrying the things, we arrived at the rented house of Chen Li, where there were densely packed peasant houses built by local people for rent.

Most of them are four to five floors, not too high, and the buildings are relatively close to each other. The lighting conditions are not very good, and they are not comparable to the community.

The supporting facilities are not very good. Along the way, I saw a few shops and a few hair salons, but there were no shaving masters in those hair salons, only young ladies with suspicious clothes sitting there.

Seeing Yan Xin looking over, he smiled and waved at him:

"Little boy, come and play?"

Yan Xin was taken aback.

He looked at Chen Li with some doubts—this guy chose to rent such a place, didn't he just for the sake of convenience?

When you get to that building, you have to take out the key to open a big iron door before you can enter.

There is a camera at the big iron gate, but I don't know if it is good or bad.

As we all know, it is good if there is no accident within the monitoring range. If there is an accident, the camera is likely to be broken.

However, there is such an obvious camera there, which can still make people feel a lot more at ease.

Chen Li rented the third floor. There was no elevator, so he had to climb the stairs.

Yan Xin is okay, there are not many things to mention.

It was really difficult for Chen Li to climb the stairs with such a big suitcase.

You have to rest for half a minute every time you climb a layer.

Yan Xin watched and shook his head: "You can't do it, you are so immature at a young age, don't spend time in Internet cafes in the future, remember to exercise when you have time."

Personally, he is more concerned about this point, and he will use his working time to do exercises every day.

I suffered from poor health in my previous life, so I can't be so salty in this life.

"Necessary," Chen Li said out of breath, "It's really impossible to do this anymore. From now on, I will spend an hour running every day. Anyway, I don't work as a security guard now, so I have time."

"Forget about running," Yan Xin advised him, "Running movements are not standard, and it is easy to waste your legs. If you insist on walking 10,000 steps every day, it is almost enough. From here to Huaxi Park, go around two circles and then walk again. Come back, do push-ups, sit-ups and so on, just maintain a proper amount of exercise."

I lived for more than 30 years in my last life, and I have seen some news about crazy fitness and lost myself. In the circle of friends, there are also people who ran and crippled themselves.

He didn't want Chen Li to ruin himself because of excessive fitness.

He does sports now, not pursuing how strong he is, as long as his body is normal.

When he has money and time in the future, he still plans to learn Taijiquan or something, and he does not rule out dancing in the square, so as to enjoy the good life that only retired old men can enjoy in advance.

What he wants to take is the route of health preservation, not the route of fitness.

Chen Li was also shaken by what he said. After thinking about it, he said, "Then let's walk for an hour."

His room number is 303. When he got to the third floor, he took out his key and opened the door. When he entered, he found a living room, which was quite clean. There was a couch, a coffee table, and a TV stand, but there was no TV.

The hall is not big, but it can be regarded as a space for activities.

On the other side of the hall is the kitchen and bathroom, as well as a small balcony.

The two bedrooms next to it are not large in size. There are beds and computer desks in both bedrooms.

Those are added by the landlord and cannot be damaged. If they are damaged, the money will be deducted when checking out.

Besides that there was no other furniture.

After pulling the suitcase to one bedroom, Chen Li pointed to the other bedroom and said to Yan Xin:

"If you come to live here, you will live in this room. I will give you a door key and a room key. There will be no outsiders disturbing you here, so we can chat freely about the plot of the novel."

When I was in the dormitory, there were other colleagues in the dormitory, and it was not convenient for them to talk about the plot of the novel, so I had to go down to find a place where no one was around to talk about it, which was somewhat inconvenient.

Yan Xin took a look at the environment. I can't say how good it is, but it's better than the dormitory anyway.

Nodded: "Okay, after the festival, I will tell the company to move in here, so that they will not continue to deduct my bed fee and utility bills."

The security of the property company does not mean that you can move out if you want to live in it. There must be some people in the dormitory, so as to ensure that in case of emergency, all the employees who are resting in the dormitory can be called to come and go to the top.

Some property companies also require that no less than two-thirds of the employees stay in the dormitory after get off work.

Fengxiang property management is not so strict. Some employees can rent houses outside, but they need to get the approval of the company.

Chen Li resigned urgently, so there is no need to tell the company.

Yan Xin is still a current employee, and he plans to continue working there. If he wants to move out, he still needs to tell the company and get the company's approval.

The management office will not start work until the 8th, and he can only wait until that day.

Chen Li knew this rule, so he didn't say anything else.

After putting down the things and hanging up the mosquito net, the two of them left the room.

When I went downstairs, I saw the landlord's aunt who was showing people upstairs with a bunch of keys. Chen Li introduced Yan Xin to the landlord:

"Auntie, this is my friend. He will come to live with me in a few days."

I said it when I rented the house, and there will be two people living there, so the landlord didn't say anything.

I just saw that Yan Xin was a man, which was a little strange, so I sized him up and said:

"When you move here, take your ID card and come to me to register."

Yan Xin responded.

The two of them left the building, walked out of the farmer's housing area, and had a meal at a small restaurant at the end.

Eating in such a small restaurant is quite cheap. You can order a dish and ask the boss to fry it for five yuan. Rice can be added at will, and soup is also free.

Two people ordered one dish, one ordered chili fried pork, and the other ordered fish with pickled cabbage. The total cost was only ten yuan. The small pot was freshly fried, and the taste was much better than that eaten in the cafeteria.

It costs four yuan a meal to go to the cafeteria, which is just one yuan more.

In the past, they all had to worry about the one dollar for this meal, but now that the novel is on the shelves, the subscription is very good, and they have a little bit of money.

Not only did they dare to eat a five-yuan meal, but the two of them also took a 600ml bottle of Coke each.

Just picked it up in the store, frozen Coke.

Three dollars a bottle.

More than ten years later, it has become an incredible thing to order a freshly fried dish for five yuan and eat a full meal.

However, 600ml of Coke is still the same price, and even cheaper in some places.

During the meal, Chen Li sighed to Yan Xin:

"In the first few months when I came out, I only had a salary of several hundred yuan a month, and I couldn't see the direction of life. I was in a daze every day, knowing that this was not good, but I didn't know what to do. Now, I finally got out One way is really not easy!"

He raised the Bingkuoluo in his hand, looked at Yan Xin, and said seriously:

"Yan Xin, thank you! You helped me walk this road! I assure you, in the future, if I have a mouthful, you will have a mouthful."

Yan Xin pursed her lips, raised Bing Kuo Luo in her hand, and touched him:

"Believe me, this is just the beginning, and our road in the future will be brighter than you imagined!"

The sun slanted through the store door and fell on the two teenagers, casting a layer of golden light on them.

It was the light of the setting sun.

Falling into the eyes of the two teenagers, it is like the rising sun, illuminating their future brightly.

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