Rebirth, Starting from 2005

Chapter 58: Persecution Paranoia

Faced with Ai Lili's invitation, Yan Xin had no way to refuse, and followed her into a building, feeling as if he had been pulled into a strong man.

However, being able to work with Ai Lili gave him a sense of accomplishment.

This beautiful boss is kind-hearted and treats him very well. She also gave her a mobile phone and clothes. If she can do something for her, there will be a feeling of gratitude in it.

That's not counted, just because Ai Lili is the leader of the company, if he is asked to follow, he has to follow.

It is the seventh building that entered.

Walking into the elevator, there were only the two of them in the elevator.

Watching Ai Lili press the button on the eleventh floor, Yan Xin felt ominous in his heart and asked:

"Sister Lily, are you going to Aunt Li's house?"

Ai Lili froze for a moment: "How do you know?"

Yan Xin said: "It must be very troublesome for Sister Lily to come to the door in person, but Aunt Li is not the only one who can be called troublesome on the eleventh floor of the seventh building?"

"Smart! You have only been here for a few months, but you have figured out such things."

Ai Lili praised him, then frowned again, sighed, and said:

"This old lady, it's really endless."

The Aunt Li they were talking about was also a troublesome figure in Fengxiang City Community.

She was the first group of residents to move into the community, and she has lived here for several years, but she has never paid the property fee.

The property management office did not ask her for the property fee.

Many communities have such stubborn households who never pay property fees, and complain at every turn, making the property management company afraid of mentioning it.

This Aunt Li is such a character.

Aunt Li is in her sixties and has been divorced for more than ten years. Her daughter bought her a house here, but her daughter doesn't live with her, so she lives here alone.

Usually she looks kind and kind, but she has a little mental problem, and she doesn't know what stimulated her, and she has a bit of persecution paranoia, and she always feels that someone is harming her.

The electric light at home was broken, and I thought it was done by bad people.

The cutting board in the kitchen has traces of chopping with a knife, and it is also said that it was chopped by bad guys.

Sometimes it is said that the books on the desk are not placed in the right place, because bad people have come in.

There are unusual noises in the living room, and there are also such bad people.

Someone was talking furtively outside the door, which was trying to trick her.

Suspiciousness is particularly serious.

Every time she went to her daughter's place, she would ask someone to weld the door of the house, and then ask someone to melt off the welding rod when she came back.

Every day when I go downstairs, I have to put the seasonings used for cooking in a small tow box and pull them out together, because I am afraid that people will poison them in it.

I often scold the management office, thinking that the security measures of the management office are not in place, allowing the person who harmed her to enter the community.

I also often call the police, saying that bad people have come to the house.

After a long time, the police were afraid of her.

Yan Xin didn't know the old lady's background, but she knew that she used to teach music, her daughter married to Hong Kong Island, and her ex-husband went to the United States after divorcing her.

Her daughter Yan Xin also met her a few times, and every time she came back, she accompanied her to the management office to scold the management office for not doing a good job in safety management, scolding them very fiercely.

It was said that her daughter hired a nanny to take care of her, but none of them worked for three days. Either they resigned themselves, or they were scolded by her.

Later, I could only let it go.

Yan Xin felt that this old lady probably had no background, mainly because she had some mental problems, and the management office didn't dare to provoke her, fearing that something might happen to her.

In her previous life, Yan Xin worked in Dongmengang for more than a year, and often chatted with the old lady.

Although the old lady has some mental problems, as long as she follows her words and scolds the management office with her, she is quite kind.

Although he always said in front of him that he would bring a knife to the management office to kill people, he didn't really do that. Sometimes he would buy water for him, saying that he was the only good person in this property company.

During his last two years in Fengxiang City, the old lady didn't cause much trouble.

The reason is that I met an old man when I was dancing in the square, and I have a companion.

However, the property fee was still not paid—the management office didn't dare to press her at all, for fear of making her sick.

Yan Xin has never been in contact with this Aunt Li in this life, because Qidong is close to the east gate, and she usually enters and exits the community through the east gate.

Seeing Ai Lili's frowning face, she asked, "Is there a lot of trouble?"

Ai Lili smiled wryly: "It's not the same as before. Suspiciousness has risen again. I called to complain, saying that someone smashed the door of her house just now, and asked us to investigate who did it and give her a result. I don't even know what to do. Answer her."

If there is such a thing, it can still be investigated.

The problem is that the old lady is a bit mentally disturbed, unable to distinguish reality from hallucinations, and often complains about fantasies as real, so there is no way to investigate.

Yan Xin reminded: "The old lady has some mental problems and can't stand stimulation. She said that there is such a situation. Sister Lily, you must not say that there is no such thing. This will make her even more angry."

Ai Lili looked at him: "But, admitting that there is such a thing, how can I explain to her that this kind of thing happened? She wants me to hand over to her, and where can I find such a door-slamming person to give to her?" ?”

"Let's push it to the children to play tricks." Yan Xin said.

While talking, the elevator had already reached the eleventh floor, and he added another sentence: "She has delusions of persecution, so don't say in front of her that what she said doesn't exist."

In the previous life, a security guard was nearly collapsed by this old lady. He couldn't bear it anymore, and said in front of the old lady that she had delusions of persecution and took hallucinations as reality, which was a mental illness.

The old lady was so angry that she couldn't breathe, she was sent to the hospital and stayed in the hospital for more than ten days.

The security guard also resigned, and the management office lost some money.

That time Yan Xin was beside him, which left a deep impression on him.

Ellie hesitated.

Yan Xin whispered again: "It's not convenient for you to tell lies, so let me tell you."

Ai Lili glanced at him, nodded her head, and said, "Be careful what you say, don't quarrel with her."

Yan Xin said, "I understand."

If someone else from the management office came to deal with this matter, he wouldn't say anything after following him.

Whether it is handled well or not has nothing to do with him, there is no need for him to get into trouble.

But Ellie is different.

This beautiful boss is kind-hearted and treats him so well, but she can't let her face Aunt Li's attack directly.

Aunt Li in the shrew state is terrible.

The elevator door opened, and Ai Lili, who was frowning, also relaxed her brows, with a smile on her face.

Yan Xin also smiled.

——Although there is no one in front of you, as a practitioner in the service industry, you should always put a smile on your face.

The two of them got out of the elevator, turned a corner, and arrived at room C.

It was a heavy iron door, and there were traces of welding with multiple welding rods on the door, which looked ugly.

Ai Lili knocked on the door lightly, with a smile on her face, she raised her voice slightly:

"Is Aunt Li there? I'm Assistant Ai from the management office."

Footsteps moved across the room, paused for a few seconds at the door, and then the door opened.

A benign looking old lady appeared at the door.

This is Aunt Li who has caused headaches for the management office for many years.

Under normal conditions, she looks kind and friendly, but once she gets angry, she instantly becomes ferocious, quite scary.

People in their sixties have wrinkled faces and look older than their actual age.

Probably due to the long-term psychological torture caused by persecution paranoia.

As soon as the door opened, Yan Xin bowed to her and said, "Hello, Aunt Li, I'm Xiao Yan, the security guard on patrol today, and I'm here to apologize to you."

Aunt Li was stunned for a moment: "What's going on?"

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