Rebirth, Starting from 2005

Chapter 85 The Taste of Home

Before six o'clock, Yan Xin had already arrived in the city, but the bus to the county didn't leave the city until seven ten.

At 8:30, Yan Xin arrived in the county, and then waited for the bus to their village.

I waited until ten o'clock before the minibus arrived.

After getting on the minibus, I waited for another hour, swayed back and forth on a road, and pulled a group of passengers. It was not until eleven o'clock that the bus left the county.

It's not that the driver deliberately delays the time, but that they have a time limit for when they start the car, and they can only wait there before that time.

It was very hard to wait for the bus, but there was no way. There was only one minibus passing through their village, and it ran back and forth in the morning and back and forth in the afternoon.

If you meet it, you will meet it. If you miss it, you have to wait for the trip at three o'clock in the afternoon.

If you don't want to wait for the bus, you can take a taxi back if you have money.

If you have some money but not enough money, you can choose to take a car to the town first, and then take a motorcycle home after arriving in the town.

Yan Xin didn't want to rent a motorcycle to go home.

In fact, the money is not much, mainly because the family still lives in a dilapidated earth-brick house, but they have to spend extra money to rent a motorcycle to go home. It sounds ugly, like a prodigal.

After getting in the car, I called the owner of the small shop in the group and asked him to inform his father, who said he had already boarded the car back to the village and could return home at noon.

The minibus was also full of people and drove very slowly.

The road from the county seat to the town is a cement road, but from the town to the village, it is a dirt road. The road goes uphill and downhill, full of potholes, and there are so many people on the car. If you drive too fast, you will definitely There will be problems.

In Yan Xin's memory, the road into the village was not finished with concrete until 2008.

There are still more than two years left.

Originally, it would take 40 or 50 minutes to arrive, but it took more than an hour to drive.

It was already half past twelve when Yan Xin got off the car.

Just after getting out of the car, he saw his dad standing under the awning of the roadside canteen, waiting.

"Dad! I'm back!" Yan Xin called out with a smile on his face.

In his previous life, after his father passed away, he also returned home, but there was no one there anymore.

At that time, I felt very bad.

Now, when I go back to my hometown, there is such a person waiting at the intersection, which is really good.

Maybe it is because of the waiting of their loved ones that many people will go all the way back to their hometowns during the Chinese New Year, and spend a reunion together.

The padded jacket his father was wearing was very old, and he didn't know when he bought it. In Yan Xin's memory, this set of clothes accompanied his father for several winters.

Seeing Yan Xin, his father showed a smile on his face, walked over here, and said, "The meal is ready, and I'm waiting for you to eat."

When he came over, he had to help him with his backpack.

It was only a hundred meters from here to home, and he was still worried that his son would be exhausted.

At this moment, Yan Xin's nose was a little sore, but his face was still full of smiles, and he picked up the three nutritional products in his hand, and said with a smile:

"Dad, I bought this for you. You have worked so hard these years and your health is not good. You should make up for it. Take it."

The three nutritional products look big, but in fact they weigh nothing, not even half the weight of the backpack.

His father took the three nutritional supplements and complained a few words: "This must be expensive, right? Why do you have the money to buy this? I'm still in good health."

There were still a few idlers playing cards in the canteen, and when they saw the three nutritional products that Yan Xin brought over, they all praised them:

"This thing looks valuable, Lao Yan, your son is really filial!"

"Bird's nest? This should be very expensive, right?"

"Old Yan, don't complain. This is your son's heart. With such a sensible son, you will be blessed in the future."

Father Yan defended in a low voice: "I just think this is too expensive and not worth it."

Turning around, he said to his son, "Don't buy such expensive things in the future. If you have the money, you can keep it for yourself."

Yan Xin said with a smile: "It's okay, I have worked hard for half my life, and it is not against the law to eat something good."

In fact, if you want to say how nutritious this stuff is, it’s not necessarily true. Adding the three pieces together, the nutritional value may not be higher than a catty of pork.

But this is a gift from Ai Lili, no matter whether it is nutritious or not, it cannot be thrown away.

And there is also a face to take out.

If Yan Xin had the choice, he would rather weigh the money with a few more catties of meat, which is the nutrition his father needs most.

He had the same idea as his father in this regard, thinking that this thing was flashy.

But seeing that he took out this thing and received compliments from passers-by, he felt that it was not bad to be flashy once in a while.

The two walked tens of meters, and after making sure that no one else could hear them, Yan Xin explained to his father with a smile:

"I didn't buy this, it was given to me by the leader of the company. It didn't cost me a penny, so don't feel bad."

It's not a face-saving thing to give a gift from someone else, so he doesn't want others to hear it.

He knew very well that he had face, and being praised by more people would make his father happier.

Only then did his father feel relieved, and said with emotion: "The leader of your company treats you very well."

"Isn't it?" Yan Xin felt emotional when he thought of Ai Lili, and picked up the unfinished snack bag to show his father, "She bought it for me too."

"Then such a good leader, you have to work hard there, don't let him down." His father said again.

"That must be." Yan Xin smiled.

His father walked in front, looking at the old padded jacket his father was wearing, Yan Xin thought to himself: "I don't know how many years I have worn these clothes, and they are no longer warm. I have to go to the town to buy some for him tomorrow." Better clothes."

Just thinking about it, not saying it.

If he said it, his father would definitely object.

Only when you buy it back and create a fait accompli can you accept it passively.

After walking for a hundred meters, I turned a corner along the mountain, and there was another row of people living there.

The second house after walking over is Yan's.

Neighbors, one family has built a building, the other is a brick house, and his family has an earth brick house, which is old and dilapidated, and looks very shabby.

After staying in a modern city for several months, and facing such a house, Yan Xin felt his head was a little big.

The meals are already ready, today is the New Year's Eve, and Yan Xin is going home, so Dad Yan is also extravagant, cooking a total of four dishes.

There are three dishes on the table, all topped with bowls upside down to keep warm.

Uncovering the locked bowls one by one, the dishes were still steaming.

One is fried white pepper with bacon, one is fried fish, and the other is stir-fried choy sum.

Another dish is stewed carrots with local chicken, which is still simmering in the pot, waiting for Yan Xin to come back.

Put a large bowl of chicken nuggets in the pot, then put rice on it, and the father and son will eat it.

Taste is the taste of home cooking, not delicious.

But taking that bite can bring Yan Xin a deep sense of happiness.

- That's the taste of home.

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