Rebirth, Starting from 2005

Chapter 98: What a Poor Woman

The snow fell lightly and for a few minutes the ground was still mostly dry.

However, if the clothes on Feng Xi's booth are not treated, let the snow fall on the clothes and then melt, it will easily cause mildew, which is definitely not acceptable.

The two worked together to pack all the clothes. When Yan Xin was doing the final binding, Feng Xi stood up and unlocked the bicycle locked on the lamp post.

When she was doing these things, her nose was still twitching, and she took out a tissue to blow her nose from time to time.

The face is also red.

Yan Xin saw that she was going to put the packed clothes on the back seat of the bicycle and then carry them back.

Imagine it, and find it unimaginable.

That big bag may weigh over a hundred catties. A little girl was riding a bicycle with such a heavy thing on a snowy day for more than ten miles, and it was still the kind of potholed road.

This is too difficult.

Said: "It's hard for you to hunch back, or you'd better wait for the CMB to come and take a ride back."

Feng Xi said in a low voice: "I put these in the home of my classmates here."

Yan Xin let out an oh, and then suddenly realized.

It's a bit unrealistic for a teenage girl to carry so many things around.

It's understandable to put it in a classmate's home.

Guessing that she couldn't carry such a big bag, she put it on the back seat for her and tied it with a rope.

Feng Xi supported the bicycle and watched him do this silently.

After tying it up, Yan Xin asked again: "Shall I push it over for you?"

Feng Xi shook his head, but quickly nodded again:

"Well, thank you."

She led the way, and Yan Xin followed behind pushing the cart.

It was really cold with both hands on the handlebars.

Pushing the cart and walking behind Feng Xi, Yan Xin couldn't understand what he was doing and why he helped her with it.

Today, she was obviously the one who lost her mind, and she even extorted more than a hundred yuan from him.

After much deliberation, in the end, it can only be turned into a sigh:

"Just treat it as what I owed her in my previous life. The years when she took care of my dad were indeed very difficult."

It's not easy for Feng Xi now.

He thought again: "Maybe her aunt came here today, so it's understandable to be nervous."

Feng Xi's classmate didn't live in the town, but it wasn't far from here. I went through a side road and passed a few rice fields, and I arrived at the classmate's home.

That classmate is a female classmate who lives in a building. It seems that her family background should be good.

Feng Xi walked ahead and called her out first when she got there. At that time, the girl was warming up at home.

Seeing that there were still tears on Feng Xi's face and a man pushing a cart behind him, he was a little surprised.

But in front of Yan Xin, it's hard to ask.

He could only pretend that he didn't see anything, and helped Feng Xi carry the bag of clothes into the house.

Yan Xin didn't keep up, so he stood on the Shaguping in front of the building with his bicycle.

After the bag of clothes was put away, the female classmate asked Feng Xi in a low voice:

"Who is that man?"

Feng Xi sniffled: "I'm a man."


! "

The female classmate looked at Feng Xi in shock, she couldn't be more surprised.

She's been in puppy love before. When she was in junior high school, there were female classmates who fell in love. It's not a strange thing.

But she didn't expect that Feng Xi would also fall in love early, and she said it so directly - "My man"!

In her impression, Feng Xi is a very hard-working girl who studies hard, earns money, and is frugal to death. It simply gathers all the virtues that a girl of her age can possess.

Falling in love is a bad girl's choice, and it shouldn't happen to this girl.

I really didn't expect that such an excellent girl like Feng Xi would fall into this kind of worldly love.

Then he asked again: "Then why are you crying? Did he bully you?"

"No, I bullied him." Feng Xi said truthfully.

"Eh?" The female classmate couldn't believe it, "You bullied him, why did you make yourself cry?"

Feng Xi was a little embarrassed, and said with a blushing face, "My man has been bullied so badly, and I feel distressed, so I cried."

The female classmate looked at her suspiciously, feeling that she was being bullied by that man, and she was too embarrassed to admit it, so she said so on purpose.

But she has no proof.

Feng Xi didn't stay here for long, and said in a low voice:

"It's snowing outside. It's pitiful for him to stand there. I won't be here to accompany you. I'll go back with him."

After saying this, he walked out and said to Yan Xin in a low voice:

"The clothes are put away, let's go back."

Yan Xin asked: "Don't you want to store your bicycle here?"

His idea is to store his bicycle here, and then go back by car.

Feng Xi said: "I have to ride the bicycle back, and I have to ride it back next time."

Then, he added: "If I don't ride back, my parents will say that I lost the car."

Yan Xin let out an oh, and walked ahead pushing the bicycle.

Feng Xi followed behind him, her nose twitching from time to time, like a wronged daughter-in-law.

The female classmate stood in the room watching this scene, and felt emotionally: "What a poor girl, she came out to set up a stall to earn money at the age of sixteen or seventeen, and was bullied by men. It's okay to bully, and I still want to stand for such a dog man." Cover up. Really! Men are too scary, falling in love is too scary, I don't want to touch these in the future."

Before the car was pushed to the street, Feng Xi walked behind Yan Xin, rolled his eyes a few times, and said to Yan Xin:

"I was really sorry earlier, the weather was too cold, and the clothes didn't sell well. I didn't control my emotions, and I turned my anger on you, making you lose face in front of your girlfriend..."

"Harm, it's not a big deal. The weather is really too cold. It's understandable to be emotional." Yan Xin said.

The girl's family had said sorry before, but now she apologized again, and he, a grown man, couldn't care less.

Feng Xi bit her lip, and said: "I was so unreasonable just now, your girlfriend won't hate me, right?"

Yan Xin couldn't help being a little funny: "She doesn't know you, and she doesn't have any intersections in her life. What does it matter if she hates you or not?"

Feng Xi clenched her fists tightly, but her voice was still timid, and she said, "You are so kind to your girlfriend. You bought her clothes and took her a taxi. You must like her very much, right? When are you going to get married?" ?”

"Why should I marry her?" Yan Xin blurted out.

After saying this, he felt a little regretful -- he shouldn't have said that, if his father's words reached his father's ears, and he and Xiao Shiyu didn't intend to get married, wouldn't that scene be revealed?

Feng Xi loosened his fist and said, "Aren't you planning to get married when you're in love?"

Yan Xin said helplessly: "She is my classmate. This time, she just came to visit me. Where are the others?"

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