Sudden! “Quality Gate Incident” (100,000 words!)

On the way back to Longshan City, Li Shanshan suddenly received a call from Li Lihong of the Magic City Branch.

The moment he answered the phone, Li Shanshan had a bad feeling.

Because Li Lihong would usually call him to report her performance only at the end of the month. What was the purpose of calling him at this time?

After the call was connected, Li Lihong reported bad news to him.

Last Friday, the Magic City branch received a customer complaint.

A woman named Liu bought a bottle of Longshan Spring mineral water in a local supermarket, but after opening the bottle cap she claimed she found “bugs” in the water. Ms. Liu then approached them and asked for compensation.

In the face of customer complaints, Li Lihong attaches great importance to the matter.

She specially sent professionals to the supermarket, removed all the same batches of mineral water from the shelves, and opened the mineral water on site, but no similar problems were found in the water.

After receiving the investigation results, Li Lihong followed the principle of “the customer is God” and was willing to refund Ms. Liu’s money or exchange her for a bottle of water.

But Ms. Liu was not satisfied. She insisted on asking Longshan Quan to compensate her for mental damages.

Faced with this unreasonable request, Li Lihong decisively refused.

After all, no one knows whether the bugs in the water were artificially put in, so being able to refund money and exchange goods already shows that the company is very sincere.

In this way, the two parties did not reach a consensus, and Ms. Liu took the bottle of water with “bugs” in it and left.

After that, Li Lihong didn’t care about it and continued to be busy promoting and expanding the market.

What I didn’t expect was that today’s “Modu Daily” reported this incident on the front page and pointed the finger directly at Longshan Spring mineral water.

The entire article is strongly worded, directly defining something that cannot be determined, and criticizing the safety production of Longshan Spring mineral water for not meeting standards.

As soon as this report came out, it immediately aroused widespread heated discussion in Shanghai and had a great impact on the sales of Longshan Spring.

Li Lihong immediately communicated with “Modu Daily” and asked the other party to withdraw the report without evidence, but was rejected by the other party.

She had no choice but to call Li Shanshan and tell her the details of what happened.

After Li Xianshan heard the whole story, he sneered secretly in his heart. Someone had taken the courage of a leopard and wanted to do something behind my back.

“Boss, it’s all my fault. If I had compensated the customer for mental damages at that time, maybe it wouldn’t have been reported by the newspaper.” Li Lihong felt heavy. She felt that she had betrayed

Li Shanshan’s trust in her.

“You did nothing wrong. This matter is definitely not as simple as it seems. If you compensate that person for mental damages, it means that we admit that there is a problem with our water, and the consequences will only be more serious.” Li Shanshan knew clearly

. , this is a bureau, specifically targeting Long Shanquan, no matter what you do, you will be plotted by someone with intentions.

“It turns out that we are being targeted, so what should we do?”

Although Li Lihong has rich sales experience, it is her first time to deal with this kind of crisis public relations, so she is inevitably a little nervous.

“Don’t do anything first. Let your opponents dance around for a few days. The more they dance, the more flaws they reveal.”

After ending the call with Li Lihong, Li Shanshan fell into deep thought. Who was going to target Long? What about mountain springs?

In fact, this question is not difficult. Currently, Li Shanshan only has two businesses, one is Longshanquan and the other is Burger King.

Burger King has just started, and it’s not enough to make people jealous. It could only be that Longshanquan’s development has offended some people.

In this case, the answer is obvious. The only one who can compete with Long Shanquan is Zong Qingqian from Wahaha!

Li Shanshan defeated her opponent in the Imperial Capital before, forcing Zong Qingqian to announce his withdrawal from the Imperial Capital market. Later, at the “Biao Wang” auction, she also fooled her daughter Zong Xiaoli around.

Now as Longshanquan enters the national market, the biggest threat is Wawaha.

Magic City is the headquarters of Wawaha. Although the sales volume of Wawaha in the entire Jiangnan region centered on Magic City is still far ahead, it has now been strongly impacted by Longshanquan.

It seems that I really can’t sit still!

Li Xianshan felt funny in his heart. If you were to compete with me head-on, I would respect you as a man. Now if you start using such despicable methods, then don’t blame me for being rude.

Then Li Shanshan changed his itinerary to return to Longshan City and flew directly to the Magic City. He wanted to deal with the mastermind personally.

In the following days, “Modu Daily” continued to report on this matter, publishing articles criticizing Longshan Spring mineral water on the front page every day.

On January 10, the article “Shocked!” was published. Unidentified objects appeared after drinking Longshan Spring mineral water! ”

On January 11, the article was published “Follow-up of the Longshan Spring Incident: The unknown object was identified as a bug! 》

On January 12, published an article “Follow-up 2 of the Longshan Spring Incident: There are serious problems with the quality of this brand of water!” 》

On January 13, the article was published “Follow-up 3 of the Longshan Spring Incident: This brand of water is not even as good as drinking water!” 》

In this era, it is quite rare for local newspapers to launch such an intensive public opinion offensive against a company.

This also attracted countless people to watch, and everyone called this incident the “Longshanquan Quality Gate” incident.

As more and more people pay attention, everyone is waiting for Longshanquan’s response.

However, Longshanquan officials did not respond to this matter. All sales and publicity work continued as usual, and it seemed that they did not take this matter seriously at all.

At this time, Hu Xiaohong, editor-in-chief of “Modu Daily”, couldn’t sit still.

What she didn’t expect was that after she published so many articles criticizing Long Shanquan, the other party could still sit still.

According to her expectation, the other party should jump out of the wall to refute her at this time. The other party’s reaction now is really a bit strange.

So she edited a text message: “Sister Xiaoli, do you want to continue the plan?”

Soon she received a reply: “Continue!”

After that, Hu Xiaohong published another article with more severe wording “Longshan Spring” ——You can’t run away, and don’t even think about it! ”

The publication of this article has gone beyond the basic standards of a journalist. The entire article denies Long Shanquan as useless, just to attract people’s attention.

But we have to admit that the more nonsensical an article is, the more it attracts people’s attention.

With the publication of this article, the “Longshanquan Quality Gate” incident has aroused widespread heated discussion across the country, and everyone is waiting for Longshanquan’s response.

When Li Xianshan read this article, he couldn’t help but want to laugh. Keep dancing. The higher you jump now, the harder you will fall in the future.

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