Register a real estate company, named Evergrande?

Although my father Li Yang is less talented in business, he is a man with strong action ability.

A few days after Li Shanshan proposed establishing a real estate company, Li Yang had prepared the relevant materials for registering the company. Now he just had to give the company a name.

Originally, Li Shanshan wanted to be the richest man in the world, so he just named his real estate company Wanda.

However, after a search, it was found that Wang Shaofu had already given this name in 1992.

Then change it to another one and call it Vanke. I think it will be popular.

No, a search revealed that Vanke was established in 1988.

How about calling it green space?



Country Garden?

Li Shanshan thought of several names in succession, but unfortunately they were all registered.

This was embarrassing. He thought to himself that these real estate companies were established quite early.

There is also Evergrande, check it out.

Hey, this works!

That’s it, Evergrande Real Estate Development Co., Ltd. means continuous, long-term and far-reaching.

Li Yang watched for a long time and found that Li Shanshan’s names were quite nice. He didn’t expect his son to be so literary.

Thinking about it again, the name you gave your son originally was a little too casual.

While his father was busy setting up a real estate company, Li Shanshan began to seriously study the current VCD market situation.

In fact, it is a little late for him to invest in building a VCD factory. At this time, several strong competitors have appeared on the market.

However, there was nothing that could be done about it for Li Shanshan.

First of all, last year, I was busy expanding the market of Longshanquan and fighting a sales war with Wawaha.

At that time, I was focused on accumulating my first pot of gold, and even if I had ideas, I couldn’t get involved in other industries.

The second is that the main reason why Li Shanshan entered this industry is to have full respect for the company that produced the world’s first VCD. This may be his feelings.

Of course, his goal is not just in the VCD market, he will definitely develop more products of China’s own in the future.

Now the biggest threat in the Chinese market is the later famous “Aido”.

Speaking of Hu Zhibiao, the boss of Aido VCD, he is also a figure.

In 1995, he and his friends jointly invested 4,000 yuan to establish an electrical appliance repair shop.

By chance, Hu Zhibiao discovered that the VCD produced by Wan Yan was a good thing.

From then on, he started the work of imitating Wanyan VCD.

Later, he felt that selling VCDs also required a large number of discs. After all, having only one machine was useless.

But genuine CDs were too expensive, so he started making pirated CDs.

In that era when there was no intellectual property protection, this road was indeed paved by Hu Zhibiao.

In just a few months, he completed the initial accumulation of capital. He earned more than 800,000 yuan by selling imitation VCD machines and pirated optical discs.

On July 20, 1995, with this 800,000 yuan, he funded the establishment of Aido Electric Company and launched the Aido VCD named after his company.

Because Hu Zhibiao did not invest any R&D expenses in the early stage.

Therefore, the Aido VCD he launched was much cheaper than that of Wanyan Company, and he quickly captured a considerable part of the market with his low-price strategy.

At first, even he himself did not expect to make money so quickly, so his ambition became even greater.

In October 1995, Aido started advertising like crazy.

“Sincerely, I love more VCDs!” This advertisement was quickly broadcast on local TV stations.

In November 1995, Hu Zhibiao targeted Yangcheng and spent heavily on advertising in the Yangcheng Evening News for four consecutive days.

This is also the first “suspense advertisement” in China.

The so-called suspense advertising means that the advertising information is not displayed to consumers all at once.

Instead, through a series of advertisements, from shallow to deep, from part to whole, it is gradually and perfectly presented to consumers.

On the first day, there were only two words on the entire page, love more.

On the second and third days, there were still only these two words on the entire page.

On the fourth day, the suspense is revealed, love more VCDs!

It was through this suspense advertisement that Hu Zhibiao aroused consumers’ attention and made them remember Aido VCD.

Later, Hu Zhibiao also participated in the bidding meeting where Longshan Quan won the “Bidding King” of Channel C.

It’s just that he seems inconspicuous in front of Li Shanshan who spent 68.88 million to win the title of C-channel standard king.

Li Shanshan didn’t pay attention to him at the time. After all, his main focus at that time was rapid expansion and occupying the national bottled water market.

At this bidding meeting, Hu Zhibiao was not completely without gains. He invested all the millions of yuan he had just earned into C-channel advertising.

He also knew that he could not win the “Bonder King” with his millions, so he chose to buy the advertising space for the first 5 seconds of sports news.

This was also the first VCD advertisement at that time. Unexpectedly, the effect was really good, and Aiduo’s reputation was officially established.

Hu Zhibiao’s various deeds made Li Shanshan sigh with emotion, this is really a strong competitor!

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