Burger King is tricked again

A week later, Burger King’s two branches in Shengshi also opened for business, and as expected they were still full.

Jiang Shuqi was previously worried about whether Very Coke could be accepted. After tasting it, many customers found that there was no difference between Coca-Cola, Pepsi and Very Coca-Cola. On the contrary, some people felt that Very-Cola was good, which indirectly led to the popularity of Very-Cola. sales growth.

There are currently many people across the country who want to apply to join Burger King. Although Li Shanshan also wants to expand as soon as possible, he knows that he must develop a strict operating system, otherwise he will be ruining his own brand.

He proposed to Jiang Shuqi that the variety, quality and price of burgers in each franchise store must be the same, and the store decoration style and service methods must also be consistent.

All meat, vegetables, and condiments used by Burger King must be standardized by the head office.

In addition, there are strict regulations on the raw materials of burgers. The fat content of a burger must be between 17% and 20.5%, and no additives can be used.

The potatoes for French fries must be carefully selected first, and the starch and sugar content must be adjusted after appropriate storage time. After frying, they must be sold to customers immediately. If they are not sold for more than ten minutes, they must be scrapped.

Especially on the issue of the impact of fried food on health that Chinese people are most concerned about, Li Shanshan emphasized that all Burger King stores must change the frying oil every six hours.

On the issue of morality or interests, Li Shanshan chose morality without hesitation.

Although doing so increases the cost, Li Shanshan knows that although making money is important, he cannot make money unconscionably, especially since his Burger King customers are Chinese people who trust him. If fried oil is used repeatedly, it will be harmful to the human body. very big.

Once or twice may be fine, but long-term consumption is absolutely fatal to the human body.

“Big boss, if you change the oil every six hours as you said, the cost will not increase a little.” Jiang Shuqi pouted and said dissatisfied.

“That’s not okay. Food safety issues are not trivial, especially as long-term consumption of this kind of food may cause cancer. As a domestic brand, we cannot harm our own people.” Li Shanshan said categorically.

“I got it.”

In fact, Jiang Shuqi also knew that what Li Shanshan said was right. She still admired Li Shanshan’s decision. You must know that not all bosses can withstand the temptation of profit.

While Burger King is developing steadily, McDonald’s and Chew De Chicken on the other side have not responded in the face of the denunciation of Chinese public opinion.

Two international catering giants have joined forces to suppress Chinese local brands. This kind of thing has become normal for them.

After all, Americans are used to being kings and hegemons. In their eyes, you are just a small Chinese brand. They suppress you as soon as they say they want to. They don’t take you seriously at all.

McDonald’s Chairman and CEO Jim Cantalupo was on vacation at this time. After hearing the news from his subordinates, he just smiled and replied with four words – ignore it.

I have to say that Jim Cantalupo is a very capable CEO. It was under his leadership that McDonald’s became the world’s largest fast food chain.

But now he doesn’t pay much attention to the Chinese market. Currently, McDonald’s has only opened a dozen stores in China. In his opinion, even protests will not have much impact.

On the other hand, David Novak, the president of Chicken Decker, has the same attitude towards this matter as McDonald’s. It’s not that he doesn’t pay attention to the Chinese market, but he feels that Burger King is not worthy of being his opponent. If he responds to this now Instead, it will help the other party increase its popularity.

The two executives did not respond to this matter, but the managers of the McDonald’s and Jide Chicken branches in Shengshi couldn’t stand it anymore.

Li Xiaoyong is the owner of McDonald’s restaurant in Shengshi. In the past two days, he heard his restaurant manager report to him that the restaurant’s sales have dropped significantly recently, and the culprit was the newly opened Burger King restaurant opposite.

You must know that Li Xiaoyong’s brother Li Dayong is the head of the health department in Shengshi. He also relied on this relationship to win the hot McDonald’s franchise in Shengshi.

In his opinion, the boss of Burger King was so brave that he dared to challenge two global companies, McDonald’s and Chew De Chicken, so openly.

“Haha, let’s see how I kill you!”

Li Xiaoyong asked his restaurant manager to launch various promotions while finding his own brother.

“Brother, you have to help me this time. My younger brother has been bullied to the doorstep!” Li Xiaoyong said exaggeratedly into his mobile phone.

“Xiaoyong, what’s wrong? Is there anyone in Shengshi who dares to bully you?”

Li Dayong on the other side of the phone knew what kind of virtue his brother was, but he was helpless after all, he was his biological brother, so he had to help when it was time to help.

“Brother, you must have read the recent news reports. The store I joined has been smeared, and now there is a new Burger King just opposite my store. Isn’t this a slap in my face?” Li Xiaoyong said

. Not satisfied, he added: “Slapping me in the face is just a slap in your face, brother!”

“Nonsense, what does it have to do with me.”

Li Dayong knew that his brother had this temper, and he was usually spoiled by his family, so he couldn’t stand it. He was aggrieved, but this matter was not easy. He knew that someone who could chat with McDonald’s and challenge the German chicken was definitely not an ordinary person, so he said to the phone: “Wait until I investigate and hang up first.

” Those who hold his position are all well-rounded people.

In his opinion, before you want to punish someone, you must first conduct a thorough investigation.

He was going to find out first what kind of background this Burger King was. If he had a strong background, then forget it.

If there is no background, then I have to make this store illegal.

If nothing else, if the health department visits your store every three days to inspect it, it will make it impossible for you to open the store.

However, Li Xiaoyong did not understand this art of speaking. He thought that his brother was unwilling to help him.

So he privately found Sun Changsheng, who was in charge of food supervision and management in the health department, and planned to settle the matter through his brother’s subordinates.

Sun Changsheng was very happy to receive a call from Li Xiaoyong. He thought to himself that he was worried about not having a chance to perform. Now this kind of opportunity that can help him lead his family is what he dreams of.

The two made an appointment to meet at a meeting place. After Li Xiaoyong told the story, Sun Changsheng thought it was a trivial matter, so he patted his chest and promised: “Brother Li, don’t worry, I will definitely vent your anger on your behalf and make this Burger King restaurant unable to open!”


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