Rebirth Starts From 2006

Chapter 43 Raw Chicken

That Miss Zhou was pretty quick, she got the post in half a day, and she just happened to save herself once, not bad!

"It's so fast, I haven't seen it clearly yet," Zou Rong pouted, opened the post page again, and took a closer look, "Well, I graduated from a school in 211, majoring in law and majoring in economic law, an excellent fresh graduate It’s okay to be born, hohohoho, isn’t this just for me!”

As he said that, he turned around and let out a sip, "A reward for you."

Chen Yang smirked, hugged her with his backhand, and said, "The conditions are very suitable in all aspects. If there is no accident, there should be an interview opportunity, that is, if you can get the interview, the place of work is the provincial branch of Min'an Bank. , It’s a bit far from here, it’s a dozen stops by bus, commuting to and from get off work will be a bit tiring.”

It is also now that the Zhujiang New City has not yet been built, and most of the bank headquarters are still in Yuexiu. Otherwise, the bank headquarters will be moved there, and it will be farther away.

"It's okay, it's only a dozen or so stops. Our school used to be so far away, so it didn't take dozens of stops to go to the city." Zou Rong didn't pay much attention to the distance, and leaned her head on his shoulder, faintly He said, "Oh, I just don't know if it will be a ghost position. I found that many positions have been posted on the Internet. Obviously the conditions are very suitable, but there is no response after submitting the application. It is really annoying."

What Zou Rong said is also true. If you are often looking for a job, you will find that many positions have been hanging there for a long time, which is very troublesome for job seekers.

In fact, Chen Yang can definitely arrange Zou Rong to his company, but he started this company just to make a fortune. After this operation is over, he has never thought about how to arrange the follow-up. If he can't do it for a long time , it's not easy to arrange Zou Rong in,

Another one, he also hopes that Zou Rong can have his own career, and the first job in life is like the cornerstone of building a house, which will have a great impact on his later career. It is indeed more beneficial for Niu to learn more professional knowledge and ways of dealing with people.

It is precisely because of these two reasons that he did not pull Zou Rong into his company, but tried to put her in the bank. As far as the legal profession is concerned, apart from law firms, banks and other financial institutions can be regarded as top-notch. Even a law firm may not be as good as a bank, because in addition to the general loan review, the bank also involves a large number of non-performing assets and the handling of corporate economic disputes, as well as projects such as corporate financing mergers and acquisitions, which require extremely With solid legal expertise, if Zou Rong goes to study, it will definitely be of great help to her growth.

"It's impossible for all companies not to recruit people. There are always real job openings," Chen Yang comforted, then looked at the computer page and frowned slightly, "It's just that the salary for this job is too low, only 1,500 yuan for trial. The regular salary is almost the same as that of a clerk."

Zou Rong didn't care about it herself. She laughed and said, "It's okay, just enough to eat. Anyway, now I am holding the mentality of learning. When I really have the ability, if he doesn't give me a raise, I will quit!"

As soon as she finished speaking, the girl smirked again, "Haha, it sounds like someone already asked for it."

Chen Yang also laughed straight away, "It's okay, let's imagine it first."

While Chen Yang was chatting with Zou Rong, Zou Rong's mobile phone on the table suddenly rang.

He couldn't help turning his head to look at Chen Yang, and said in surprise, "It can't be the call from Min'an Bank, so fast?"

"You'll know if you pick it up," Chen Yang was also a little surprised, this efficiency is too high, could it be that their people have been guarding the computer to refresh?

Then she pointed to the mobile phone in her hand, "Hurry up."

"Oh," Zou Rong immediately pressed the answer button,

He put it in his ear and said, "Hi, hello."

"Yes, I'm Zou Rong, oh, you're from Min'an Bank, hello, hello,"

"Yes, I just applied online for your Legal Counsel position, yes yes, I'm available anytime,"

"Interview at ten o'clock next Monday morning? Okay, no problem, I understand, I will bring my resume and graduation certificate, okay, see you next week, thank you, goodbye!"

After hanging up the phone, Zou Rong stared blankly at Chen Yang, and suddenly screamed, "Ha, the bank has invited me for an interview!"

As he said, he threw away the phone, picked up Chen Yang's paw, and kissed several times, "You have a good hand, just a little bit!"

Chen Yang hehehe picked her up and put her on his lap, and said with a smirk, "Hehehe, there is something even better, do you want to feel it!"

"Ah, come again?" Zou Rong immediately surrendered, "No, help me."


It's a new day in a blink of an eye,

At 7:30 in the morning, the two woke up in a daze to the sound of the alarm clock. Zou Rong struggled for two seconds, finally opened her eyes, gently moved someone's arm, got up to wash up, then changed clothes and packed things , After Chen Yang finished washing, she had put away everything, carried her small Kun bag on her shoulder, handed the briefcase to Chen Yang, and the two went out together.

This kind of life has lasted for more than a week. After Zou Rong successfully passed the interview last Monday, she officially went to work the next day and started her rookie white-collar life of leaving early and returning late.

Without Zou Rong at home, Chen Yang no longer ran back every day when he was free, but stayed in the office all the time, staring at the stock market from morning till night, while waiting for news from the fruit and vegetable market.

After the funds arrived last Monday, he first paid off the final balance of last time, then went to a securities company to open a stock trading account, and divided the remaining 800,000 yuan into several times to withdraw the cash and save it. to his private account, and then transferred to the securities account,

Well, although the bank will supervise the use of funds, if there is nothing wrong, who will stare at him all day long, otherwise there will not be so many misappropriation of funds.

Therefore, instead of sleeping in the bank, it is better to take it out and give birth to a few more chicks. Of course, this kind of investment must be very safe, and it must not affect the normal business, otherwise something will happen, and it just so happens , he knew a very safe and profitable stock, CSSC!

Just last week, China Shipbuilding Co., Ltd. tripled from around 7 yuan at the beginning of the year to more than 21 yuan, but then dropped rapidly, falling to around 18 yuan. It is the second turning point of CSSC, so Chen Yang remembers it very clearly. He doesn't remember the specific time, but he still remembers to adjust the price, because it is from this position that it will rise all the way without stopping the rise, and finally With more than thirty prices as this year's closing score.

Just when the stock price fell to about 18 yuan, Chen Yang divided it into dozens of transactions and bought them in batches, and exchanged all 800,000 yuan into CSSC shares. Only a week later, the stock price recovered The decline has returned to more than 21 yuan, and his 800,000 has become more than 900,000, with a profit of nearly 150,000. Look, isn't this another store's money coming out!

Next, this stock will continue to rise, and there is almost no time for it to fall, so Chen Yang is very relieved to let wealth continue to lie there in the form of stocks, and the plan will be appropriate when there is a need to trade shops. sell a little.

After all, in the next three to four months, it will be more profitable to speculate in shops.

However, a week passed, and Zhang Chunli and the others posted seven or eight listings one after another. As a result, not even a single fish was hooked, and there was not even a single consultation call. It seemed that all the transactions in the wholesale market stopped suddenly.

However, Chen Yang was not in a hurry, the more he had to hold his breath at such a time,

The heavy rain last month clearly told him that this world is still the one in his memory, except for himself and the people around him, nothing else has changed in the slightest. Win this takeover battle.

Take your time, wait and see!

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