Rebirth Starts From 2006

Chapter 56 Fieldwork

It was still very hot in Guangzhou at the end of October. Chen Yang was sweating profusely after walking for a while. It seemed that it was inconvenient not to have a car. He turned his head and said to Zhang Chunli, who was a step behind, "There are people in the company Do you have a driver's license?"

Zhang Chunli thought for a while, then shook her head slightly, "I don't know, I haven't asked before, so I'll ask later."

"Okay." Chen Yang wiped off his sweat, opened his mouth and breathed hot air, and said, "In the future, when I take customers to see houses, I can't walk every time. I will buy a few electric cars later, and each store will be equipped with a car. The rental customers can just ride an electric car to take them there, and if they are buying a house, they can drive there directly, which also shows that the company has strength, and the customer experience is improved, so the transaction rate will increase.”

"Yeah, I'll do it right away," Zhang Chunli took out her notebook and wrote it down, and then asked, "Mr. Chen, I don't know much about cars. What price is more suitable for a car?"

"It doesn't have to be too good, and it doesn't have to be too bad. A car worth more than 100,000 yuan is fine. The brand should be a German joint venture. Don't look for Japanese and Korean brands. I don't like it."

At a price of more than 100,000 yuan, the German joint venture may only buy Volkswagen.

At this moment, Zhang Chunli pointed to a facade room on the side of the road and said, "Mr. Chen, this is the place."

"Oh," Chen Yang stopped, glanced at the clothing store that was doing a clearance sale, then turned his gaze around,

This shop is on the side of the main road, next to the sidewalk, separated by a row of white iron railings. The hawking sound from the loudspeaker merged with the noise of the cars coming and going on the road, which made people's brain hurt.

Zhang Chunli couldn't help raising her voice, "This shop expires at the end of the month, only a few days away, and the rent is due to move out. They can use it at any time after they vacate, and then the landlord said that they can rent it, and the rent is at least three years. The rent is paid monthly, and it can also be sold, but no loan is accepted, and the price can be negotiated."

Chen Yang still didn’t look at the shop much, it’s all in the information, there’s no need to read it again, he’s mainly observing the surrounding environment, this shop is located on the first floor of a six-storey commercial building, most of the upstairs are restaurants shop and massage room, and an Internet cafe on the second floor. The length of the signboard is quite large, and all kinds of wires, network cables and telephone lines are tangled up, covering the outer wall of the entire building together with various signboards. It can kill obsessive-compulsive disorder, but urban villages, almost all of them are like this, there is nothing to be picky about,

As for the location, this place is not far from the company. Two stations to the west is the fruit and vegetable market. There is a small old community in the back, and there are stretches of urban villages in the back. The location is good.

After reading this, Chen Yang did not immediately draw a conclusion, but waved his hand, "Go, go to the other two."

"Oh," Zhang Chunli took two quick steps to keep up with him, and said at the same time, "The other two are on the opposite side of the road, so the environment is not as good as this one, and they are on a small road, and the traffic flow is not as large as here, and the other two are mainly urban villages. .”

There are many large and small logistics parks on the opposite side, which are places for parking and renting warehouses. This is where Chen Yang rented trucks before. There is also a small and small auto parts city and dozens of small auto repair shops. Around the fruit and vegetable market service, logistics and auto repair, how can the environment be better?

Of course, not all of them are here. There are still two urban villages and a few decent commercial streets, otherwise Zhang Chunli would not have come here.

Chen Yang smiled and said, "It's okay, let's have a look first."

Zhang Chunli pursed her lips and smiled, and quickly followed behind,

Ouch, the boss walks really fast. His two long legs seem to be equipped with motors. He can go a long way in just two steps. If he walks slowly, it is easy to be thrown away.

Soon after arriving at the place, the two shops are located on two small commercial streets. In fact, they both belong to different entrances of the same urban village, so they are not too far apart.

Chen Yang walked around these two commercial streets. Frankly speaking, Zhang Chunli's suggestion was indeed correct. The environment here was far inferior to that on the opposite side, and there were large and small trucks passing by from time to time, and all intersections were extremely crowded. , Opening the store here, it cannot be said that there is no traffic, the problem is that few people will enter the store in this environment.

After seeing the three shops, it was already six o'clock in the evening, and it was time to get off work.

Chen Yang stood on the side of the road, looking at the village in the city from time to time, as if he was calculating something.

Zhang Chunli followed this way, feeling a little strange, why the boss seems not interested in the store, but always looking at the surrounding environment instead,

Although the environment for opening a store is very important, the store itself is also one of the key points.

When Zhang Chunli didn't know, so she guessed secretly, Chen Yang suddenly turned around, looked at her and said, "What are the prices of these shops?"

"Ah? Oh," Zhang Chunli came back to her senses, and without looking at the notebook in her hand, she blurted out, "The price of the room opposite is 800,000, which is about 11,000 square meters, but the price is negotiable. Although the location here is slightly worse , but the price is a little bit more expensive, because its floor height is relatively high, and it can be divided into two floors. Overall, it is still cheaper. The small one of 80 square meters costs 1 million, and the large one costs 200 square meters. The asking price is 2.6 million."

For this price, Chen Yang didn't think it was too expensive. Among the common types of buildings, the price of street-facing shops is the highest, followed by residential buildings, and the lowest is office commercial real estate. The prices of these types are almost the same Half or more. As for why the stalls in the fruit and vegetable market are so cheap, it is because its purpose has been fixed. It cannot be used for any other purpose except selling fruits and vegetables, and it is not facing the street. The price is naturally much cheaper than the shops facing the street. .

At this time Zhang Chunli added, "Mr. Chen, I found that there are still many shops in the vicinity for sale and transfer, and I was wondering if the landlords of these shops decided to sell their houses because they thought the market would be relocated. ?”

Chen Yang pursed his lips and nodded slightly, "Well, there is a possibility."

I had overlooked this point before. This large area can be said to survive around the market. If the market moves, these affiliated merchants will definitely be greatly affected, even more than the merchants in the market. After all, they are all Those who rely on the market for food have lost their jobs, so what else can they eat?

Or, just like speculation stalls, take advantage of this time to buy at a low price, and then resell and make a lot of money?

But soon Chen Yang dismissed this idea. The biggest bone has already been eaten into his mouth. These corners and corners have no effect, and now he is about to start making plans in the stock market. He can't pick up sesame seeds and lose watermelon. No matter how fast shops are rising, they are not as fast as stocks. Now there is no time to play with revolving loans.

However, large-scale acquisitions are not allowed, but it is still possible to pick up some soup and water. Just buy three or five sets, and the money will come out as a mortgage.

So, he originally planned to buy only one, but now he decided to have both.

Chen Yang walked to the small shop next to him and bought two bottles of green tea. When he came out, he handed a bottle to Zhang Chunli, opened the bottle cap, took a sip, wiped his mouth, and then said, "Go and talk to these three Talk to the boss, use the rumors of market relocation to try, and strive to lower the price a little bit, but it must be done quickly, preferably within two days, so as not to have long nights and dreams. After the market announces whether it will move or not, it will be too late gone."

"Oh," Zhang Chunli nodded, took a sip of water to moisten her dry lips, and then reacted, looking at Chen Yang in a daze, "Boss Chen, buy them all?"

"Of course I'll buy them all," Chen Yang looked around, seeing no one within five meters, and whispered, "It's the same way as buying a market stall, but don't use that method, just buy it in the name of the company , now you only earn but not lose, after you buy it, you don’t need to worry about the two rooms on this side, just decorate the room on the opposite side.”

"Oh," Zhang Chunli responded, blinking suspiciously, then thought of something, and opened her eyes suddenly, "Ah,"

Just after she said a word, she realized that her voice was a bit loud, and quickly lowered her volume, and whispered in front of Chen Yang, "Mr. Chen, what do you mean, this area will be demolished?"

She clearly remembered that the boss told her last time that the city government played a trick with Pengjia Village just to rectify the place. Now that the boss has made this decision, and looking at the environment in front of her, it is clear that it is the best object for demolition. what!


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