Rebirth Starts From 2006

Chapter 596 Sun Number

Hearing Huang Shan's words, Chen Yang felt vaguely in a trance.

Year-end summary,

annual meeting,

It’s the day of year-end summary again...


Chen Yang rubbed his head and almost forgot that it was only August, and there were still five full months before New Year's Eve.

Even the company summary and annual meeting are still at least four months away.

Now Huang Shan is just reminding him of the important work in the second half of the year.

Huang Shan closed the computer and said softly, "There was originally another matter, the establishment of Rainbow International Bank, but there are still some variables in this matter. Let's look at it when the time comes."

Whether Santander Bank can be acquired and the progress of the application for a financial license will affect the establishment time of Rainbow International Bank.

Especially the acquisition of Santander, it is not surprising that it lasted for a year and a half. It is indeed too early to say now.

Of course, you can also set up a bank first and then merge it after the acquisition of Santander is completed.

However, based on the current business volume of Rainbow Group in the financial sector, it was established before the acquisition was completed. It can only be regarded as a medium-sized multinational bank. Let alone compared with established financial groups, it may even be inferior to some major regional banks.

But if we wait for the acquisition to be completed and include Santander, it will become the highest-level large multinational bank.

The difference between the two is incalculable, and the impact they cause is naturally very different.

From the perspective of pursuing profit maximization, it is naturally better to wait until the merger is completed before establishing the company.

Moreover, with the size of Santander Bank, the existing business of Rainbow Financial Company, and the current global financial environment, it may be able to directly reach the top ten positions in the World Bank Rankings.

The meaning at that time will be even different!

Chen Yang nodded, but didn't pay much attention to this matter. Instead, he asked, "Which companies' year-end summaries require me to participate?"

There are so many companies now, so it's impossible to ask him to go there. Even if he is exhausted, he won't be able to participate.

Huang Shan said without hesitation, "You must participate in all companies that plan to start the listing process next year."

Boss Chen blinked, hesitated, and asked uncertainly,

"So which ones are there?"

Even if he narrowed the scope many times, he still didn't know which ones they were.

However, if there are only companies that have started the listing process, there should not be many.

Huang Shan doesn’t need to answer this time.

Zou Rong beside him immediately said, "According to the order of establishment of the companies, they are Anjia Real Estate,, Hengli Real Estate, Damai Technology, and Huahuo Communications.

In addition, Yunshan Network, Meipai Technology, Souhu Weibo, Sougou Technology, and will continue to raise funds and are expected to be listed within three years. "

After she finished speaking, she carefully checked the information and found that it was correct, then nodded vigorously in confirmation.

Huang Shan gave her an appreciative look, turned to look at Chen Yang, and said, "We plan to arrange for all of these first batch of companies to be listed in China.

Originally, according to the conditions and requirements of the current IPO, even the earliest established Anjia Real Estate had been operating for less than two years and could not meet the requirement of continuous operation of more than three years.

However, once all the preparatory work is completed, the requirements for listing will almost be met, and you can just submit the application directly at that time.

Moreover, the current financial market conditions are not suitable for companies to go public. The domestic Securities Regulatory Commission has even suspended the application procedures for IPOs.

In more than a year, when the economy is improving, regulatory approvals should also be liberalized.

Our group of high-quality companies that apply for listing will most likely become the first batch of IPO companies after the ban is lifted, and there is a high probability that they will receive policy support from above.

This is beneficial from both the funding and policy levels, and is conducive to the rapid rise and stabilization of stock prices.

If you have better luck, you might have a chance to become a constituent stock. "

Component stocks are also called index stocks. The stock price index is calculated based on these component stocks.

Being able to become a constituent stock has obvious benefits to listed companies.

Chen Yang nodded and was about to speak when Huang Shan said again,

“I have also communicated with Mr. Zhang and Mr. Ma that regarding the listing of the second batch of companies, namely Meipai and, the listing locations will be overseas.

Our own Yunshan Network, as well as Band Network and Souhu Weibo in which they hold shares, these three will be listed in Hong Kong.

Mr. Zhang suggested that the other two companies, Meipai Technology and Sougou Technology, go public in the United States.”

At this point, Huang Shan paused and explained, "What Mr. Zhang means is that if we completely ignore the U.S. side, it will be a bit difficult to launch Souhu in the U.S.

Then Xiaoyu and I also believe that appropriate sharing of interests is conducive to the expansion of the cooperative relationship network.

Moreover, by that time, Rainbow Securities, a subsidiary of the American Rainbow Group, should be on the right track and fully capable of listing Sou Gou in the United States, so we agreed. "

After she finished speaking, Boss Chen blinked in confusion.

Lao Zhang had told him before that Sogou was going to be listed in the United States. This was not important.

Meipai Technology does not involve too much user information, so there is no problem in letting it go.

The issue is,

What did I just say?

Huang Shan couldn't help but feel puzzled when she saw his expression, "What, is there something wrong?"


Chen Yang reached out and knocked on his head, then pointed at her with narrowed eyes, "What were you talking about just now?"

Huang Shan rolled her eyes, "Is it going public?"


Boss Chen pointed upward, "The previous sentence."

Huang Shan thought for a while, "Annual meeting?"


Chen Yang slapped his fist on the palm of his hand, "It's the annual meeting. Wait, let me do the math."

As he spoke, he counted with his fingers, "One, two, three, four, five, six, seven, eight, ninety,"

After a pause, he suddenly raised his head and looked at Huang Shan blankly, "I want to attend the year-end summary meeting of ten companies?"

Ten companies, even if one only goes there for one day, including the weekend, it will be gone in half a month!

Do you want to be so busy? !

"Oh, no need,"

Hearing that this was what he was worried about, Huang Shan covered her eyes helplessly, paused for a few seconds, then shook her head with a smile and said, "Just our five companies, plus Chuangfuture, a total of six will be enough."

This boss, she really doesn’t know what to say.

in those days,

Well, it didn’t take long. Even half a year ago, Boss Chen was still very dedicated to his job.

At that time, one project after another was launched.

She still remembered that she had just taken over Qin Yu's job and was already extremely busy. She was also assigned tasks by her boss every now and then.

Acquired Dajiang, went to Xijiang County for inspection, established the Xijiang Project Department, built Damai’s own industrial park, expanded Damai’s upstream and downstream industrial chain, and entered the Internet field.

There are also this year’s supercomputing, chips, batteries, industrial new cities, cultural tourism cities,...

The boss even found time to design a set of appearance drawings of Damai’s new products.

That workload is enough for an ordinary company to work for ten years.

As a result, under his leadership, it took his group just over a year to complete all these tasks, and the progress was pretty good.

With that kind of working condition, it might be exaggerated to call him a superman, but no one would have any objection to calling him an iron man.

Then, look at now?

Every day he eats and goes to bed, wakes up and plays, and even refuses to ask him to meet the leader.

If it weren't for his brilliant mind, Huang Shan would have wondered if the boss had been replaced!

Boss Chen, who was questioned by his subordinates, breathed a sigh of relief when he heard that there were only six companies.

Just six, let’s just say six.

Moreover, these six companies are basically the companies he originally founded, and other companies have also developed on the basis of these six companies.

For both emotional and rational reasons, he should attend.

At this time, Zou Rong suddenly raised her right hand and asked, "Don't you need to go to Mayflower?"

It’s not that she hopes her husband can attend the year-end summary just because she is in this company.

The main reason is that this company is registered in the company. If there is a summary meeting, leaders from there will be sent over. As Chen Yang is the boss, it will definitely not be good if he does not participate.

Huang Shan turned to look at her and said with a smile, "Mayflower's work this year is to start, there is no need to summarize it yet.

However, he will have to attend the summary meeting at the end of next year when the flowers bloom in May. "

Boss Chen leaned back and leaned on the back of the sofa. He couldn't help but sigh, "It's hard to be a boss!"

Huang Shan rolled her eyes and didn't want to pay attention to him.

Zou Rong suppressed her laughter, picked up the pillow and threw it at him.

She didn’t know if it was difficult for other bosses, but if it was still difficult for Boss Chen, then there would be nothing difficult in the world!

The plane passed over the clouds. The speed of the Gulf Stream was slightly faster than that of commercial airliners. It set off in the morning and appeared in the sky above Nansha just at noon. Then it landed slowly.

Looking down from the air, the huge Hengli Cultural Tourism City has begun to take shape.

The first thing to be built was the coastal area. Various buildings extended along the coastline, all the way to the west, and a straight runway suddenly stretched out.

This is where the Flying Club is,

A little further away from the flying club, there is another construction site under construction. There is a yacht dock under construction.

Then on the other side of the Cultural Tourism City, a yacht-like building stands in the sea. This is the yacht building of the Nansha Yacht Club.

In front of the yacht building, the previously unfinished pier has been completely completed. Several piers similar to plank roads go deep into the sea, with dozens of small yachts parked on one side.

On the other side, there are two giant ships that are almost as big as yacht buildings.

Obviously this is the big toy Qin Yu bought.

Looking back, Chen Yang was a little surprised, "Didn't you say there are only two big ones and eight small ones? Why are there so many yachts down there?"

Huang Shan shrugged and said with a smile, "You have already built this yacht club. Don't you know that many wealthy people in Guangzhou have sailed their yachts back from Shenzhen and Xiangjiang?!"

As soon as she finished speaking, she suddenly patted her head and said to Chen Yang,

"I almost forgot. Lao Dai asked me before that someone needs to be responsible for the management of the yacht club. Also, a wealthy club like this is a place to expand your contacts.

Normally, we need to hold an opening ceremony for the yacht club, and you'd better be able to attend. The time must be set as soon as possible. "

Boss Chen's face fell down and he didn't want to speak.

The plane hasn't even landed yet, yet another mission has been assigned, and no one is allowed to live.

Seeing him like this, Huang Shan spread her hands helplessly, "Okay, okay, originally, the boss should have made the decision on things like this to support the scene. That's why I asked you. Since you are not willing to take care of it, then I will do it." Arrange it, and you can just take a day to participate when the time comes."

Upon hearing this, Boss Chen nodded immediately, "No problem, let my secretary know when the time comes!"

Zou Rong's pretty face turned dark.

Interesting, right? !

The plane landed smoothly. The yacht club, which had been notified before, had already arranged two cars to wait below. After getting off the plane, we got on the car directly. A few minutes later, we arrived at the yacht dock.

Chen Yang and three others stood in front, with four bodyguards following behind. Everyone looked at the large yacht parked on the pier from a distance and couldn't help but open their mouths.

I didn't realize it when I looked at it from the air just now, but when I got closer, I realized that these two yachts were really not that big.

Chen Yang turned to look at Huang Shan and asked expressionlessly, "Are you sure Mr. Yu bought a yacht and not a cruise ship?"

Good guy, there are five visible cabins, and I don’t know how many are invisible underwater.

There are five levels of cabins on the water. Each level has a large deck. On the first deck, there is also a helicopter parked.

The length is estimated to be more than a hundred meters, and the width is at least thirty or forty meters. With this size, it can easily accommodate more than a hundred people.

Compared with these two big guys, there are dozens of small yachts parked on the other side of the pier that can only accommodate a dozen people. They are really like toys.

Huang Shan also pressed her temples with a headache and said uncertainly, "It should be a yacht. Cruise ships shouldn't be so small."

He nodded as if to cheer himself up, "Well, it should be the yacht."

The temporary director of the yacht club is a middle-aged man in his forties. He was standing nearby and couldn't help but twitching his lips when he heard the conversation between the two.

But the master didn't ask, and he couldn't interrupt, so he could only stand there.

Finally, Huang Shan remembered that there was someone like him, and immediately said to Chen Yang, "By the way, this is the manager Xiaoyu hired from Xiangjiang. He will be responsible for managing the yacht club for the time being. If appropriate, the yacht club will He will also be the general manager who will,"

Then he turned his head and smiled sheepishly at the man, "Sorry, what is your name?"

Yu Guangming, who was about to speak, did not change his expression, and smiled respectfully, "Hello, Mr. Chen, hello, Miss Huang, hello, Miss Zou. My name is Yu Guangming. You can just call me A Ming."

After a pause, he stretched out his right arm, pointed at the two yachts, and said, "Because when I received the order, I didn't know which one you were going to use, so I arranged for both to be ready. Now you can board the ship at any time,

I don’t know, are you going to board the Sun or the Rainbow? "

Sun number?

Rainbow number?

Is that the name of the yacht?

Chen Yang turned to look at Huang Shan,

Huang Shan shrugged naturally, "You know, I have never asked about these things. Xiao Yu should have named it."

Chen Yang pursed his lips and smiled. No matter who named him, the boat belongs to him anyway.

He immediately waved his hand and said, "Let's get on the Sun."

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