Rebirth Starts From 2006

Chapter 712 Attention

After scolding and getting angry, Huang Shan finally looked much better.

Then he said, "I have made an appointment for you and Rongrong to go to the hospital for a full body examination tomorrow."

"No need,"

Chen Yang's facial features were squeezed into a ball, and he said with a strange expression, "I'm not sick or in pain..."

Before he could finish his sentence, Huang Shan interrupted him firmly, "Why don't you use it? Look at the leaders, the big bosses and the rich, who don't go for regular physical examinations?

And you?

I usually just rely on my youth, but this time I went to the frontier for more than a month. Not to mention whether my body was tired or not, the changes in climate and environment will test people's physique very much. If I accumulate some minor problems, I may not be able to heal one day. Will fall ill..."

Before she finished speaking, she hurriedly said bah bah bah, then turned her face and said,

"Anyway, you listened to me right. Go get a good check-up tomorrow and be careful not to make any big mistakes!"

"Okay, okay,"

It was just a matter of physical examination. Chen Yang didn't bother to argue with her, so he nodded helplessly and agreed to her arrangement.

Then, he stopped continuing the topic and asked seriously, "The work briefing you sent me did not contain a specific process. Most of it was just the progress and results of important matters.

If I hadn't heard you tell me today, I wouldn't have known that the scale of Rainbow Group's investment was so large.

I seem to remember that at the beginning of this year, when the company's annual meeting was held in the stadium, including all the company's employees, there were only more than 10,000 people, right? "


Huang Shan nodded, leaned back on the sofa, stretched lazily, and then said softly, "To be precise, less than a year ago, we directly managed only nine companies.

There are only fifty-seven companies that have settled in the Future Maker Space and received investment from Honggu Capital.

At that time, many companies such as Xijiang Supercomputing Center, Band Network, Damai Culture, Damai Games, Damai Network, Zhanrui Technology, etc. were not established.

Future Industrial New City and Hengli Cultural Tourism City were only approved in April, and filling them with non-performing assets acquired from major banks was already done in May or June.

At that time, Hengli and Anjia were only small regional companies, not very big in scale.

Except for Damai and Huahuo, which have factories and R\u0026D centers, the total number of employees in the two companies exceeds 10,000. Among other companies, Anjia Real Estate has the largest number of employees, but it only has more than 400 people.

There are more than 200 people at Create the Future Maker Space, more than 100 people at, more than 200 people at Hengli Real Estate, more than 60 people at Feihong Supply Chain, and more than 40 people at Yunshan Network Technology.

Honggu Capital is even worse,”

Speaking of this, Huang Shan suddenly grinned, raised her forehead slightly, looked at the ceiling for a while, then lowered her head and said,

"At that time, Honggu Capital had not yet fully started its work. The total number of employees in the company was only more than 70 people, and almost half of them were sent out to do project research for Hengli.

The Rainbow Fund wasn't much better. The annual meeting was held at that time. I remember Xiaoyu was still abroad, right? "

Chen Yang nodded and said softly, "Yes, she should have been trading abroad, but that time in October, she accidentally intercepted some people's accounts and gained the largest single profit in history.

Later, she stayed in the country for more than a month. After Shirley was sure that there was no danger, she went out again.

When we held our annual meeting, she was leading the trading team abroad. "


Huang Shan pursed her lips and sighed softly,

"Confrontations in the capital market are often more terrifying than the real battlefield. Even those as strong as Buffett and Soros will sometimes fail on the battlefield.

If you hadn't asked Xiaoyu to withdraw early and not take advantage of short-term fluctuations, I'm afraid she wouldn't have been cut off, but would have been surrounded and suppressed."

Having said this, Huang Shan shook her head gently, stopped talking about this, and continued the topic just now,

"At that time, more than fifty traders from Rainbow Fund and the information department led by Shirley were all abroad, and only two people came to the meeting.

Dajiang Creative Company, which was recently acquired, only has more than 70 people. That is because Wang Tao gave him additional R\u0026D personnel after his successful research and development.

As for the other fifty-seven companies that have settled in Chuangfu and received investment, they all add up to exactly three hundred people."

Huang Shan smiled, spread her hands, and said, "Look, this data is much more normal?!"

Before Boss Chen could speak, she smiled and said, "But have you calculated how many acquisitions all the companies under Rainbow Group have initiated this year?!"

Chen Yang rolled his eyes slightly, "I know that Hengli seems to have more than three hundred, and the American Rainbow Group should have six, right?"

The American Rainbow Group was established based on the acquisition of five medium-sized American financial companies. These are five.

Coupled with the recent Santander acquisition that shocked the world's financial community, wouldn't it be exactly six? !

Huang Shan lowered her head helplessly, pinched the bridge of her nose gently, then raised her head and said, "So far, Hengli has not stopped the pace of mergers and acquisitions.

In addition to the 379 projects initially prepared by Honggu Capital Market Research Department for Hengli, Hengli has now completed the merger and acquisition of 456 projects, and there are still about 30 projects Under negotiation,

For these real estate projects, the composition of the project department will vary depending on the size of the project, but on average, it is normal for a project department to have thirty or forty people.

Including headquarters design, publicity, public relations, logistics and other departments, Hengli alone currently has nearly 20,000 employees! "

Chen Yang smacked his lips and glanced up unconsciously.

Hengli, are there already so many people?

Huang Shan spread her hands and said seriously, "Mergers and acquisitions are the fastest way to expand a company's scale, bar none!

Through mergers and acquisitions, a small company with only a few dozen employees can expand into a large multinational enterprise with hundreds of thousands of employees in just a few months.

The key here is nothing more than changes in equity.

Abroad, the outbreak of the financial crisis has caused a large number of financial elites to lose their jobs. At home, although the situation is not that bad, the overall environment is definitely not that good.

Therefore, whether it is Xiaoyu or I, when we start project mergers and acquisitions, we are almost always unfavorable.

Not only do we have no competitors, we even get active cooperation from many peers.

The reason why they do this is simply that they hope to have an extra source of income during the cold winter in the industry so that they can survive for a while!

The same goes for the venture capital market. It used to be difficult to attract investment, but it is even more difficult now. Look at Jingdong. Before we intervened, Lao Liu couldn't even get 20 million US dollars. What he expected One billion, a difference of dozens of times, this is the most typical example,"

Huang Shan rubbed her face gently, let out a long breath, lay down on the sofa again, and said lazily, "In addition to mergers and acquisitions, projects such as Future Industrial New City and Hengli Cultural Tourism City are also large employers of workers.

One future industrial new city alone can gather hundreds of thousands of workers. If only one future industrial new city had not been put into operation now, the number of employees under Rainbow Group would have increased several times.

You ask me, when did Rainbow Group’s companies and employees become so large?

This is how so many companies and so many employees came to be! "

Chen Yang blinked, pondered for two seconds, and then grinned, "I probably won't encounter such a good opportunity in the future!"

Huang Shan opened her eyes and rolled her eyes, "Do you still think about the future? This time we can go against the trend and gain enough benefits at home and abroad, so you can have fun!"

After a pause, she suddenly understood what Boss Chen meant. She sat up suddenly, leaned forward and looked at Chen Yang, and said seriously, "Have you also paid attention to the ten points for stabilizing the economy?"

"How could you not pay attention to such a big thing?"

Chen Yang picked up the tea cup and took a sip. After putting it down, he let out a long breath and said softly, "When Lehman collapsed in September, I said,

Even if this financial crisis is over, it will probably not be easy to make such a huge profit in the financial market in the future. "

Huang Shan raised her eyebrows and said with a smile, "It may not be easy. Didn't Xiaoyu start buying the bottom of the global stock market according to your analysis?"

Speaking of this, she suddenly thought of something else and said with a smile, "Oh, you know, after domestic, you are now also popular abroad!"


Chen Yang looked at her in surprise, "What's the matter?"

During this time, he was running around in Western Xinjiang and didn't do anything big.

Is it because of Jackson?

This is possible. Jackson came to China to travel at his own invitation. Moreover, after he opened Twitter, he would bring himself with him when he tweeted several times.

Either a group photo, an emoticon, or something I said,

He makes himself look like a historical celebrity, always saying "Chen Yang said\

,"If it is because of Jackson, this is indeed a possibility!

While Chen Yang was guessing silently, Huang Shan said with a smile,

"Do you still remember the speech you gave at the company's annual meeting at the beginning of this year?"


Chen Yang nodded and said, "The future is here, the future is here, the distance is not far, only change remains the same. I hope everyone can use their dreams as horses and live up to their time! I wish everyone a happy Spring Festival in the Year of the Rat, thank you!"

Huang Shan couldn't help but rolled her eyes again, "Who told you this?"

After a pause, she stopped talking and said directly, "Not long ago, Buffett made a public statement saying that he wanted to buy the entire United States.

When answering questions from reporters and investors, he specifically mentioned you and said that your views were completely consistent with his, but you were a young man with more passion, so while he was still waiting for the opportunity, you were already Started taking action and led Rainbow Financial Group to expand rapidly. "


Chen Yang opened his mouth slightly and looked at Huang Shan with a puzzled face, "How did he know about me?"

Although Boss Chen is very famous in China, he is also somewhat famous abroad.

However, if he can make Buffett understand him, I'm afraid he still needs to go a long way.

This is not to say that Buffett is awesome or has a high status, but there is no way that Boss Chen can reach such high places.

Again, the older generation of entrepreneurs rarely take the initiative to understand the new generation.

Chen Yang had seen a piece of news in his previous life. At an entrepreneur's cocktail party in Xiangjiang, Lao Ma took the initiative to say hello to Li Chaoren, but Li Chaoren didn't recognize him.

It wasn't until someone next to him introduced him as Ah Li Ma, the new richest man in the Mainland, that Li Chao suddenly realized.

Oh, you are that so and so, um, I have heard of it.

You must know that at that time, Lao Ma was already the new domestic business icon, and was even named a business leader by many fans. He was well-known throughout Asia and even the world.

However, in Xiangjiang right under their noses, the older generation of entrepreneurs only knew him by "hearing about it"!

It’s not that these people are above the top and look down on others, but that their attention has been entirely focused on business management, and they don’t pay much attention to the maintenance and expansion of interpersonal relationships.

Even this "heard" is only because they have the habit of paying attention to financial news. Otherwise, it doesn't matter who you are as a rich man!

Buffett's situation is similar to this.

In fact, Buffett rarely cares about new rich people or companies. What he cares about is mainly investment.

Don't look at the dinner auction he has, and think that he is a social butterfly.

In fact, many people in the industry know that this is a hype.

Even if you are the top of the world's investment community, you still need to maintain a proper reputation to attract the attention of new wealthy people.

And there's nothing more attractive than a million-dollar dinner auction.

It’s not a loss for those who spend money to treat them to dinner.

The difference in fame between before you get your dining spot at the auction and after you win the auction may be hard to calculate.

After all, what's at play here is just profit.

Therefore, for a low-key person like Boss Chen, it is difficult for him to imagine that Buffett would pay attention to him, and even know that his speech at the company's annual meeting,

This is unreasonable,

Even if it was because of the Santander Bank acquisition, he should still focus on Qin Yu and pay attention to him as a behind-the-scenes chairman. What is the situation?

Well, just when Boss Chen was full of doubts, Huang Shan gave him the answer,

I saw her laughing and saying, "Of course it's because of Xiao Yu!"

"Mr. Yu?"

Chen Yang's eyes widened and he felt an inexplicable sense of ominousness.


Huang Shan smiled and said, "During a meeting with Mr. Buffett, Mr. Buffett and Xiaoyu had a detailed exchange of ideas about the world's future economic trends.

During the communication process, he found that many things Xiaoyu said coincided with his ideas, so he became very interested in Xiaoyu and believed that Xiaoyu would become a leader in the economic world in the future.

How could Xiaoyu admit such a heavy compliment?

So, of course, she will confess you! "

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