Rebirth Starts From 2006

Chapter 803 Answer


Chen Yang looked around at the crowd and said with a chuckle, "These three projects are actually very big, so big that they shouldn't be described as projects, or system, system is more appropriate.

But no matter what it is, with the resources of Rainbow Group, starting from these three angles is the most practical and easiest to achieve results.

I won’t go into details about the security system and smart building here. You should all know their importance.

Especially network security, be it smart cities or Industry 4.0, all rely heavily on information networks and the connections between systems, sensors and devices. If network security cannot be guaranteed, no matter how much investment you make, it will be in vain, so the network Safety is the top priority,"

Having said this, Chen Yang paused, turned his eyes to Zhou Daoen, and said with a smile, "Old Zhou, I will give you a task. Do you dare to take it?"

Zhou Daoen was stunned when he heard this and looked at him blankly, "What?"

Chen Yang smiled and said, "Mr. Qi of Yunshan Network was the first to join the Future Platform, and he can almost be regarded as the first company to actually join the Future Platform.

Moreover, with the implementation of these strategic plans of ours, the importance of Yunshan Network will become higher and higher in the future.

I think you should also know that their role in information security and IT services cannot be replaced by Damai. "

Zhou Daoen nodded thoughtfully, vaguely guessing something in his heart, but he didn't dare to say it.

After all, this kind of thing has no precedent in the two-year development history of Rainbow Group. Several other people also had strange expressions on their faces, each thinking deeply.

Chen Yang glanced at him, grabbed another shrimp, and said while peeling it,

“In the past, the divestiture and merger of company projects within the group were all based on the premise that Honggu Capital or Chuangfu Future would be 100% controlled. In other words, no matter which basket they are placed in, they are all our own eggs.

But Yunshan Network is different. It was acquired by us. Although Honggu Capital injected capital many times later, Mr. Qi still holds 37% of the shares.

But at a time when our ‘Industry 4.0’ and ‘Smart City’ plans are about to be implemented, we should leave the core business of network security in the hands of others,”

He suddenly raised his head and looked at Zhou Daoen, smiling, "Are you relieved?"

Zhou Daoen took a deep breath, nodded solemnly, and said, "I understand, I will talk to Mr. Qi as soon as possible and ask him to give up the management rights of Yunshan Network. I will compensate him in other ways, regardless of Whether it’s Barley’s shares or cash, we can negotiate.”

"Hmm, you don't fully understand what I mean,"

Chen Yang shook his head and said seriously, "Yunshan Network is very important, but what is important is not Yunshan Network, but their technology and experience.

You can ignore other businesses, but any part involving the three major plans must not only be taken back, but even listed as a core project sequence and implemented in a closed-loop management."

After a pause, he thought for a while and said, "You can refer to companies with a military background. The smart approach of such companies is to split the company into two. One company is responsible for military projects, and the level of confidentiality is very high.

The other part is connected with civil projects and participates in the social economy. The two actually belong to the same company, but there is no conflict. "

Zhou Daoen was a little confused, blinked and asked, "Uh, what do you mean?"

Chen Yang waved his hand and said with a smile, "Actually, this is what I just suddenly thought of. What I mean is that it would be best to acquire the network security business of Yunshan Company, and then cooperate with the computer network of Damai Company. System projects were merged and a separate network company was established to serve the three major plans.

This company will never raise capital or go public.

As for Yunshan Network,..."

He pondered for two seconds, thinking about how to solve it so as not to arouse Mr. Qi's resentment. Most importantly, it would not make some people think that Rainbow Group fattened Yunshan and wanted to kill the pig.

At this time Huang Shan suddenly said,

"I think you are thinking too complicatedly. If you ask me, just talk to Lao Qi directly, explain the problem clearly, and give him two options. One is to buy out his shares, and he can buy any other company in the group. Stocks or cash can be used, and you will be able to achieve financial freedom by then.

The other is to separate Yunshan and the three major planned projects, and Damai will form a separate computer system company. From now on, these businesses will be handled by the new company.

There are two options, just let him choose.

You are forced to do things that are upright and upright in a roundabout way, as if you are shameful. "

Boss Chen's face dropped and he was speechless.

At this time, Zhang Chunli smiled, glanced at Chen Yang, and said to Huang Shan, "This is probably the boss's biggest shortcoming, and it is also his biggest advantage, that is, he is too emotional and is afraid of causing others to suffer."

Cai Yaping nodded in agreement, "Well, it is indeed, but..."

She looked at Boss Chen and smiled, "I think this is also the main reason why the company's atmosphere is so good. The boss values ​​​​love, so everyone will treat the company as home. Otherwise, they won't work so hard."

Boss Chen clasped his hands together and bowed to them, "Thank you for the compliment. Next time you tell me behind my back, I will be embarrassed if you tell me in person."

After a chuckle, Chen Yang looked at Zhou Daoen and said with a smile,

"Then just listen to Mr. Shan and talk to Mr. Qi. I won't care how to deal with it."


Zhou Daoen nodded and smiled, "Leave this matter to me, don't worry."


Chen Yang picked up the wine glass and took a sip, blinked and thought for a while, then continued with his previous thoughts,

"Smart buildings, this Hengli project has been established before, but the degree of attention and the resources invested are far from enough. It will be enough in the future, so I won't say more.

Today, I want to focus on the issue of intelligent transportation. "

Chen Yang looked around at the crowd and chuckled, "As you all know, we recently invested in two new energy vehicle companies."

Cai Yaping nodded immediately and continued what he said, "I know, one is Xijiang Automobile Co., Ltd. in Xijiang, and the other is Faraday Automobile Co., Ltd., which you and Mr. Huang personally invested."


Chen Yang looked at her, nodded and smiled, "Of these two companies, the one I really value is the second one, which is Faraday Automobile Company.

As for Xijiang Automobile, although they have production qualifications and are in my hometown, they are not representative, because what I want is an intelligent car with future development trends, which is the Internet car I often mentioned before. "

After a pause, he looked around at the crowd and asked with a smile, "Do you know what an Internet car is?"

Cai Yaping and the others looked at me, and I looked at you, and finally they all shook their heads slightly,

Perhaps seeing that her boss was in a good mood today, Cai Yaping smiled and said, "What do you mean? Last time I asked you, what is an Internet car? What did you say?"

He coughed dryly and imitated Boss Chen's behavior at that time, "Oh, do you know what playing the piano to a cow is?"

You said you people don’t know anything about new energy and cars, and you only know a little bit about the Internet. What should I tell you? Even if I tell you, you won’t understand! "


Boss Chen coughed again, knocked on the table, and said seriously, "So, you should study more and see if they understand what I say now!"

Upon hearing this, Cai Yaping instinctively glanced at Zhou Daoen, then decisively raised her hands in surrender, "Boss, I was wrong!"

I almost forgot about this one,

Really, if even Zhou Daoen couldn't understand it, then this Internet car would be too mysterious.

Boss Chen came back to win the game, grabbed the wine glass, took a sip, and then said,

"Intelligent Internet cars are the development direction of future cars. There is no doubt about this.

However, it is difficult for a simple Internet car to change the way humans use cars, even after reaching autonomous driving standards.

Only when smart cars are integrated into the smart transportation system of smart cities can smart cars truly play their role and completely change the way humans ride cars! "

Chen Yang scanned the crowd, raised his hands and gestured, and said seriously,

"Everyone can imagine,

In the north-south direction, two cars in front and behind were speeding through the intersection at a speed of 120 kilometers per hour. The two cars were 200 meters apart.

At this time, another car, traveling in the east-west direction, also drove towards the intersection at a speed of 120 kilometers per hour.

Who let whom? "

After the words fell, several people looked at me again, and I looked at you,

Zhou Daoen thought for a while and was about to speak,

At this moment, Zhong Ruilin, who had not spoken much today, suddenly said, "Don't let anyone!"

Everyone looked at him in unison,

Chen Yang smiled, looked at him and asked, "Why?"

"Because this is the scenario in the envisioned smart transportation environment,"

Zhong Ruilin raised his head, with a gleam of thought in his eyes, and said as he thought, "Smart transportation should not only include intelligent cars, but also include intelligent command systems and even intelligent highways!"

"Smart roads?"

Upon hearing this, Cai Yaping was first shocked and looked at him blankly, "How can highways be made intelligent?"


Zhong Ruilin looked at her and said, "Actually, when Director Chen mentioned the smart city just now, I have been imagining the scene of living in it.

You also know that I am engaged in supply chain, of which logistics also accounts for a large part, and we are engaged in logistics and transportation. Do you know what is the biggest headache? "

Cai Yaping shook her head blankly, "I don't know."

I've never driven a large truck, so how would I know?


Zhong Ruilin raised two fingers and said seriously, "One is traffic control in big cities, and the other is parking."

After a pause, he turned his gaze to Chen Yang and continued,

“So, I was just imagining what it would be like to live in a smart city in the future and manage all vehicles, including passenger and freight transportation.

All I can imagine is that all the road networks in the entire city will be monitored through ubiquitous cameras, and these cameras will collect all the data in the city and eventually aggregate it into a supercomputing system for analysis and calculation."

Zhong Ruilin gestured and said slowly, "I am a driver of a large truck. It is my first time to come to this city. I don't know the roads here and I don't know the traffic control rules here.

But it doesn't matter, I know there is a smart transportation system here, so everything is not a problem,

As soon as I entered the city, I already received a query message from the data center asking me to provide my destination.

No, I don’t even need to provide it. My vehicle information has been transmitted here by the departure city as early as when I set off.

So I just need to follow the guidance, at what speed, which way to go, and where to stop at the end. Everything seems so natural, as if I have walked this road countless times."

Finally, he looked at Cai Yaping and said, "So, it is not the highway that is intelligent, but the urban traffic command system. It is this system that makes the highway smart.

Going back to Mr. Chen’s question just now,”

He turned his head again and made gestures with his hands,

"After high-speed calculations by the city's intelligent command center, the moment the first north-south vehicle passes the intersection, the east-west vehicle is arranged to enter the intersection. With a five-meter body, the distance between the two vehicles from the north-south direction is 200 meters. It took 0.15 seconds to pass the intersection in a swoosh.

The second car going north-south did not slow down at all and passed the intersection six seconds later.

So, in the future traffic intersections, east, west, north and south, swish, swish, swish, no one will give way, but there will be no traffic accidents at all.

All this is directed by the ‘city smart command center’, not ‘traffic lights’,”

He raised his head as he spoke and murmured, "There is no driver either, because humans cannot achieve such reaction speed!"

"Uh, uh,"

Chen Yang looked at him for a few seconds, then suddenly turned to look at Huang Shan, "Please help me think about it, have I let him finish everything I want to say?"

People nowadays are so smart, have they learned to answer questions quickly?

Huang Shan also blinked blankly and thought hard for a few seconds, "It seems, right?"

Qin Yu pouted at the side and couldn't help but smile, "A single 'Urban Intelligent Transportation Command Center' covers almost everything.

What does transportation include? It’s nothing more than cars, highways, parking lots, traffic lights, etc.

As you said yesterday, in a driverless scenario, when you need a car, you can call the car through the electronic terminal device, and the public car parked in a nearby parking lot will automatically drive to the downstairs of your home.

Then, under the command of the smart transportation system, the shortest route will be used to deliver you to your destination, and you don’t need to worry about parking.

The driverless public vehicle will find the nearest parking lot with vacant spaces, drive in and park there, and wait for the next call. "

After saying this, she raised her glass and took a sip, and said with a smile, "To achieve this effect, the resources needed to be invested are not ordinary!"

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