Rebirth Starts From 2006

Chapter 808 The Tower Near the Water

[Rebirth starts from zero six] []

Chen Yang leaned on the back of the chair, without even raising his eyelids, and laughed softly,

"Sister Shan, you are really asking a very poor question. You studied in Singapore and worked in Xiangjiang for several years. These two places are closely connected with the United States. You don't know what the United States is like. Have you paid attention?"

Huang Shan stretched out her hand to scratch her hair, wrinkled her nose and said, "You asked this question very poorly. Do you think that foreign countries are like China, where so many people like to read current affairs news?

Let me tell you, in foreign countries, especially in Europe and the United States, most people only care about their work and life, what to eat today, where to play tomorrow, or how many dogs the neighbor’s cat has given birth to. Trivial things,

If you ask them what news is happening around them, they may have to think about it carefully, let alone any major national affairs. How can the United States have so much time to worry about it.

Singapore may be slightly better, but the basic situation is not much different. Most ordinary people will not care about current affairs. In Hong Kong, except for a small group of people, most people are still most concerned about tomorrow's rice price.

Therefore, I do as the locals do. Apart from studying and working, what I know the most about is probably Singapore’s food. "

Zou Rong turned her head and looked at this, then that,

Yes, just now Sister Shan said that Sister Yu likes to quarrel with her husband, but she herself doesn't seem to be any better.

"Like this?"

Chen Yang blinked and thought for a while, but although he had been to the United States for two months, he had only just watched the scenery and had almost no interaction with the locals.

Ahem, it's mainly because chickens and ducks can't communicate.

So he really doesn’t know much about the daily life of foreigners.

After a pause, he closed his eyes again and said softly, "Whoever the Americans want to deal with is not because they threaten him, but because their nature is like this.

You only need to understand the modern history of the United States, especially the history after World War II, to know that after World War II, they took advantage of the current situation and the emptiness of Europe to recruit a bunch of younger brothers.

As the saying goes, villains become rampant when they get their way, not to mention that they have inherited the tradition of bullying in the Europa continent, and it is even worse when they become the boss.

When you are weak, you will not be taken seriously by them, but when you become a little stronger, even if you are only a possible threat to them, that nature will be exposed.

Because in their concept, there is no possibility of cooperation between strong men. Either you give up your martial arts and become my younger brother, otherwise you will only become his enemy.

And as long as you have the ability to threaten him, even if there is no real threat today, they will think that you will definitely do so tomorrow or the day after tomorrow.

Therefore, it is not surprising that the first strike is the strongest. "

Huang Shan held her head in her hands, frowned and thought for a while, then said, "So, unless we develop nothing and become his vassals, we can live in peace with them.

Otherwise, as long as we develop to a certain level, they will definitely take action against us? ! "

Chen Yang pretended to look over his shoulder at her, slightly raising his eyebrows and saying nothing, but the meaning was self-evident.

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[Rebirth starts from zero six] []

Seeing Chen Yang's expression, Huang Shan suddenly spread her hands with a ridiculous expression on her face, "How is that possible? The yearning for a better life is everyone's right. Why should we be their little brother?"

Chen Yang shrugged, "Look, conflicts arise."


Huang Shan immediately raised her hands in the air, "I was wrong."

The car moved forward slowly and soon entered the city. Chen Yang pressed the button again, "Old Chen, take Sister Shan back first."

Shen Youshun's voice immediately came from the speaker, "Understood."

Originally, when I came back from the airport, I would pass by the boss's house first, but the boss said so, so just listen.

Huang Shan didn't seem to care at all what Boss Chen said. After thinking for a moment, she suddenly said,

"What about my international e-commerce platform? There are also so many traditional manufacturing industries in the future industrial new city. According to the plan, some of their products are to be exported.

Don’t do anything now? "

Planning adjustments are just a trivial matter. The key point is that if so much productivity is targeted at the domestic market, there is no doubt that it will intensify competition in the market. It will not only be affected by the companies in the future industrial new city, but also more ordinary small and micro businesses. enterprise,

These small and micro enterprises account for a large part of domestic jobs, and the economy is finally about to improve. If they run into the future industrial new city platform that integrates thousands of manufacturing factories, the ending may not be pretty.

Huang Shan didn't want to see this happen.

Normal market competition is possible, but it would be a bit bullying to ignore such a large foreign market and only target domestic counterparts.

Chen Yang turned to look at her, curled his lips and said, "What I mean is not to cooperate with Europe and the United States from a high-level perspective and a strategic cooperation perspective.

Ordinary business dealings and non-governmental exchanges, who cares about you! "

Huang Shan blinked and looked at him doubtfully.

Chen Yang simply turned around and faced her, "Then, even if one day, do you think the two sides will completely decouple?"

Huang Shan's eyes flashed, she pondered for two seconds, raised her hand and made an OK gesture, "I understand how to arrange it."

Chen Yang looked at her with a smile, "Do you really understand?"

Huang Shan glanced at him, "I'm just insensitive to current affairs, not stupid. Besides, what you're talking about isn't profound. What's so hard to understand?"

After a pause, she continued, "Even if there is a confrontation someday, both sides will definitely control the scope of the conflict. I think the most likely ones will be in the high-tech field and industrial product tariffs involving domestic industries in the United States. dispute,

In fact, whether the United States admits it or not, our cheap industrial products have made them severely dependent.

When they want to provoke a dispute, they have to take this into consideration, otherwise the inflation data will slap them in the face.

Therefore, we must seize the time and prioritize the development of projects such as Damai, Zhanrui, and the upcoming intelligent company.

Moreover, we must build high walls and accumulate food to slowly become king. Even if we come up with any cutting-edge scientific research results, we must hide them and not attract the attention of Europe and the United States.

Hiding does not mean leaving it unused, but rather limiting the scope of use, using it internally as much as possible, and keeping it strictly confidential and not publicizing it to the outside world.

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[Rebirth starts from zero six] []

At the same time, purchase as much relevant Western technology and raw materials as possible..."

At this point, she suddenly stopped, turned to look at Chen Yang, and said with a meaningful smile, "So, you asked Xiao Yu to scan goods in Europe and the United States not only to enrich the domestic industrial system, but also to prepare for this day? !”

Chen Yang snapped his fingers, sat upright and leaned back in his chair, and said with a smile, "In normal economic and trade transactions, you can do as much as you can. If you don't earn what you should earn, that's a loss. Anyway, as long as the fundamentals are stable, , the sky won’t fall.”

Huang Shan nodded lightly, "I know, the plan remains unchanged, just earn foreign exchange."

Chen Yang smiled and stopped talking about this topic. He turned to look at her and asked, "When will you go home?"

Huang Shan thought for a while, "I want to arrange my work tomorrow and the day after tomorrow, and then go back to prepare for the New Year."

Chen Yang nodded, "The twenty-seventh day of the twelfth lunar month is not too late."

Then he smiled and said, "Fortunately, your home is in Shenzhen, so it's easier to go back. Unlike us, we have to drive for more than ten hours to go back. Oh, it's so difficult."

Huang Shan looked at him and smiled and said, "You are so rich, why not just build an airport in Xijiang? Then you can just take a plane when you go back. Why bother?"

Build an airport?

When Chen Yang heard this, he couldn't help but laugh, "What you said makes it sound like I am the one who runs the Air Traffic Control Bureau, and I can build it if I say it can be built. I do think so, but it needs to be approved by the higher-ups."

When the flight base was established in Nansha, they followed the path led by Wang. A few days ago, the province wanted to expand the flight base into a formal regional civil airport, and it was they who contributed the effort.

Boss Chen is awesome, but he is not so arrogant that he thinks he can just finalize the construction approval of an airport.

The system is wrong. It’s strange that the boss at the air traffic control department is willing to sell his face.

As for going to the leader,

How stupid do you have to be to think of going to your boss for this kind of thing? !

That’s not what we did!

Just when Chen Yang shook his head and laughed, Huang Shan said sternly, "I'm not kidding you. The general manager of Xijiang Chuangfu just sent me an email. The county asked him to come over today to discuss Xijiang's transportation planning. Among them is the regional airport proposal.”


Chen Yang turned his head and looked at her in astonishment, "Really?"

Zou Rong behind him also looked at Huang Shan blankly, "Is Xijiang going to build an airport?"

"It's a plan, I think!"

Huang Shan said a few words seriously, and then said, "Actually, this is normal. Xijiang is located in the south of the Yangtze River, close to the Yangtze River. There are many waters in the territory, and water transportation is very developed.

But apart from the main line transportation along the Yangtze River route, water transportation on the inland river tributaries has almost been eliminated. If it weren't for you, I don't think investment promotion in Xijiang would be possible within ten years. "

Chen Yang's mouth twitched slightly and he dared not say a word.

If he hadn't made plans for Xijiang himself, it would have taken more than ten years. Anyway, until he was reborn, Xijiang's economy would still be in stagnant water.

Well, you can't say that,

The catering and entertainment industry is quite developed. As mentioned earlier, this is the economic development strategy formulated by the Xijiang County Government around two thousand years ago, called the "working economy"!

It means that people go out to work and earn money to go home and spend. That’s it.

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[Rebirth starts from zero six] []

Not to mention, later this "part-time job economy" became quite prosperous.

But when economic difficulties hit and the wage earners could no longer make money, the entire business in the county collapsed completely.

Chen Yang didn't know what happened next.

Next to her, Huang Shan continued to talk,

"Actually, the plan we made for Xijiang the year before last year included transportation development. But after all, transportation involves a wide range of aspects. Not to mention us, even Xijiang County and even Dongjiang City may not be able to handle it. There must be something Jiangbei Province has to approve it,”

After taking a breath, Huang Shan said again,

“That is to say, Xijiang has developed quite well this year, and the progress in planning and implementation is fully in line with expectations, and it has also been recognized by the superiors.

So two days ago, the county government brought up the transportation issue for discussion again. Their idea in Zhou County was to make a plan for highways, railways, water transportation, and even airports, and how much could be approved by them. As much as possible, strive for as much as possible. "

Having said this, Huang Shan looked at Chen Yang and asked, "Tell me, should we contribute to this matter, and if so, how much?"

When the development plan for Xijiang was formulated, there was no trace of the Rainbow Group. Their business scope only had two major projects, one was the Rainbow Fund, which specialized in making money, and the other was Damai Communications. As for Hengli and Anjia Real Estate, they were all Real small and micro enterprises,

In that case, it was naturally impossible to help, mainly because I couldn't help even if I tried.

But now the Rainbow Group is huge. If Xijiang County is focused on improving transportation and Jiangbei Province also supports it, it is still okay for the Rainbow Group to play the drums on the side.

After hearing Huang Shan's words, Chen Yang squinted his eyes and thought for a moment, then asked, "Did the report say how confident they are in Zhou County?"

Huang Shan shrugged and said, "As I said just now, they are trying to get as much as they can with their beards and eyebrows. How sure do you think they can be?"

"So, it's just a matter of doing your best and obeying fate,"

Chen Yang turned around and smiled, exhaled a long breath, thought for a while and asked, "Hengli Luqiao, what is the situation now?"

Huang Shan rolled her eyes slightly and immediately understood what Chen Yang was thinking, and said with a smile, "It's a good idea to transplant Hengli Road and Bridge Company's model of helping to finance the Mayflower project to build roads in Xijiang. I think it's feasible."

After a pause, she explained, "Hengli Road and Bridge has reached agreements with all fifty Mayflower project sites to advance funds to build county-level highways ranging from 100 kilometers to 300 kilometers.

In addition, Hengli has also contacted the ministries and commissions and is discussing the feasibility of building expressways in the western mountainous areas. If everything goes well, an expert team will rush to the western region after the Spring Festival to conduct on-site inspections around the Mayflower project site. "

Speaking of this, Huang Shan couldn't help laughing and said, "I heard from Lao Dai that although Hengli Road and Bridge has not even built a one-meter road, its reputation has already resounded throughout the industry.

There are not many companies that dare to build fifty highways in one go, even just county-level highways. However, a newcomer from Hengli dared to do so, and many people were waiting to see the joke. "

"Yeah, "

Chen Yang turned around, smiled, and said, "In this case, the more important it is to complete the project well and slap the faces of those who are waiting to see the joke."

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[Rebirth starts from zero six] []

"You can rest assured about this,"

Huang Shan smiled and said, "When Hengli was founded, you personally told Lao Dai to pay attention to quality issues. What's more, this is a Mayflower project. Even if Lao Dai can't take care of it, the people of Mayflower can't. Hengli will be allowed to build a tofu road for them."

Chen Yang nodded slowly, but changed his tone, "In the meeting just now, I forgot about Hengli and Luqiao Company. I didn't add Hengli to the Intelligent Research Institute. You can implement it later."

Huang Shan nodded, "Understood."

Just now, Boss Chen said that we should not only build “smart cars” but also “smart roads”. Now that we have cars, we now have roads, which is just right!

Chen Yang turned to look at Huang Shan and said with a smile, "Hengli Road and Bridge, Intelligent Research Institute, what do you think about adding the concept of 'intelligent highway' to Xijiang's transportation plan?"

Huang Shan rolled her eyes slightly, then clapped her hands, "The highway in Xijiang is stable!"

Sometimes things are just that simple. For an ordinary application, the probability of approval will be very low. But if a new concept is added, even if the ministry does not allocate funds, the project can probably be established.

Because this is not just a path, but also represents political achievements.

Chen Yang breathed out a sigh of relief and said with a smile, "The buildings near the water come first, so our first intelligent highway should be placed in Xijiang."

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