Rebirth Starts From Signing In

Chapter 103: Shelf testimonials

The new book has been published for two months, and finally it’s time to go on the shelves. Well, there’s not much to say. Thank you readers for your continued support. Some readers have been voting for recommendation. Although I did not post a thank you, I still feel that But I have always been very grateful, thank you for reading my book.

I am a newcomer. This is my first book. In fact, the urge to publish a book is because I read other people’s books and feel that I also want to write a story. It’s just for self-entertainment. There is no outline at the beginning. I wrote a lot of things, and then gradually some readers read my book. When I received the first recommendation ticket, I was very happy in my heart. I felt that my things have been recognized by others, and there is a kind of reality. Satisfaction in.

Later, as the number of words increased, more and more readers read it, and there were also regular readers who have been voting to support me. Although this book did not receive any recommendation, the collection still came to me when I first published the book. A number that I expected makes me feel that as a newcomer, this seems to be a good start? (laugh)

Back to the topic, after it’s on the shelves, the minimum guarantee will be twice a day. If the time is idle, there should be violent updates. Well, I don’t ask for monthly passes or the like. I don’t dare to expect it. If you subscribe, you can do whatever you want. Books can bring you some relaxation and happiness, and it is of course the best to be able to subscribe to a wave with a little finger.

In addition, I will not be an **** for this book, and I will give it an ending. Don't worry.

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