Rebirth Starts From Signing In

Chapter 104: like you

Zhou Qingshun was taken aback. He didn't expect the smiling college student in front of him to say so stubbornly. He still drank a beer steadily, so he went straight to the brandy?

Although brandy is a wine, the degree is not high, only 40 degrees, but at any rate it is also a strong wine, full of stamina, normal people can not bring a bottle to blow.

The boss is also a ruthless person. Without ink, he really went straight to four bottles of domestic brandy.

Zhou Qingshun narrowed his eyes and looked up and down at Li Hao again, and found that this handsome boy with a stubborn smile, a light cloud and a breezy expression, as if he had ordered four bottles of brandy. It's no different than ordering four bottles of Sprite.

Zhou Qingshun hesitated inwardly, thinking that he might have really encountered a hard stubbornness, but he took the initiative to provoke him again, and there was a group of people behind watching, so being bluffed by a college student made it even more difficult to swallow it. Tone.

Making a decision in his heart, he smiled and said, "Little brother, it's very cruel."

Li Hao shrugged, smiled and shook his head and said: "No way, I actually like to drink this kind of spirits, the taste is stronger, just laughed."

Zhou Qingshun snorted and nodded heavily: "Okay, it's up to you."

I don't believe you, a young college student, can drink heavily into the sea.

Li Hao handed over a bottle: "Let's get a bottle first. Of course, if I can't stand it in the end, I won't force it, so I can just drink it."

Zhou Qingshun picked up a bottle and drank it directly to his mouth. Gudong Gudong took a little and a half. He didn't feel it at first, but after a while, the potency contained in the brandy followed, and the irritating stomach contracted strongly.

Zhou Qingshun tolerated the strong feeling of vomiting, blushing with a thick neck, took a moment to glance at Li Hao, and found that he had also drunk a little, but his face was calm as if he was drinking water, except that his face was a little red. There is no other external reaction.

Zhou Qingshun instantly felt that he had fallen behind. The mentality of being unwilling to lose to a college student made him raise the bottle again and began to pour into his mouth again, and the irritated tears overflowed.

Seeing that Li Hao drinking foreign wine is the same as drinking water, Lai Guobin couldn't help but get worried, and said, "Mouse, take your time, this is brandy, with great stamina."

Lin Qingyao also pulled Li Hao's sleeves, and the beautiful Peach Blossom eyes were anxious and worried.

Li Hao waved his hand to indicate that they don't need to worry, because he had just exchanged a special item from the system after drinking the first sip of brandy: hangover mints.

【Hangover Mint】: Continue to quickly decompose alcohol within half an hour, making you invincible on the wine table. The side effects will make you go to the toilet a few more times. Price: 30 sign-in coins.

The effect of the hangover mint is really remarkable. In addition to feeling a little warm in his stomach, Li Hao's only swollen bladder and taste buds remind him that he is drinking more than 40 degrees brandy.

After a bottle, Li Hao's expression did not change at all. He even felt thirsty, so he poured a cup of tea to moisturize his mouth.

On the other side, Zhou Qingshun was holding his chest and was retching, tears and nose all flowed down, and there was a half of the wine bottle on the table.

Li Hao opened the second bottle of brandy, poured it into the glass in a very elegant posture, and said with a smile while squeezing lightly: "Brother Zhou, if it doesn't work, don't force yourself. Your body is the most important thing."

Although Zhou Qingshun was dizzy and swollen, he could see Li Hao’s bland expression clearly, and the other side’s pity tone made Zhou Qingshun uncomfortable like a blunt knife. Gouging his chest, he felt a blockage.

Under both physical and psychological stimulation, Zhou Qingshun immediately vomited with a "wow", squatting on the ground and coughing constantly, clutching his chest.

The companion who had been sitting not far away hurried over to help him. Zhou Qingshun succumbed to his breath, struggling to pick up the remaining wine to drink, but was stopped by his companion.

Zhou Qingshun's eyes reddened suddenly: "Let go of me, I still want to drink!"

"Brother Zhou, you are already drunk, let's go."

"I'm not drunk! You guys can't afford to sleep, so I'm drunk with one bottle?"

Li Hao took a sip of wine with his legs up and holding a wine glass, and smiled lightly: "Brother Zhou, forget it, I think you are no longer good, and it's not a competition, so let's do it, all the money for the wine counts as mine."

Zhou Qingshun exploded his hair all at once: "Who can't you tell me, you let me go, I will compare with him tonight! What a shame..."

Other companions bowed their heads and apologized to the three Li Hao: "I'm sorry, I'm bothering you."

After finishing talking, Zhou Qingshun, who was holding his footsteps vainly, returned to the table. As soon as he sat down, Zhou Qingshun, who was still cursing in his mouth, lay down on the table with a "bang".

Li Hao, who was still sitting elegantly at the theater, suddenly put down his glass and got up in a hurry.

Upon seeing this, Lai Guobin hurriedly asked: "Mouse, where are you going?"

"Go to the toilet, I'll have to blow up my bladder if you put it in."


After returning from the toilet, Li Hao felt a little hungry, so he picked up a few bunches of kidneys to eat, and ordered another plate of Pho.

He didn't dare to drink beer, and the effect of hangover mints still remained. Drinking alcohol would be the same as eating watermelon, running to the toilet every minute.

Lai Guobin looked at Zhou Qingshun, who was lying on the table not far away, and said in doubt: "Mouse, when did your drinking volume get so good? Drinking a bottle of brandy is like nothing else, thinking you are drinking Sprite."

Li Hao smiled faintly: "There is no him, but the liver is strong."

Lai Guobin gave a thumbs up: "Niu Bian, I can't learn, I can only drink beer."

Li Hao smiled and didn't speak. If there is no system, even if his alcohol volume is not bad, he can't drink brandy as water.

Still stained with the light of the son of luck.

The two continued to chat while eating. Lai Guobin complained about how strange his roommates were, how few girls in majors and classes were, how boring club student club activities were, and some miscellaneous gossip about the school.

In short, they are often talked about by freshmen. After a month of college life, almost every high school student will communicate with former classmates and friends about various things in the university.

Among them, there is not only the inner satisfaction when sharing new things, but also the anticipation of expecting to hear the feedback of others, and the inner need to hear others also share some new gossip.

After all, human beings are naturally gossip creatures.

"Mouse, I'm just talking about it, and you're also talking about your school. I don't know how you became the class leader."

Li Hao smiled slightly, shook his finger and said, "It's more than that now. I'm still the deputy head of the External Relations Department of the Humanities College."


Lai Guobin was surprised, "There is also such a thing as a freshman being elected as a deputy minister, are you pretending to be forced? I read less, don't blame me."

Li Hao took a sip of tea and said lightly: "As the saying goes, legends are created by using them to create, and there is no rule that a new student cannot be the president if he is dead. It is not always necessary to have a student council chairman.

Lai Guobin stared at Li Hao for a while, and suddenly sighed: "Oh, seeing your college life is so rich, how do I feel that I am wasting my years? I feel like a waste."

"No, don't say that."

Li Hao comforted: "You still have to work hard in everything, and only after looking at the final result can you determine whether it makes sense."

"After all, if you don't try hard, how do you know if you are a real waste?"

"...Fuck you."


Talking with Lai Guobin, Li Hao found that he had ignored Lin Qingyao, and when he glanced at her, she was still seriously eating supper.

Noting Li Hao's sight, Lin Qingyao pointed to the beer and said, "I want it."

Li Hao categorically refused: "No, you are light and heavy, how can I carry you back when I am drunk."

Lin Qingyao was upset now, and looked at Li Hao dissatisfied with his mouth pouting, and defended: "I am talent, not heavy!"

"Not heavy? Then tell me how many catties are you?"



Li Hao made an exaggerated expression: "It's almost three digits, and it's not too important. You know if this is a pork shop, it can be sold for a morning."

Hearing Li Hao compare himself with pork, Lin Qingyao's small face blushed, and suddenly picked up his chopsticks to poke Li Hao: "I am not heavy! You are the pig!"

Li Hao smiled and avoided, holding Lin Qingyao's wrist with his backhand, Lin Qingyao struggled a few times and didn't break free, suddenly he came up with his head and bit the back of Li Hao's hand with his teeth.

"Fuck! Are you a dog?"

"Let it go, it hurts!"

In fact, Lin Qingyao didn't use a lot of force. Li Hao called it painful to be completely playful, but Lin Qingyao believed it to be true. She immediately let go of her mouth and looked at the back of Li Hao's hand with tooth marks with some worry.

Li Hao took out a paper towel and wiped the saliva on the back of his hand, and exclaimed: "How can you bite someone suddenly? It's not a lady!"

Lin Qingyao flattened his mouth aggrievedly, and said softly: "You, call me heavy, and call me a pig."

"When did I say you are a pig? Are pork and pig the same concept?"


Lin Qingyao's answer was rare and powerful.

Li Hao said helplessly: "Well, I don't argue with a woman. I am short on time and have to contact the hospital for a rabies vaccine."

Lin Qingyao turned her head away from Li Hao dissatisfied.

Lai Guobin on the side rarely saw the two quarreling, and found it interesting. He licked peanuts and watched the show.

Li Hao scolded him and stood up and went to the toilet to solve his bladder urgency, and settled the bill by the way.

When I returned, I saw Lai Guobin panicking standing beside Lin Qingyao at a loss.

"What's wrong?"

Li Hao is very strange.

"Mouse, she...she's drinking!"

Lai Guobin pointed at Lin Qingyao, and then at the empty wine glass that was originally full of brandy.

Li Hao was taken aback, and hurriedly walked to Lin Qingyao's side, and found that her cheeks were red like apples, her eyes were blurred, and she was obviously unconscious.

Li Hao held up Lin Qingyao and yelled at Lai Guobin: "Why don't you and him look at her!"

Lai Guobin was a little aggrieved: "I just...I just looked at the phone, who knew that she suddenly took the glass of wine and drank it all in one breath, I couldn't respond."

"Okay, it's okay. If you say that these are useful for ass, you go to Beiting to open a room first, and I'll take her back."

Li Hao picked up Lin Qingyao that had already fallen asleep, and exhorted Lai Guobin.

"Oh...oh, slow down then."


The university town at night is quiet and gloomy. Noon has passed. Most college students have already fallen asleep. The streets are quiet and only the shadow of Li Hao reflected by the street lamps is long and short.

At this moment, Li Hao was enduring torture, because Lin Qingyao's hot sniffles lying on his shoulders were hitting his neck, itchy, looking at the sleeping beauty's bright red cheeks, there was an unspeakable impulse in his heart gradually.

Li Hao sighed, adjusted his mentality and posture, and continued to move forward, when he suddenly heard Lin Qingyao whispering.

He stopped and pricked his ears to listen for a while.

Lin Qingyao's voice was intermittent, but Li Hao was still able to put her words together.


"like you……"

The simple three words made Li Hao stay in place, like a clay sculpture and wood carving, without moving for a long time.


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