The new book is coming, but the new book is coming.


Su Qi typed a response.

"How many manuscripts do you have left?"

"About 50,000 words." Su Qi glanced at the document he was about to upload.

"Then you should update twice a day first, wait for the contract to be signed, and I'll see if I can recommend you. You uploaded too much, and the new book period is only a few days away."

Su Qi looked at Feng Shen's long paragraph, and didn't quite understand what the new book period was, and then he saw Feng Shen sent some precautions.

Su Qi read it once, and then he understood what Feng Shen said.

Then, Su Qi opened the author's backstage and was surprised to find that he had nearly 200 collections just one day after publishing a new book.

And the comment area was very lively.

"I heard that a newbie posted 200,000 words in one day, come and watch."

"This newbie is really terrifying, please give me another dozen!"

"Hehehe, 30 years in the west, 30 years in the east, don't bully the newbies!"


Excluding those who are playing with the book, there are also many people in the comment area who directly scold Su Qi for posting 200,000 words in one day because he doesn't understand.

After Su Qi closed the comments, he fell into deep thought. The advice given by editor Feng Shen to him must be for his own good, to slowly increase exposure and accumulate popularity, but this is not in line with his own ideas.

He wants to make quick money from online writing, just copy 4 books and quickly accumulate capital. Su Qi does not intend to go all the way on the road of online writing.

Therefore, it is impossible to slow down, even if it loses some of the early subscription income, he can't slow down.

Time, for him, is much more important than this subscription income!

Now that the decision has been made, the only thing left to consider is how to increase exposure and become famous quickly when you can't get full recommendations!

Thinking consumes a lot of brain cells and requires encouragement.

Su Qi had no choice but to ask his investor for help. The investor agreed very well and considerately. Su Qi rubbed his hand and fell into thinking.

Yu Qishu's feet were held, but his mouth didn't stop. He kept eating and gulped down the drink from time to time.

After Yu Qishu was full, Su Qi finally figured out how to increase exposure.

After accompanying Yu Qishu to the bathroom, Su Qi typed to Fengshen after returning.

"Fengshen, I don't want to update twice a day."

Seeing the QQ flashing, Fengshen, who hadn't gotten off work yet, rubbed his sore eyes, pushed his glasses and clicked it.

It was a message from the newbie he had just brought in. After taking a look, Fengshen was a little angry. He hated this kind of newcomer who didn't listen to his arrangements the most.

It was obviously for their own good, but they still insisted on their own way.

It was just that this newcomer was quite optimistic about it, so he decided to persuade him.

Before Feng Shen could type, the newbie sent another conversation.

"Feng Shen, you said I update a lot every day, can you give me a big recommendation?"

Feng Shen was so angry that he laughed. Did this newbie come to cheat for a recommendation?

Feng Shen shook his head and laughed, and replied: "You can update more every day, how much can you update every day."

Then Feng Shen picked up the Coke bottle with the bottom of the bottle left, took a sip, and was ready to persuade the newbie after drinking it and then go off work.

"The minimum daily update is 60,000 words, is that enough?"


The Coke sprayed on the computer screen, and Feng Shen didn't bother to wipe the screen with paper, and picked up the keyboard.

"Do you take me for a fool?"

Looking at the words Fengshen typed, Su Qi thought, I still counted too little, after all, he saw the precautions Fengshen sent, and knew that there should be more after the listing than before the listing.

"I'm not lying to you, I'm sure, and there will be more after the listing!"

Fengshen looked at the nickname he had marked with the Xiao Mengxin pen name, and fell into a stagnation.

Some doubts, and some trance of winning a big prize, if this is true, then he will have a good fortune.

No wonder he had to come up with such a pen name, this way of typing, how can the keyboard not smoke?

After thinking about it, Fengshen's eyes became firm, and he replied: "Okay, as long as you have this update speed, I will recommend you immediately after the contract is signed, a strong recommendation!"

Su Qi on this side, after receiving Fengshen's reply, gradually calmed down.

The first step of recommendation is considered to be done.

Then, it's up to him. Su Qi didn't put all his hopes on recommendations.

He has a complete set of trading techniques. Selling online articles is like selling houses. After choosing the idea of ​​high-profile promotion and price reduction to increase sales, the first step is to solve the promotion strategy - the problem of big recommendations. Then the next step is to use the help of customers (read


Make big events, make a market voice, attract customers (readers) attention, and grab customers (readers).

This set of techniques, he was familiar with when selling houses, and now selling online articles, is also easy to do.

Of course, the fundamental premise of doing everything is that Su Qi has a plug-in and has this typing speed, otherwise, all this can only be castles in the air.

Alas, I hope my colleagues are fine~

Su Qi apologized to his colleagues for what was about to happen~

Hearing no movement beside him, Su Qi turned his head and saw that Yu Qishu had fallen asleep in a daze. Su Qi picked up his coat and covered her.

After thinking about it, he took off his T-shirt and covered Yu Qishu's legs and feet. Su Qi has always been a person who cherishes food.

Turned his head and continued to type.

The next day, by eight o'clock, there were more than 100,000 words. Su Qi uploaded more than 60,000 words and thirty chapters, and continued to send the rest to QQ mailbox for storage.

After doing all this, Su Qi woke Yu Qishu up, and the two went out and found a printing shop.

After downloading the contract signature and copying the documents, Su Qi returned to the Internet cafe and gave them to Xie Xiaodong, asking Xie Xiaodong to go to the post office to deliver them to him in a hurry.

Then, as usual, after eating and sending Yu Qishu home, Su Qi went home and fell asleep.


On the commercial street, Xie Xiaodong came out of the Internet cafe and rode to the post office with the contract given by Su Qi.

Now Xie Xiaodong wanted to get into Fantasy Westward Journey 24 hours a day for Su Qi's arrangement.

In the past few days, he has contacted 7 or 8 good brothers and is building a small account on the full server. In addition to the usual double-catching ghosts, running darts and rings, and playing treasure maps, Xie Xiaodong and his team's task is to collect unidentified weapons.

This was arranged by Su Qi. Although he didn't understand why Su Qi asked him to collect unidentified weapons all over the world, he still did it obediently.

Since I am not smart enough, I have to listen to smart people. Su Qi is smart and his brother, why not listen to him? This is Xie Xiaodong's simple idea.

"Xie Xiaodong, Xie Xiaodong."

A few familiar shouts suddenly came from the roadside, and Xie Xiaodong stopped the car to look.

A large group of people, all of whom are classmates from his class.

Class monitor Qi Yun said to Xie Xiaodong: "Where are you going? Our class is having a party today. The group sent a notice, but only you and Su Qi didn't reply. Now I just happened to meet you, are you going?"

"I won't go." Xie Xiaodong smiled and refused: "I have something else to do, I'm going to run errands for Su Qi."

"Can you contact Su Qi?" Shen Mengnan in the crowd asked after hearing it.

Since meeting Su Qi and Yu Qishu that day, Shen Mengnan has been thinking about him, but she can't contact Su Qi because she doesn't have Su Qi's phone number, and Su Qi doesn't reply to her QQ.

At this time, hearing that Xie Xiaodong can contact Su Qi, her heart moved.

"Yes, he is surfing the Internet with me in the Internet cafe every day." Xie Xiaodong said.

"Tsk, he is not promising enough to hang out in the Internet cafe every day, Mengnan, why do you care about such a person?" Hao Yuanyuan said with some disdain.

She despised people who surf the Internet every day and did not do anything, and this person was the spineless Su Qi, which made her even more disgusted.

"Yes, Mengnan, the person was dumped by you, and he is probably healing by playing games in the Internet cafe, so don't provoke him anymore."

The speaker was Lin Mingjian, tall and handsome, with shiny hair gelled.

Speaking of which, he found Qi Yun and asked Qi Yun to set up this game. This rich second generation from another class also took great pains to pursue Shen Mengnan.

After listening to him, several boys next to him also echoed him, probably because Su Qi and Shen Mengnan broke up.

They had new ideas about Shen Mengnan, and naturally needed to belittle Su Qi in front of Goddess Shen.

As for Lin Mingjian, it is still unknown who will win, so let's first trample Su Qi, Shen Mengnan's ex-boyfriend, to death.

"What about Su Qi, is he still in the Internet cafe?" Shen Mengnan asked calmly.

She actually wanted Su Qi to see this scene, to let Su Qi know that it's not that no one pursued her, but she just didn't agree. She wanted Su Qi to know that if he admitted his mistake and came back, she would still consider getting back together.

"Not now, he just went home with Yu Qishu to sleep~"


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