Tiansheng Capital listed on the backdoor, there is no traditional IPO, but the listing must be financing.

The financing method of Tiansheng Capital is to issue new shares to specific targets, that is, these institutions present at the moment directly obtain Tiansheng Capital’s stocks, and then pay for it without going to the secondary market, so basically there are no retail investors. what happened.

When these big institutions learned that Tiansheng Capital was going to go public through the backdoor, they all rushed over to take over the planned share increase, especially Chaoyun Trust and Wanxiang Group, which had tasted the sweetness, and wanted to buy it.

Lu Ming and Wang Yue glanced at each other, then looked around the people present and said, "Tiansheng Capital's backdoor listing gave a valuation of 240 billion, with a total share capital of 80 million shares, and an estimated 35% of the float, of which 15 million shares will be added to Ladies and gentlemen, that means financing 45 billion yuan."

The year before the resumption of trading and listing, the tradable shares were lower than 35%, because Lu Ming said that the 35% of the tradable shares included 15 million private placement shares, and the private placement shares had a one-year lock-up period. That is to say, on the first day of resumption of trading and listing, the actual circulation of Tiansheng Holdings has started, and Lu Ming's own 55% equity will definitely not be sold, not even one share.

Wang Yue and the others were speechless for a while, and all looked at Lu Ming with a surprised expression on their faces.

Whether it is the amount raised or the market price of the resumption of trading, the two figures surprised everyone present.

"Good guy, 45 billion!" Lin Qiang exclaimed.

This figure is equivalent to being ranked among the top 10 IPOs in the entire history of Big A. No private company has raised funds of more than 40 billion yuan. Tiansheng Capital raised funds in this round of backdoor listing, which is second only to the number one in the universe. row (46.6 billion).

The major institutions present were all whispering to their own people at the moment, Lu Ming smiled and said, "45 billion should be enough."

Wang Yue said at this time, "Brother Lu, will the price of 3,000 yuan per share be too expensive? Don't you consider liquidity?"

For one target only, the "expensive" statement is only relative, that is, relative to some basic indicators, book value or cash flow, from an investment point of view, "expensive" should be synonymous with "overvalued", and "expensive" Cheap" should be synonymous with "undervalued".

Tiansheng Capital's price of 3,000 yuan per share is reasonable, or even undervalued, because Lu Ming's EPS per share is not less than 240 yuan, then the first-hand profit is as high as 24,000 yuan, in other words, Tiansheng Capital's valuation Only 12.5 times PE price-earnings ratio.

Facing Wang Yue's inquiry, Lu Ming smiled and said, "It's just because of liquidity that I set such a price. I actually want to share shares to 5,000 yuan, but I still have to take care of ordinary retail investors."

Hearing the last sentence, the representatives of these institutions present replied directly to Lu Ming in their hearts: I understand my brother, after the resumption of trading, our institution will raise the stock price to over 5,000 as soon as possible!

Retailers: ? ? ?

Institutions don't want retail investors to get on the bus.

As time passed by, more than a dozen institutional investors present began to match each other on how to divide up the 45 billion fixed shares.

Now they are all rushing to take over.

The money for the refinancing of the backdoor listing was unsurprisingly covered by more than a dozen institutions present. Among them, Wanxiang Group directly subscribed for 3.7 billion yuan, which is the largest institution in the subscription scale.

At present, the negotiated agreements are initial agreements, that is, everyone negotiated first, but they have no legal effect, and are more like gentlemen's agreements.

However, when all parties have negotiated, they will definitely not easily go back. This is a credit issue. Sometimes a gentleman's agreement is more effective than a formal agreement. After all, you are going to mix in this circle, and you will not make money after you mess around. Take you to play.

Tiansheng Capital's backdoor listing will not be until March next year at the earliest. This is already under the premise that everything goes smoothly.

Lu Ming introduced these big institutions in order to further speed up the listing. There are a large number of institutions from the Guo Jia team.

After meeting and negotiating with these institutions for more than two hours, all parties reached a preliminary consensus and left.

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It is also worth mentioning that the IPO fee is 6~8% of the total amount of funds raised, while the refinancing fee for backdoor listing is 2~4% of the raised funds. When the amount raised is large, the cost of backdoor listing is lower.

The price negotiated by Lu Ming and Cailian Securities and other three securities companies is 2.15%, and the cost of backdoor listing and refinancing is 967.5 million yuan, which is sponsored by Cailian Securities.


Less than twenty minutes after Wang Yue and others left, An Yirou entered his office.

"The call from the front desk said that someone who claimed to be your second uncle asked to see you on something important. Would you like to meet me?"

Second uncle?

Lu Ming was stunned for a moment, then nodded and smiled: "Most of the relatives have trouble finding the company, and they won't give up if they don't see it. By the way, by the way, go to the finance room to get 200,000 to 300,000 in cash, and more , go back and arrange to install a safe in my office, and always keep a million in cash."

The second uncle, who had no impression of this, suddenly popped out. In all likelihood, there was a problem, and there was no other reason. It was over when he was dismissed.

An Yirou couldn't help but smiled and said, "Listen to what you mean, there are quite a few relatives who are in trouble. Could it be that you will pay for this kind of thing in the future?"

Lu Ming shrugged and asked, "Or else?"

An Yirou said, "Aren't you afraid that these relatives will borrow it or not? Even if the relatives don't know, you're not afraid of being deceived?"

Lu Ming said with a smile: "Don't think about returning the money you borrowed. As for the next question, is it important to be deceived? Not caring about not exploring is a kind of condescending tolerance and a rational choice. It's just that This kind of rationality needs to pay a price, such as the price of ten or two hundred thousand, I am willing to pay the price for this kind of rationality... go."

The implication is that Lu Ming doesn't bother to tangle and explore deeply about such trivial matters. The energy expended on entangled exploration of this kind of thing is spent on work, and he has already earned back ten times the cost of hundreds of thousands. , it is not a cost-effective deal to entangle how to calculate, this is not the choice of a qualified capitalist.

There are not many relatives who are in trouble these days. Since they were listed on the rich list, they must be unable to hold back. In the future, there must be more than two uncles who are in trouble, and Lu Ming like the second uncle. Not surprisingly.

A few minutes later, An Yirou brought a man over fifty to the office. Lu Ming took a document bag handed over by his little girlfriend, which contained cash and banknotes.

The legendary second uncle saw Lu Ming, and he was having a short chat among the parents. The little girlfriend An Yirou was very interested in being a melon eater quietly.

However, the second uncle talked for a long time and Lu Ming couldn't remember some things about the original owner when he was a child. In the end, Lu Ming guided the chat content, and finally let the second uncle tell his difficulties in a euphemistic manner.

It turned out to be the problem of the second uncle's son marrying a daughter-in-law. He asked for a dowry of 200,000 yuan, and he basically had no money to build a new house in his hometown.

Without saying a word, Lu Ming readily gave the document containing the cash to the second uncle. He didn't know how much it was, but there must be 200,000.

Seeing that there was about 200,000 to 300,000 cash in it, the second uncle was very happy. After getting the money, he said a few words about paying back the money during the Chinese New Year, and then left happily.

Lu Ming would take the initiative to selectively forget about relatives lending money to his son to marry a daughter-in-law.

With only two people left in the office, An Yirou held her chin and looked at Lu Ming with a smile and said, "Your second uncle really seeks distance."

Lu Ming was very interested: "How do you say?"

An Yirou put on a serious face and said, "It's me~www.wuxiaspot.com~ directly tell the woman's family that my family has a relative of a billionaire, and the relationship is still very close, the woman's family will check Is that really the case, and still entangled in the dowry?"

"He's really clever, he's very clever." Lu Ming was stunned for a moment, and he couldn't help laughing and laughing, and then added: "But if the woman finds out that your family has such a wealthy relative, you must not be far behind, right? Backhand to mention 500,000 or more of the dowry? You underestimate the greed of human nature, and at the same time overestimate the vision of such people."

An Yirou was speechless for a while.

The fact that relatives came to talk about difficulties was just a trivial episode for Lu Ming, but anything that could be settled quickly with money would definitely not cost much effort and words.

The next days are still around the backdoor listing plan.


(Ps: 2 more alliance leaders have been killed, is this crazy? The reward, the first subscription and 1 update have not started, and now I have been unable to get out of the quagmire of monthly passes, and finally caught up and reached 2700. Monthly pass? I thought it would only be 15 chapters at most, but the monthly pass has not been redeemed yet. Ma De is finished, and the rhythm of breaking the warehouse and changing the warehouse...)

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