In the living room of the house, Lu Ming, Secretary Feng and other county leaders continued to talk.

Lu Ming: "Actually, robbing young people is a beggar-thy-neighbor policy, because the country's aging trend is accelerating, and there are fewer and fewer young people. If you rob young people from other places, it means that other places will decline. ."

Secretary Feng couldn't help but said: "The importance of talents is beyond doubt, but the problem is that robbing people costs money. Is it worth it? The total GDP of our county last year was less than 5 billion yuan. The extra cost may overwhelm fiscal spending, is it really worth it?"

Lu Ming said with a smile: "Of course it's a good deal. For example, there are 10,000 children born in our county, and the best 100 children are attracted by Ningzhou City. In fact, the main value of the entire 10,000 people is the most valuable thing. It has been lost, so the policy of robbing people is a relatively cruel means of competition, and the cost is borne by the hometown."

"For example, for the 100 children just mentioned, Qixian will take care of their growth and education, but if the child grows up and goes to Ningzhou City and will not come back, then after he grows up, his consumption, work, and creation will bring There is no doubt that the incoming cash flow, taxes, rising asset prices, etc. all contribute to the inflow of Ningzhou City. Therefore, Qixian must use firm policies to retain people and grab people from neighboring counties in order to develop. ."

At this time, Secretary Feng said: "The problem is that I rob young people in other places at a great price. In the future, I will be responsible for their medical security, pension, construction of a large number of public infrastructure service facilities, etc. Can you keep people? They will have children in the future, I will build schools, etc., which will be reflected in the public financial burden.”

Pay attention to the official account: Book Friends Base Camp will send cash and coins if you pay attention!

Secretary Feng added: "As for investment promotion, I only need to attract capital to land smoothly, and pay a good tax ratio with entrepreneurs. Although the policy is preferential to the enterprise, the fiscal tax is increased."

Several other leaders present couldn't help but nodded, no matter how they looked at it, it was more cost-effective to grab capital than talent.

An Yirou filled the empty cups of several leaders with tea, then sat next to Lu Ming like a good student, listening quietly, studying and thinking.

Hearing what Secretary Feng said, Lu Ming smiled: "How do you say it, all localities want to increase leverage and want to issue bonds to promote economic development and maintain public budget expenditures. To push the repayment to five years, ten years or more in the future is to use the income and cash flow now and repay the price in the future.”

"Secretary Feng and other leaders, have you thought about it, if you bring young people from other places, will the young people get sick? Will they go to the hospital if they catch a cold? It's fine to carry them a little, so young people from other places are If he settles down in the local area, from a probability perspective, he will spend very little of the local medical insurance and social security in the next 30 years, and the expenditure on old-age security is also in the future tense, which will happen in the next few decades.”

"However, a young man wants to consume immediately from the first day he arrives in Qixian County, right? He wants to work? He took his girlfriend to watch a movie, and the cash flow of the big screen increased, so he went to have a meal in the local area. Therefore, the more young people who come in, the more local asset prices and cash flow will increase, and using these increased values ​​to refinance in the financial market will get more cash flow.”

Several county leaders couldn't figure it out for a while, but now they are suddenly enlightened,

Secretary Feng was refreshed on the spot, and quickly said, "Comrade Lu Ming, given the current situation in Qixian County, how can local young people stay and even attract young people from other places to flow in? Do you have any suggestions? But it doesn't matter!"

No wonder it makes sense to be able to become a super rich in the order of tens of billions.

Now the other county leaders became more attentive. At first, they felt that Lu Ming was just talking to fool them, and felt a little disappointed. After such a simple deconstruction, he immediately realized that the advantage of robbing talents is visible to the naked eye. It can be seen that the understanding of the leading cadres is still very fast, but it is only a short while that they have not figured it out.

Now that I realize it, I will focus directly on the point on the spot.

After a while, Lu Ming said in a deep voice, "I think that Qixian's general policy of attracting talents should revolve around 'the inhabitants have their own houses, the tillers have their own land, the sick have their doctors, the diligent ones have their jobs, and laborers have their own jobs. Those who have their own gains, those who are few have their own learning, those who are weak have their own help, those who are old have their own support, those who are businessmen have their own benefits, those who are capable have their own usefulness, and those who are scholars have their own way. It's over...people-oriented!"

Secretary Feng and others nodded, and Lu Ming added: "Specifically, it is necessary to adapt measures to local conditions as well as make the best use of the situation. Qixian's own resources are not outstanding, agriculture is the mainstay, and industry and commerce are not developed, but the economy must develop. It is the prosperity of industry and commerce that you can provide employment.”

Lu Ming took a sip of tea to moisten his throat and continued: "Qi County can consider such a strategy, that is, for any young person, no matter whether he graduated from college or junior high school, or did not graduate from primary school, as long as he is a young man, he can go to Qi County. When the county comes to buy a house, the down payment for a house of 400,000 yuan is 150,000 yuan, of which 50,000 yuan is the down payment for you.”

"It looks very generous on paper, but in fact, in order to buy your 400,000 house, Lujia Village, Lijia Village, Zhangjia Village and other young people and even the rural parents of young people from other places have saved more than 100,000 yuan for most of their lives. The money was taken out of the money to build a house in the village, and the 400,000 yuan was saved in debt for ten or twenty years to buy a house in Qixian County.”

"About 60% of the 400,000 will pass through land auctions, and the tax revenue from various links will eventually flow into the local finances, so about 240,000 of the 40 × 60% will become local, but it's just a discount of 50,000 yuan. , still make a net profit of 190,000, and if it attracts 100,000 young people, theoretically, there will be a cash flow of 19 billion yuan."

"This is just on the house. Does he still have all kinds of consumption? Start a business? Take a loan? It will bring more cash flow, and if you refinance in the financial market, the cash flow will be even more."

Secretary Feng and the others called out the good guy, this account is so simple, why didn't you think of it?

"If the land is saved, the people will be lost. If the land is saved, the people and the land will be saved. This kind of war concept is not an invisible war in economic development." Secretary Feng was filled with emotion.

At this time, another county leader said: "Isn't this strategy of robbing people encourage vicious competition between localities?"

Lu Ming couldn't help but ask back: "This problem didn't start here, didn't it exist before?"

Secretary Feng and others looked at each other in Immediately looked at Lu Mingjing and waited for the following.

Lu Ming immediately asked himself and answered himself: "Isn't it just a matter of robbing capital? You give three deductions and two exemptions, he gives free land, you give tax incentives, he gives water and electricity discounts, you can simply Call him directly at the top office, if you have something to do, give you the green light all the way."

Secretary Feng and others were dumbfounded for a while, but they were speechless, because that was the truth.

Lu Ming added: "My proposal does not change the original competition pattern, but it changes the way and focus of competition, transforming the funds originally used to subsidize capital and exports to subsidize local young people, some kind of competition. In a sense, the pattern has been raised a little bit, that is, the general strategy of putting people first."

At the end, Secretary Feng laughed and said: "Comrade Lu Ming's remarks are really good words, it is a worthwhile trip, a worthwhile trip!"


(Ps: At present, the judgment is correct. You can only show a one-day parade. In the end, the winner will be the dealer. The debt owed is constantly being reduced, hohoho~~)

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